"Dinner's ready." MEG took the last dish of spicy grilled fish out of the oven and said with a smile to the busy people in the kitchen.

"This evening will still be very busy, everyone eat more." Meg said with a smile and gave Amy a piece of fish.

"Thank you, father." Amy said happily, holding chopsticks to poke the fish, put his mouth close to the edge of the bowl, carefully blew it, and then directly pulled it into his mouth.

"Ah Wu - eat well." Amy said happily, her face full of happy smile of delicious food.

People also picked up chopsticks one after another, a large table of delicious food, in addition to filling their stomachs, also brought unparalleled delicious experience, and provided enough energy for the next work, this is probably the happiest time of the day.

Ruina eats a small meal, watching the people enjoy the food, occasionally tease a few words, the scene of its joy, the corners of her mouth also can't help but smile.

Although the intensity of work is not low, but the happiness and satisfaction of working in Maimi restaurant is totally incomparable to the previous work, and it has got enough respect here.

After dinner, the busy and long evening business hours began.

The hot pot area of Maimi restaurant has become as hot as the restaurant area. On a cold winter day, there's probably nothing happier than having three or two friends sit around the warm hot pot and wash spicy hot pot together.

Ruina is in charge of the hot pot area. She is busy in front of the hot pot almost all night. The bottom of the hot pot is prepared from her hands and then served on the dining tables, which becomes the delicious source of the hot pot.

In her spare time, Rina stood against the wall, picked up a towel to wipe the sweat on her forehead, then unscrewed the thermos cup and drank a few water.

His eyes fell on MEG, who was still busy in front of the stove, surrounded by three iron pans, two stewing pans and various cooking utensils, and each pot was cooking food.

He is like a God, easy to walk between the various pots, action flowing, people do not feel the slightest confusion, but like enjoying a wonderful cooking show.

"The new table guests want a abnormal spicy, and another table has been put together, two clear soup, three medium spicy, three super spicy, and one abnormal spicy." She went into the kitchen and looked at Rina, who was a little distracted.

"OK... OK." Rina immediately put down her glass and went back to work.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the business hours are over, and all the guests leave.

"I've worked hard tonight. I've prepared a fat set meal for you: Durian pizza + Jiaohua chicken. Let's have some supper and then go home to sleep." MEG came out of the kitchen with a tray and looked at the people who were cleaning up the restaurant and said with a smile.

"Boss, if I have supper every night, I think I will get fat soon." Abelmia touched her stomach, a little distressed.

"Yes, I think I'm getting fat. Do you see my face getting round?" Connie poked her finger into her face, a dimple.

People looked at her really become mellow a bit, can not help but show a smile.

"It looks lovely." Meg said with a smile.

Evil night, or in the laughter of the public dislike was solved, people also say goodbye.

"Good night, see you tomorrow."

Rena and Mia say goodbye, take out the key and quietly open the door.

The light was still on in the room, and carlins was sitting at the table, mending a piece of clothes conscientiously, with a basket of clothes at her feet.

"Mother, I asked you to have a rest earlier. Why are you still sewing?" Rena closed the door and looked at carlins with some helplessness and heartache.

"I can't sleep. I just do something to kill time and wait for you to come back." Carlins tied a knot in the thread, bit it off with her teeth, turned around, pointed to a square wooden box on the table beside her with a smile, and said, "someone just sent this wooden box, saying it was from your friend."

"Shanshan?" Rina went to the table, reached out and picked up the brown exquisite wooden box, which was a little bigger than Ba Zhang. She started with it a little heavy. During this period, she was too busy. She only met Shanshan once in the restaurant. Besides the people in the restaurant, she had only one friend, Shanshan. She opened the box without thinking much.

"It's not Shanshan. It's a middle-aged man. He put down his things and left." Carlins' eyes fell on the box in Rina's hand.

"Middle aged man?" Rina's hand was stiff, but the box had been opened.

Dazzling golden light bloomed from the box, in which a gold bracelet inlaid with Jasper was shining in the light.

"This... What is this? Who sent such a valuable thing? " Carlos came up and looked at the glittering Bracelet in the box. The golden light flowed on the Jasper inlaid like a flowing spray.

And beneath the bracelet was a silver note with a hundred thousand copper coins.

"This..." Rena already knew who sent the box. She closed the lid and put the box back on the table. She said unnaturally, "it's from an unknown person. I'll send it back tomorrow. Mother, don't worry."

Carlins looked at Rina, who was a little dodgy. She took another look at the wooden box on the table. She sat down at the table and became a little serious. "Rina, are you hiding something from me? Who is that man? Why did you get such a valuable gift? "

"Mother..." Rena looked at carlins, hesitated for a moment, and said: "he is the owner of a hot pot shop. He met me on the way back this evening. Let me go to his hot pot shop as the manager, and said that as long as I promise to go, he will give us a house in the rich area, and give me 30% ownership of the hot pot shop."

"How did you reply to him?" Kalinx's expression did not change because of this rich promise. She asked sternly.

"I refused him." Rena replied quickly.

Kalinx's expression is a little slow, pointing to the wooden box on one side, said: "what about this?"

"I don't know why he sent such a valuable gift after I refused, but I will send it back in the morning." Rena wants to shake her head. It's the first time she's ever seen such a precious gift, and the 100000 silver note is a huge one she's never owned.

"You're right, son. We can't take the money and the present." Carlins nodded, a little relieved.

"But if you promise him, you won't have to sew any more." Rina looked at carlins with some heartache.

"If you go to his shop, what are you going to do? Relying on the hotpot Mr. McGonagall taught you to make money for him? What's the difference between this and theft? " Carlins looked at Rena and said in a low voice, "we can be poor, but we can't do things without principles and bottom lines, let alone without conscience. No matter how much money I get, I will never use a copper coin. "

"Mother, I see." Rena's eyes became clear and firm. She reached for the wooden box from the table and said, "I'll send it back now and make it clear to him."

With that, he turned and walked towards the door.

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