"Fool, children can't drink. When you smell this soup, you can cook it directly with wine. It's not good to drink. Come on, I'll share it with you."

"Xiao Pang, don't eat any more. Look at your stomach. It's almost catching up with the pot behind you. Master helped you drink this soup. Master, it's for your own good."

"Slowly, you say it takes you so long to blow the soup. If you finish this bowl of soup, you will lose half an hour of your life. Let me bear the rest of the soup for you. Anyway, I have enjoyed everything. It doesn't matter if I waste my life."

Ha Swiss swam among his disciples and cheated several bowls of Buddha to jump over the wall.

People who have already begun to line up look red, and their heads are covered with dense white fog. For a long time, the originally bald head has grown a thin layer of short hair, and their expressions are all a little strange.

This master, how is it different from what I imagined?

"Shifu, you seem to be drinking a little too much." The little apprentice, Verne, whispered.

"You children don't understand, that's what you want." Ha Switzerland, however, didn't like it. He reached out and touched his head, with a happy smile on his face. After many years, he was able to regain his soft hair and return to the role of chefs.

"It took a lot of time and we need to get ready." McGonagall went back to the dining room, closed the door, and without time to share the joy of winning, walked quickly to the kitchen and said.

"I'll be ready soon." Phyllis trotted to the kitchen, pulled off her apron, tied it, cleaned her hands, and threw herself into the food preparation.

"I can help grind tofu." Anna said she had learned to operate the bean grinder.

People are also involved in the work, for the restaurant, it is a very important thing to start business on time.

"By the way, Mia, you find the enlarged menu and stand it at the door of the restaurant again." Meg said back.

"All right." Mia found the folded vertical menu of more than one person from behind the counter. She opened the door, stood at the door and said with a smile, "this is the menu of the restaurant. The first time guests can get to know it first. It will be more convenient to order later."

Then he went back to the restaurant.

Behind her, there was a commotion.

"The dishes on this menu are so expensive! Hundreds and thousands of dishes

"Buddha jumps over the wall - 10000 yuan a share!"

"Well... Well, the team is too long. I heard that there is a fish house over there. Why don't we try it there?"

"Well, I don't want to wait too long for a meal."

This menu to the door, in addition to causing a commotion, but also played a good effect of persuasion.

At the same time, it also avoids the embarrassing situation of Yixi guests queuing for hours, looking at the menu at the restaurant but trying to leave.

"The Buddha jumped over the wall to sell 10000 copper coins. The grand master is really lavish."

"Ten thousand copper coins are not enough to measure the value of such delicacies."

"I took a sip, and the rest was drunk by master..."

"Woo - I haven't started drinking yet."

Ha Switzerland's apprentices looked at the menu, and they were also surprised.

They traveled to the mainland, followed their master, met many famous chefs and visited their restaurants.

It's not that they haven't seen expensive menus, but it's the first time that they've seen soup selling 10000 copper coins, and they've drunk it.

"It's a panacea, not to mention 10000 copper coins, even if it's a bowl of 100000 or million copper coins, it's worth it!" Ha Switzerland took the towel from chebman and wiped his wet head. He said with emotion that although he was old enough to worship a master, his hair grew again. He was not as happy as today for many years.

At noon, as always, there was a long line in the Maimi restaurant. Some late comers, looking at the last row standing in the line, could only leave with a sigh.

"There are so many people today." Amy let go of Crassus' little hand and ran towards the door of the restaurant. She looked at the audience who had not left. After thinking about it, she suddenly stopped and looked at them curiously. She asked: "I heard that a little fool is going to challenge his father today. Has he been beaten away by his father?"

"What a lovely half elf girl, is she the daughter of the restaurant owner?" Many people look at Amy with bright eyes.

"Yes, this is the treasure of our town shop, the little boss, the invincible Meng Bao, Miss Amy." Harrison nodded back.

"It's so cute and cute. I want to steal it." A strange uncle held his heart and said.

"You can try, but I have to remind you that the old man over there with half a beard, Krasu, the God of fire, is the master of the little boss; If you look at the magic potion shop over there, it's opened by Julian, the Lord of frost, and it's also the master of the little boss. " Harrison said with a smile.

"Cough... I'm just joking. I can't be true. I can't be true."

Everyone was amused by Amy's words, but their eyes fell on HA Switzerland. The little fool in her mouth was ha Switzerland.

"Oh, Hello, what a lovely elf! It must be royal blood at least to produce such a beautiful elf?" He was called a little fool by a cute little guy, but he didn't mean to blush at all. He looked at Amy with a smile and said, "little girl, I think your skeleton is strange. It's a good material to be a cook. I have..."

"Go away, this is my apprentice." Krasu raised his leg and kicked ha Switzerland's buttocks. He didn't have a good way: "Ha Switzerland, you are good at it. Even my apprentice dares to covet it."

"Ouch!" Ha Switzerland jumped for a moment, looked at Krasu, and said with surprise and joy: "Krasu, old man! Why are you here? "

"My apprentice is here. I'm not here. Where is it?" Crassus said.

"Is this beautiful elf your apprentice?" Ha Swiss was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he said, "now I'm her father's apprentice, and you're her father's daughter's master. So what should I call you?"

Krasu thought about it seriously, and then said, "get out of here."

"Oh, you are the little fool who came to challenge your father." Amy suddenly looks at Harvey.

"Little girl, we are the same generation now. You can call me little ha Switzerland." Ha, Switzerland said with a smile.

"No, you will lower the average face value of our children." Amy shook her head seriously, thought about it, and said, "maybe you can call it old Harry with long hair."

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