Hearing Geoffrey's words, Cyril woke up with a thrill.

If the title of director is abolished, it means that he is completely abandoned by Jeffrey and excluded from the list of successors.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

The eyes fall on those who flatter him on weekdays, but it is hard to hide disappointment and disgust on their faces, and their mood sinks to the bottom.

Cyril slightly embarrassed smile, and then said: "sorry, I am impulsive, it seems that everyone quite agree with Gloria, as his uncle, I am happy about this, also hope that she can be a good director of the chamber of Commerce, to make more contributions to the chamber of Commerce."

There was no positive response to Cyril's beautiful words. Instead, there was a bang in the banquet hall.

Gloria looked at Cyril with a smile and said, "thank you, uncle Cyril, for clearing up your misunderstanding of me. I hope you can join me in helping the children."

"I... I will donate one million copper coins to that foundation today for the construction of the school building." Cyril looked as if she had eaten shit, but nodded her head.

Gloria continued to smile and said, "I'd like to thank you for those children. Later, I can ask Mars to help you with the donation. He is the person responsible for the connection between Dai LAN and the foundation. He is familiar with this aspect. You just need to give him the invoice, and he can help you with it."

"Good." Cyril nodded in the dark, then turned and trotted off the stage.

Today is a great shame for him. He has lost his wife and lost his army. The problem he has to consider now is not how to get Gloria out, but how to recover his position in Jeffrey's heart.

Gloria was not in a hurry to step down, nor was she too excited because she won the vote. She sincerely said, "thank you for your vote. I am surprised and frightened to accept the result. However, taking advantage of the opportunity of the year-end meeting, I would like to appeal to the children who have not yet been able to go to school:

The students of chaos School Park are going to have a holiday soon, which means that a new semester will come soon. Now there are at least 50000 school-age children in chaos city who can't go to school. However, the funds currently raised by the foundation and the expanded school buildings of chaos School Park can only accommodate 5000 new students, and there is still a huge teacher gap.

Those who can't go to school, unless they have talent, most of them can only do the most basic physical work because they don't study, which is unfair to them.

If the members of Aden chamber of commerce present are willing to provide some assistance to these children, you can directly find teacher Luna or come to me. I hope we can do our part to let more children enter school like your children, acquire knowledge and change their destiny. "

In the banquet hall, there was prolonged applause, people talked in low voice, and there was something new about the donation.

"Thank you." Gloria bowed to the crowd and walked gracefully down the stage.

Soon a businessman came forward to communicate with her. Mars followed Gloria with a book and pen in his hand, and wrote down a name and a sum of money in the book from time to time.

"People like this who clamour for children's education have not yet appeared in our empire." The count of Abraham sat in the VIP seat and sighed at Gloria.

"My father once said that ordinary people don't need to be too smart. If they are too smart, it's hard to manage them, and those who are smart are even more troublesome." Vanessa whispered, pausing for a moment, then added, "I don't think that's quite right."

Abraham nodded with a smile and said, "those guys who think they are smart kill a lot from time to time, and then they are just clowns. But I don't think it's a bad thing to make more people smart. The real smart people are civilized, know the law and observe the etiquette. On the contrary, they will spontaneously maintain order, just like most people in the chaotic city. "

"Know the law and keep the ceremony." After a while, Vanessa looked at Abraham and asked, "Uncle Abraham, why don't you suggest to your father that he correct it?"

"Your Majesty naturally has his Majesty's idea. Perhaps what he thinks is right." Abraham shook his head with a smile, picked up a piece of exquisite cake and fed it to his mouth. He chewed and said, "I like to eat, drink and play. I'm just talking nonsense about other things. Who would believe me?"

"Can't brother Sean and brother Joshua?" Asked Vanessa.

"Sean is more like your father, and Joe is more interested in magic than in education. They also like people who are not very smart and obedient." Abraham said with a smile, "you know, it's more tiring to deal with wise people than with stupid people."

Vanessa looked at Abraham and said with a determined smile, "I believe, I believe what uncle Abraham said. The civilized Empire built by intelligent people is the future of the Los empire."

After a pause in his chewing, Abraham looked up at Vanessa with a little surprise. But he soon threw half of the cake into his mouth and said with a relaxed smile, "you can say that in the city of chaos. Don't talk nonsense when you go back to Loto, especially with your majesty, Otherwise, he will say, "I brought you to the city of chaos to teach you bad."

"My father said that women can't talk about politics, and I'm not interested in politics, but I think it's good for children to study. After returning to Luodu, I decided to set up a school so that more ordinary children can study." Said Vanessa with a smile.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Abraham nodded and said, "I think it's very good. If you want to run a school, I'll support you. I'll give you land, money and build as big a school as you want."

"Uncle, do you want to go back to school with me?"

"That's not true. I'm going to steal the limelight from you." Abraham waved his hand with a smile. "I'd better stay in the city of chaos, eat hot pot and make a living."

"Uncle, you are going too far." Vanessa looked at Abraham with some bitterness, and her enthusiasm for returning home to contribute to the cause of education was extinguished in an instant.

"Cough, you see, I'm old now. How can I run back and forth as an old man?" Said Abraham, with a straight face.


McGonagall was invited to Michael's box, where he was alone.

Michael looked at McGonagall coming in and said with a smile, "boss McGonagall, I'll let you know one thing. If there's no accident, the messengers of the Falk tribe will arrive in the city of chaos tomorrow to invite you to the twilight forest to cook for Gary's coronation dinner."

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