"The smell of mutton is really gone. The smell of mutton has become strong. Although it has not been formally cooked, I can't resist the taste at all." On the carriage, Harrison was holding a piece of mutton, which made him marvelous.

"Boss Mai deserves to be boss Mai. He has a broad mind, which can't be compared with ordinary chefs." Geerji also laments that not everyone can share his own experience selflessly with others.

"He is a good man and a very good cook." Leighton nodded, his admiration for McGonagall was beyond words.

"Brother Leighton, let's go to my place and make another pot of mutton with the processed mutton?" Harrison looked forward to it.

"Good." Leighton nodded. He was also looking forward to what the mutton would taste like.

The carriage stopped in front of Harrison's workshop, and the people got out of the car to wash the pot. Then Leighton and his son began to stew the mutton in the pot according to the previous steps, but on the basis of the original recipe, they grabbed a handful of dried orange peel and threw it into the pot.

This time, Harrison and jergi didn't go in. They moved two chairs to the fire and waited for the mutton to ripen.

About two hours later, Leighton took a handful of fragrance with his hand, sniffed it, nodded slightly, then put out the fire in the stove and lifted the lid of the pot.

A strong mutton flavor rises with the heat, and then spreads in all directions.

"The smell!"

Harrison and geerjee stood up unconsciously and looked into the pot with bright eyes.

The rich meat flavor is particularly attractive, and this time, there is no smell of mutton, only pure meat flavor.

The added spices make the meat flavor more prominent, and the complex flavor brings a clear sense of hierarchy, which makes people can't help swallowing.

"It smells good." Moore's throat also rolled for a while. He once thought that his father's mutton stew had reached the acme. No one in the world could make a better mutton stew.

But now he realized that after removing the smell of mutton, the quality of mutton stew made by his father really improved.

"I can't help trying it." Harrison took a bowl of his own and took chopsticks to pick up a piece of mutton from the big pot.

The color of the mutton is a little deeper than that of the last time. The bright red mutton is covered with a trace of oil. The texture of the mutton is clearly visible. Long time stewing has not made it rotten.

Harrison took a bite and his eyes lit up.

The taste of mutton is still wonderful, soft but not rotten, tender but not firewood, teeth easily cut open mutton, rich gravy instant burst in the mouth.

Taste buds almost instantly fell into madness!


That's the ultimate delicacy!

The natural flavor intensifies the delicacy of mutton and gives it rich sense of taste.

And in these spices, there is a hint of orange peel fragrance.

This flavor is not strong, but it gives the mutton a touch of fresh, bringing an extraordinary feeling.

Compared with the bowl of mutton in the morning where the taste buds need to distinguish and process delicious and smelly mutton at the same time, this piece of beef is definitely the most delicious stewed mutton Harrison has ever eaten. Even the mutton in boss Mai's mutton soup, if it is not dipped, it may not be as delicious as this piece of mutton.

He closed his eyes and chewed the mutton carefully. After a while, Harrison opened his eyes, looked at the three people who were looking forward to it, and directly put up his thumb and said, "if this stewed mutton is not hot, I'll stand on my head and eat excrement!"

"Ha ha, it seems that the mutton restaurant has a place." Jergi said with a smile. He also picked up a piece of mutton and fed it to his mouth.

"Well --"

Although still rolling mutton some hot mouth, but jieerji can't bear to spit the meat to the mouth.

Delicious food is rampant in the mouth. Geerji subconsciously closes his eyes and turns his mouth up, indulging in the enjoyment brought by this big mouthful of meat.

"After the smell of mutton is removed, the mutton is very delicious. The only smell of mutton should be absorbed and neutralized by the orange peel instructed by boss Mai. It's true that he doesn't even taste the smell of mutton. If we didn't buy the sheep, I suspect boss Mai has changed a sheep." Jergi smashed his mouth and said with a smile, "do you have any rice? I think I can have three bowls of mutton stew. "

"Go to the canteen to see if there is any food left and bring us a pot." Harrison said to the coachman, who agreed and walked quickly into the workshop.

Leighton looks at Harrison and Julian, who are still in the mood, with a smile on their face. It seems that this time they are really satisfied.

"Brother, try it too. This mutton is really reborn." Harrison took the chopsticks and put them into the hands of the Leighton and his son.

"Eat well!" Moore almost chewed his tongue when he tasted a piece of mutton. The rich meat aroma, charming taste, and lingering fragrance between lips and teeth all surprised him.

It's also stewed mutton. The quality of this pot is countless times more delicious than all the stewed mutton my father used to make.

The smell, which was once enough to be ignored by him, looks like rat excrement in Retrospect and becomes intolerable.

Leighton ate a piece of mutton, but he fell into a deep thought and didn't speak for a moment.

"What's the matter, brother?" Harrison asked with concern when he saw that Leiden was silent.

"Nothing, just a little ashamed." Leighton shook his head. "I used to think I was the best mutton cook in the tribe, but now I realize that it's just self consolation. Only chefs like boss Mai can really be called chefs."

"You're wrong. It's amazing that a chef can have a good dish. A chef who can do anything like boss Mai is a genius that is hard to find in a thousand years. It's hard for him to compare with him." Harrison shook his head with a smile, patted his chest and said, "with this stewed mutton, I'm sure we'll open a mutton restaurant together. It'll definitely make a big fire."

"I'm afraid I can't?" Leighton is still a little bit less confident.

"We both believe in your craft and your mouth. As long as you can guarantee the quality of today's Stewed Mutton, our brothers will pay half of the money to open a mutton restaurant with you. You will take half of the shares, and I will share the rest with him." Jergi patted his chest confidently and looked at Harrison again. "Is that ok?"

"As like as two peas, I think you should not worry about the opening of the shop. You can give it to both of us. You can only make the cooking more stable during this period, and ensure that every pot of mutton tastes the same, so we will start the business directly." Harrison nodded with a smile.

"Father, I think it's OK. If we both save money to open a mutton restaurant, we don't know when we can open it." Moore saw Leighton still hesitating, but also persuasion.

Leighton looked at the encouraging eyes of the three people, hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "OK, I'll do it according to the two bosses, but I can't make up half of the restaurant. The stewed mutton can become delicious, but it's entirely up to boss Mai's prescription. I'll give him at least half of the score."

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