"Er..." Ha Switzerland's breathing, looking at a serious face of Amy, I don't know what expression to use.

He just grew his hair again and was preparing for the second spring of his life. Unexpectedly, he encountered such a crisis in the twinkling of an eye.

But looking at the little guy, he couldn't get angry. When he thought about it seriously, he felt a little bit aggrieved.

"Pooh - it's a bit cute."

"Hahaha, what a lovely nickname. This little boss is cute."

The guests at the door couldn't help laughing at Amy.

"This little guy is really cute." Hill also looked at Amy with a smile. When he came to the restaurant several times before, he only occasionally saw the little girl, who was very cute and interesting.

"But who would her mother be? Her mother must be a very beautiful elf to give birth to such a beautiful elf? " Hill is a little curious in the mind, the brain can not help but jump out of a few preselection elves.

First of all, Princess Elena was excluded. Although she was also very beautiful, she was Alex's official match after all. It was obviously impossible for her to be with MEG.

As for the others, she also excluded them one by one. For a while, there were no suitable candidates.

"Bye, old Harry with long hair. I'll go first." Amy smiles, waves her little hand to hazel, reaches out and knocks on the door. Then she shouts. The door of the dining room opens quickly and lets her in.

After a while, she moved out a small bench with a hot Jiaohua chicken leg in her hand. She sat down on the steps and raised the golden skin of the chicken leg in her hand. She said with a smile, "I have chicken legs to eat."


Then she opened her mouth and bit the drumsticks. A happy smile suddenly appeared on her small face. She sat on a small bench and swayed slightly, as if eating the most delicious food in the world.

"Gudu ~"

There was a sound of swallowing in the team.

People's expression, helpless in a trace of desolation, in the duel has been devastated, did not expect to be in line when this blow.

"I'm too hard..." Harrison felt his stomach and said with a worried face.

Many guests nodded deeply.

Although watching the little boss eat is a very appetizing thing, for the empty stomach guests at that time, it was simply abusing them.

"Meow ~"

The ugly duckling stretched out a little pink paw and gently put it on Amy's leg, looking at her with expectant eyes.

Amy looked down at the duckling, thought for a while, reached out and tore off a small piece of chicken to feed it, and said, "OK, here's a small piece. It's lunch today."

The ugly duckling, who had happily taken over the chicken, was stunned and looked up at Amy. Her pupils were gradually dilated. Are you the devil?

"Diet, it's all like this, darling." Amy said with a smile, and then continued to nibble at the drumsticks.

Originally, some envious guests all looked at the ugly duckling pitifully, but the kitten didn't look very big. It was really fat, and it was almost round into an orange ball.

Lunch became a fraternity for the elderly of Krasu, harshwitz and Geoffrey.

McGonagall didn't have any opinions about it. Anyway, someone gave money and didn't violate the rules.

Sea food and poultry make complaints about pork lungs in chili sauce.

"Husband and wife lung tablets are still being debugged and will be officially launched at an appropriate time." McGonagall went back to his own way. As for the Buddha jumping over the wall, it was only for him at night.

At the end of the business day, MEG went to the door and was about to close the door when he saw Hazzard and his disciples standing outside.

"What are you doing?" McGonagall walked out of the door and looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't respect my teacher. I just saw that my master was busy, so I didn't come to the kitchen to say goodbye to you." Ha, Switzerland said with a smile.

"It's just a joke. Ha, master Swiss, you don't have to take it seriously. In terms of cooking, you are much better than me. In terms of seniority, you are even more senior. I can't afford to call you master." McGonagall quickly waved his hand and said that he still had some ACD in his heart. It's no different to teach him how to cook in Switzerland.

"That's not true. If you win, you should be my master." Ha Swiss shook his head, looked at McGonagall's expression and said seriously: "although there are different priorities in cooking, every chef has his own cuisine. It's not that I've been cooking for a long time and I'm better than other chefs. That's not right.

Every chef can be my teacher, and my cooking skills come from them. And in you, I see a lot to learn. So it's not just a gamble, it's my sincere advice. "

McGonagall looked at HA Switzerland's serious look, suddenly sounded a tall man, arched his hand slightly bowed, said: "please give me more advice."

Ha Switzerland's face showed a smile again. He looked at MEG and asked, "when will master teach my husband and wife lung slice?"

"Tomorrow morning, I haven't had lunch with the restaurant staff yet." Meg said with a smile.

"Not bad." Ha Swiss nodded and then left with his disciples.

"Do you feel a little bit floating when you accept an apprentice who is twice your age?" Irina, standing behind MEG with a chicken leg in her hand, asked with a smile.

"It's OK. It's a little wonderful." MEG turned to look at her and said with a smile, "I heard you bet a lot of money on me today."

Irina brightened her eyes and said with a smile, "if you don't tell me, I've forgotten. I have to take someone to collect money later. I don't know if those gambling houses have prepared the money. I've put 300 million on you."

"Three hundred million." McGonagall was speechless. Fortunately, he didn't bet on himself. Otherwise, the owners of the gambling houses would have to cry and smile and say, "the one who dares to rely on you should not be born."

"It's good that they have this kind of consciousness, otherwise it's not very good to start when they just arrive at other people's territory."

"Eat, everyone is hungry." MEG closes the door of the restaurant and walks with Elena to the already full table. The morning is so busy that lunch time is delayed until after business hours.

After lunch, Elena takes Phyllis out to collect the money.

"Princess, i... I collect money for the first time. How can I look more professional?" Phyllis asked nervously as she followed Elena.

"Be more fierce." Elena said casually.


Elena stopped, looked back at Phyllis and said, "come on, make a fierce expression for me."

After squeezing her face for a long time, Phyllis finally said, "I... i... I won't..."

Irina held her chin and stared at Phyllis for a moment. She thought for a moment and said, "just imagine someone killed me. Now you're going to take revenge on her."

"Ying Ying, princess, don't die..."

Elena: --

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