"Prince... Prince McGonagall... Please don't leave me..."

McGonagall looked at Gina whispering in her sleep, some helplessly pulled the corner of her mouth, turned off the light, walked towards the door, opened the door, then on a smiling face.

"Do you mean you just told a story and didn't do anything?" Irina asked, looking at MEG with a smile.

McGonagall was startled, but he tried to keep calm, closed the door behind him with a smile, and said: "Gina said that she has been having nightmares for several days recently and dare not go to bed. In line with the attitude of caring for employees, I told her a bedtime story. We really didn't do anything."

"Oh, you dare not do anything." Irina snorted.

McGonagall left a cold sweat on his forehead. Although this is true, as a man, how can he easily accept advice at such a time? He said with a smile: "you know, I'm not small hearted."

"Is it?" Irina suddenly reached out and pressed on the door frame beside him, directly knocked him on the door, looked at him with a smile and said, "dare you move?"

McGonagall was half a head taller than Irina, so although she was knocked by the wall, her momentum was not completely suppressed. She reached out and grabbed her wrist, then put one hand around her waist, turned around slightly, pressed her on the wall, and asked, "why don't you dare?"

Irina was pressed on the wall by MEG, her body almost stuck together, the warm breath gently sprayed on her face, bringing a strange feeling, and her face suddenly rose crimson.

McGonagall noticed that Elena was strange, and he also found that he seemed to be floating. He even dared to beat Elena against the wall. If she picked up a bench, he would die on the spot. He quickly released her hand, stepped back two steps, coughed, and said awkwardly, "what... Are they asleep, Xiaomi?"

"Well, I fell asleep a long time ago." Irina nodded.

"Then you should have a rest early, and I'll draw some pictures." McGonagall said. Then he turned and walked to one side of the study. After entering, he closed the door.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Irina looked at the closed study door, stamped her feet, snorted, and turned into the room.

"Hoo - fortunately I'm smart." McGonagall leaned against the door, relieved, feeling a second later that he was about to be hit in the head by the folding stool.

After making a pot of tea for himself, MEG comes to his desk. The plan of the factory has not been finished yet. Now he has to write a business plan about cooperation with Gloria. It seems that tonight is another sleepless night.

Fortunately, McGonagall knew all these things in his mind. It took time, but there was no problem with the rest.

I bought a computer and drawing tools from the system. The efficiency of drawing and typing is improved a lot. I should be able to finish everything tonight.

In the middle of the night, MEG went to the bathroom and came out of the study. He noticed that Gina's room was hidden, as if it had been opened.

"Why?" McGonagall was a little surprised. When he just went out, he closed the door. Did someone go in?

MEG tiptoed to Gina's room without making a sound. After listening for a while, there was no special movement in the room. After hesitating for a while, MEG gently pushed the door open.

The light in the corridor fell into the room along the open door. At the end of the light, it just fell on a round thing.

MEG was scared. Take a closer look, eh? Isn't this the ugly duckling!

The orange ugly duckling squatted in front of the fish tank, staring at the direction of the fish tank, with a slight grunt in his throat.

In the fish tank, Gina shrank in the innermost corner, closed her eyes, shivering, as if she was having a nightmare.

McGonagall couldn't help laughing at the scene.

All right, it's solved.

The so-called terrible eyes do exist, but not from the deep sea, but from the diet of the ugly duckling.

The hungry green eyes, blinking in the dark, were really a little scary.

It's strange for a fish to have no nightmares when it's staring at by a cat when it's sleeping.

"Ugly duckling, don't think about Gina and her little fish." MEG went into the door, picked up the ugly duckling, looked at Gina, who was still shaking slightly, thought for a moment, went back to the room, picked up a player, ordered a soothing piano music, and put it beside the fish tank.

The gentle sound of the piano calmed Gina's fear.

McGonagall watched as Gina relaxed and walked out of the room.

"Meow ~" the duckling squatted outside the door, looked at MEG and Gina's room, and began to purr.

"Let's go. I'll make you something to eat. Don't run to Gina's room any more. It'll make people have nightmares." McGonagall went downstairs with some helplessness.


The ugly duckling excitedly followed McGonagall's steps and rushed downstairs. Because the speed was too fast, he stepped on the air and rolled down the stairs roundly.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling put his chin on the ground, looked up at MEG, and cried a little wrongly.

"You should lose weight." McGonagall looked down at the ugly duckling, who was almost a beer, and couldn't help laughing.

Although the ugly duckling has not grown very big, and the cat is relatively long, compared with the kitten of this age, the body size is a little too mellow.

McGonagall went into the kitchen, fished a crayfish from the water tank, cooked it directly with water, then helped him remove all the shells, and put a large bowl full of prawn meat in front of the ugly duckling.

"Meow, Gulu, Gulu," said the ugly duckling, as he ate, his mouth purred in a happy mood.

McGonagall watched as hunger began to surge in. Thinking that he had to work in the middle of the night, he made himself a Yangzhou fried rice for supper.

The duckling ate a whole shrimp by himself and rolled contentedly at McGonagall's feet, revealing his belly, as if inviting McGonagall to touch him.

"I'm going to work. I don't have time to play with you." MEG ate the last mouthful of fried rice on his plate, washed the dishes, and went upstairs to paint.


The next morning, Gina got up and ran downstairs for the first time. Looking at MEG who was making breakfast in the kitchen, she was a little excited and said, "Mr. McGonagall, I dreamt about you last night. Those terrible eyes appeared again. Just when I was driven to the end, you also appeared. You drove away the terrible monster and saved me."

"Er..." MEG looked at Gina and didn't know how to explain that the terrible monster was the ugly duckling.

"Are you... Are you my destiny prince?" Gina looks at MEG affectionately.

"Generally speaking, the dream is opposite. He may not be your prince, but the monster." Irina didn't know when to appear behind Gina and said with a smile.

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