"It's so late. Where's Rina going?"

Abemia stood on the roof, looking down at Rena, who was going downstairs in her down jacket. She asked curiously.

"Maybe something needs to be done." Elizabeth, too, looked down at the delicate wooden box that Rena was holding.

"It's not safe to go out at night. Shall we go with her?" Abelmia was a little worried. They changed their clothes and were going out of town to train their flying skills.

"She may have her own business." Elizabeth said, looking at Rena who had disappeared at the corner of the stairs, she thought and said, "maybe we can protect her from afar."

"Well, let's see where she's going first." Abemia nodded and walked lightly to the other side of the roof. She just saw Rina come out of the alley and walk along the street. She stopped in front of the money of the tea house about 100 meters away from the ice cream shop. She seemed to hesitate for a while and then came up to knock on the door.

After a while, the door of the teahouse opened, and a waiter in black came out. After a few words with Rina, he invited her into the teahouse.

"Is Rina going to tea so late? I feel like I've just had a good supper. " Abelmia said with some surprise.

"Maybe it's not tea, it's meeting someone." Elizabeth shook her head, looked at the teahouse and narrowed her eyes slightly. Where did she feel some strong breath? In a seemingly ordinary teahouse, there are two strong breath of seven, which shows that the teahouse is not simple.

"It's Rena who went to see herself. Do we need to take care of it?" Abelmia is a little tangled.

"You stay here now, I'll go and have a look." Said Elizabeth, with a light foot, flying towards the teahouse.

She always felt that Rena's look was not very good before. She didn't want to meet the people she was looking forward to. The teahouse was a bit strange, which made her wonder why Rena went at this time.


"Rena, miss, I didn't expect you to come so late." In the resplendent tearoom, Bennet sat up in front of the stove, smiling and looking at Rena who came in with the waiter.

The charcoal stove makes the teahouse very warm, and the pleasant smell of tea wafts out slowly from the teapot.

"I'm sorry to come so late and nag you." Rina leaned over slightly, then put the exquisite wooden box on the tea table, stepped back two steps, looked at Bennet, and said frankly, "I can't accept such a precious gift. I want to express my decision to you again: I won't leave McMillan's restaurant and go to your hotpot shop as the manager, and I won't use the hotpot skills created and taught by Mr. McGonagall to serve other restaurants."

With these words, Rena feels that she is a lot more relaxed, and her mind is cleared. She nods slightly to Bennet, and then turns to leave.

"Miss Rina, if you don't accept this gift, you may lose something important." Bennet put away his smile, sat back in his seat, cocked his legs, looked at Rena's back, and said coldly.

"This is a city of chaos, a city of the rule of law," Reina said in a calm voice

"Even if it is a city of law, there will be darkness, won't there? You should know that very well. " There was a sneer in the corner of Bennet's mouth.

Reina subconsciously clenches her fist. She has lived in a slum for more than ten years. She knows that no matter how bright the place is, there are always places where the light can't shine.

"Take this gift, you will get everything, and walk out of this door empty handed, you may lose the most precious thing." Bennet picked up the cup, rubbed it gently with his fingertips, and suddenly let go.


With a crisp sound, the teacup broke and the tea splashed.

"What a good cup. Although it's older, it could have been used for a long time." Bennet said with some regret, but with a smile on his face.

Rena's body is trembling slightly. She can't understand such a naked threat.

She is just an ordinary slum girl. She has been living with her mother since childhood. She just wants to live.

In the past, it was her greatest wish to cure her mother. Now her mother's illness has been cured by Mr. McGonagall. She just wants to live a good life with her mother and let her live a comfortable life.

Her eyes fell on the box, but her mother's stern look soon came to mind, gritting her teeth and saying, "I refuse."

With that, she quickly walked towards the door of the teahouse.

"I'll give you three days to think about it. If you change your mind, you can come back to me at any time. All the conditions are the same as before." Bennet picked up the teapot and slowly filled the other cup with water, his voice said coldly.

Rena's pace quickened a little and almost ran out of the teahouse.

Running out for tens of meters, Rena bent down and breathed, looked back at the teahouse, under the splendid decoration, as if a terrible beast, staring at scarlet eyes and staring at her dead.

"What should I do? What should I do... "Rena's tears flow from her face and she stands helpless in the street.

She had no way to let herself accept what the man said against her will, but she had no ability to protect her mother.

Bennet's threat, and the sound of the broken cup reverberated in her mind. It was like a magic spell that held her throat and made her want to cry helplessly.

"Rina, what's the matter?" Abemia, standing on the roof, looks at Rena, who seems to be shivering and crying on the street. She jumps down from the roof, steps forward quickly, looks at Rena with concern and says, "Rena, what's the matter with you? How are you doing? "

Rena raised her head when she heard the voice and looked at the concerned abelmia. Finally, she couldn't help but burst into abelmia's arms and cried.


In the teahouse, two men came out from behind the screen.

One of the tall and thin men said with a smile, "why don't you be a little more direct? A little girl like this, take out a knife and scare her a few times. She is willing to do everything and is obedient."

"I want her to help me open a shop to make money. If I force her too much, it may be counterproductive. It's enough for her to understand some things." Bennet smiles and shakes his head. "As long as she's willing to hand in all the recipes, we can open hotpot shops all over the continent. It's a very good business."

The two men's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

"Is there going to be a stir at the McMillan? I've heard that they have been in the limelight recently. " Said another stout man.

"It's just a cook who has no roots and no bottom in the city of chaos. Although he relies on his daughter to get close to the two magicians, as long as our hands and feet are clean, even the grey temple can't do anything to us." Bennet gave a slightly contemptuous smile.

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