"Did you hear that boss Mai of Maimi's restaurant will have a culinary duel with the unbeaten Kitchen God ha Switzerland tomorrow noon?"

"Really? But who is the invincible chef? It sounds like a name. "

"Nonsense, it represents the top level of chefs in the mainland today. Tomorrow will definitely be a very wonderful duel!"

"Why don't you go to see it tomorrow?"

The news of the duel soon spread out, causing a lot of repercussions in the food circle.

Ha Switzerland has been famous for a long time and is quite legendary.

McGonagall, on the other hand, is a new rising power. In just half a year, it has made a great reputation in the city of chaos and the continent of Nolan.

The duel between the two represents the peak of the duel between the new and old generations of chefs, which naturally attracts people's attention.

The guests of Maimi restaurant are also talking about it, and they are very excited about the upcoming duel.

McGonagall is very calm about this. It's better to be normal when it comes to this kind of thing.

If the other side is not worthy of the name of the chicken, then casually do a fried rice can also win, if the other side is really a master, it is really a little interesting.

Undeniably, there are still some great chefs in the world.

But so far, McGonagall has not met any real experts, which makes him feel a little lonely.

On the way to the kitchen god, if there is no one or two parallel opponents, isn't it boring?

"Boss, if you don't turn it over, the kebab may be burnt." At this time, abelmia reminded.

"Oh..." McGonagall was embarrassed, looking at the roast beef kebab whose surface color had changed from golden yellow to burnt black, and quickly turned over the 100 or so pieces of Beef Kebabs in his hand.

At the end of the night, the girls said goodbye.

Because they couldn't find any chance to catch criminals last night, they gave up the idea of going to the north of the city to keep vigil and left it to other gentlemen.

Amy was tired of playing today. Before the business was over, she fell asleep and was carried upstairs by Elena. Anna also went upstairs.

MEG and Gina do a simple finishing job, put down the curtains of the French windows and lock the door of the restaurant.

"Gina, it's hard. You should go to wash and rest early." MEG looked at Gina and said with a smile.

"Well..." Gina answered, but she didn't rush upstairs. Looking at MEG, her face turned slightly red and she wanted to say nothing.

McGonagall asked with a smile, "what's the matter? Is there anything you want to say to me? "

"I think... I think..." Gina's face is getting redder and her voice is getting smaller and smaller. "I want to ask Mr. McGonagall to sleep with me."


McGonagall raised his eyebrows and looked at Gina strangely. In the dead of night, the mermaid made such an invitation to him

"I've been having nightmares these nights, dreaming that a pair of terrible eyes are staring at me, as if they are going to eat me..." Gina's expression is a little scared, even her voice is a little trembling, her eyes are full of tears, she looks at MEG and pleads: "so, can you sleep with me for a while? Even if it's just for a while... I'm afraid to go to bed alone, whimpering. "

So the girl had a nightmare.

McGonagall was relieved, but somehow a little lost. What's wrong?

But looking at Gina's pitiful appearance, McGonagall couldn't bear to refuse. But when he thought of Elena, who lives next door, he didn't dare to sleep with her, even if he borrowed his courage.

"That's true. Maybe it's because I'm working too hard these days that I have nightmares at night. I'll tell you a bedtime story later. I'll leave when you fall asleep." McGonagall came up with an expedient. People can read the script. Is it OK to tell a story?

"Well, thank you, Mr. McGonagall." Gina nodded her head and gave MEG a twining hug.

"All right, let's go upstairs." McGonagall managed to get Gina off her body like an octopus. She said helplessly.

Upstairs, MEG took a look at the direction of the master bedroom. The door was closed. Irina and the two children seemed to have fallen asleep.

MEG was a little relieved, but on second thought something was wrong.

He didn't do anything. Why does he feel like doing something secretly?

"Shall we go to bed now?" Gina pulled MEG by the corner of his coat. Because she was nervous, she was close to Meg, and a ball of softness stuck to Meg's arm.

"Take a shower first." McGonagall's subconscious connection.

Why? What seems to be wrong?

"No, we're not going to sleep. You're going to sleep. I'll stay with you for a while. When you fall asleep, I'll leave." McGonagall solemnly repeated, withdrawing his arm slightly to avoid embarrassment.

"Yes, yes." Gina nodded and took MEG back to her room.

Most of the water blue room is occupied by the huge water tank.

"When did you plant the plants and raise the fish?" MEG looked at the seaweed floating in the water tank and some colorful fish swimming. He couldn't help but wonder that he hadn't been in Gina's room for some time. He didn't expect that she had transformed the water tank into a large landscape fish tank.

"When they come to get the mud shell, I ask them to bring it for me, so it looks more like home." Said Gina.

McGonagall looked back and saw that Gina had untied the buttons of her sailor's coat. She was taking off her stockings and said goodbye. The girl didn't pay attention at all.

Just as Meg was pondering her vocabulary to remind her that she couldn't change her clothes in front of a man outside the sea, there was a pop in the water.

As soon as Meg looked up, she saw a mermaid swimming freely in the water tank. Dozens of colorful small sea fish surrounded her, just like an aquarium performance.

"Bo ~"

Jina swam to the water tank, put her head out of the water, threw her long golden red hair back, and gave MEG a bright smile. "Mr. McGonagall, would you like to come in and play together?"

"No, no, no, that's fine." McGonagall looked at Gina in dead water and waved her hand. Who can stand it? If you go in, you'll make a mistake.

"What's a story to tell you..." MEG looked at Gina, thought for a while, and said, "I'll tell you a story about a mermaid."

"My story?"

"No, it's the mermaid story."


"It's people on the top and fish on the bottom... Yes, it's your breed, but it's not you."

"Oh." Gina put her head on the edge of the tank, her tail swaying slightly in the water, looking at MEG expectantly.

"Deep, deep under the sea..." McGonagall's voice was low and magnetic, and he began to slow down the story of the mermaid in another world.

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