"Disgusting dirty trade, these disgusting maggots, why continue to live in this world?" Elizabeth slowly raised her hand, and the temperature began to drop.

At this moment, she suddenly turned to the northwest direction, her eyes narrowed slightly, hesitated for a moment, raised her hand slowly put back, snorted, and disappeared from the tea room.

There are two seven class strong people in the tea room. If she wants to kill the three guys at the same time, she must give a full shot.

At a distance, she sensed a moving eight level breath, which should be the patrol officer of the grey temple.

She also wants to stay in the city of chaos, accompany MIA to continue to grow up, rash move may lead to her no way to continue to stay in the city of chaos.

"Maybe he is more suitable to deal with this kind of thing. Although he is not strong enough, he has a lot of tricks." Elizabeth whispered to herself, and MEG came to mind first.

"Rina, are you ok? Who bullied you? " She asked, patting Rena on the back.

It was the first time that she saw Rena cry so sad that she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"I'm... I'm ok. I'm just in a bad mood. It's better to cry." Rena gradually calmed down, stepped back from abelmia's arms, looked at Mia's clothes which were wet with her tears, and said with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Mia, it worried you."

"It doesn't matter. We are friends." Mia shook her head. Though she thought that Rena was not only in a bad mood, she saw with her own eyes which teahouse she came from, and then she became what she is now.

But since Rena didn't want to say more, she didn't ask much.

"It's so cold outside. Why don't I take you back? I've just come out of town to practice flying." Mia continued.

"No, I'll go back myself. It's just downstairs." Rena wiped a tear, a little smile on her red face, shook her head and said, "you go to practice flying, I'll go back first, or my mother will worry."

With that, Rina and abemia wave, turn around and walk towards the house quickly. That guy is too dangerous. She doesn't want to let Mia and them because she is in danger.

"Come on, let's get out of town." Elizabeth appeared beside abelmia and whispered.

"But Rina, she..."

"I'll tell you on the way." Elizabeth's feet appear a huge snowflake, a flash of blue light, two people have disappeared in place.


"That is to say, someone threatens Rena to leave the McMillan restaurant and help her open a hot pot restaurant. If Rena refuses, does he take Rena's mother as a threat?" She asked, looking at Elizabeth in surprise.

"Yes." Elizabeth nodded.

Abelmia thought for a moment and asked, "so... How can we help her?"

"I wanted to kill them all."

"Kill... Kill?"


"Hoo..." abelmia breathed a sigh of relief, then reminded: "in the city of chaos, killing is a very serious crime."

"They don't feel that way." Elizabeth shook her head, saw abelmia's worried face, and added, "but I'm not going to kill them."

"Maybe we can let the boss handle it. He can always think of a good way." Abelmia's eyes brightened.

"Not bad." Elizabeth nodded blandly.


"What's the matter with you, Rina? Did that guy bully you? " Carlins opens the door, looks at her eyes turning red, looks like Rena who has just cried, grabs her hand and asks nervously.

"No, it's just that it's so cold outside that tears are coming out." Rina shook her head, rubbed her hands, stamped her feet, closed the door, and said with a smile, "it's still warm at home."

"Silly boy." Carlins laughed, and then said, "did you give it back?"

"Well, it's back." Rina nodded, her mind came up with Bennet's changeable face, and her hand could not help holding it tightly. Fear enveloped her deeply.

"Just send it back. Just send it back." Carlins smiles a little and looks at Rena and says, "I don't want to be rich in my life. As long as I can watch you live happily with a clear conscience, I will be happy."

"Well." Rena answered softly. Tears rolled in her eyes again. She turned to the bathroom and said, "mother, I'm a little tired. I'm going to take a hot bath to sleep. Please go to have a rest first."

"OK, I'll put your pajamas at the door for you."


The next morning, when Rina went out, she met Mia and them who were also going out.

"Good morning, Rina." Mia said with a smile, then naturally took her hand and said with a smile, "it's beautiful today, too."

Rena looked at Mia's vigorous smile, and her heart full of haze was warm. She said yes with a smile, and said hello to Elizabeth. They went to the restaurant together.

When she got to the end of the lane, Ruina subconsciously looked back at the teahouse called "ban" and shivered.

"It seems to be getting colder today." Abelmia's warm hand grasped Rina's cold hand and said with a smile, "Rina, can I have your spicy hot pot tonight? I think it's super suitable for hot pot today. "

"I think so." Barbara agrees.

"I can, too." Connie raised her hand.

"I can... I can, too." Jane followed.

"Not in the morning?" Asked Elizabeth, a little puzzled.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed at the same time.

Rena also showed a smile on her face. Warmth came from her palm, and her heart was warm.

In the morning, MEG had a hot pot for no reason.

Because he has no way to explain that he is not suitable for eating hot pot in the morning. When he thinks about it carefully, in addition to a little time-consuming, it seems that he is suitable for eating hot pot in the morning in winter. The hot and spicy heat instantly drives away the chill and sleepiness.

At the end of business in the morning, Elizabeth didn't rush to leave. Instead, she waited until everyone left and told MEG what happened last night in detail.

"Is the competition among peers so bad now?" McGonagall frowned and dug the corner of the wall. It's strange that no one pursues excellent talents. However, the mean way of threatening his family really made him disdain and unhappy.

He knew what his mother meant to Rina, and was also moved. Facing such rich conditions and terrible threats, she still chose to stay in the chaotic city.

"I'll take care of this." MEG took off his apron and threw it on the table. His voice was a little cold.

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