"This place seems strange?"

Barbara followed Elena and walked forward along the dark passage. She only felt that the surroundings were gloomy and made her scalp feel numb. She quickly took a few steps to keep up with Elena and walked in the holy light. Then she felt a little relieved.

After breakfast this morning, Elena took her away from the city of chaos and came to this place full of thunder and lightning outside the city. She also found a hole in the ground and went down to this strange place.

"Don't be afraid, there are ghosts here." Irina comforted.

"Er..." Barbara felt even more flustered. She speeded up her pace and almost walked close to Elena's back.

It seems that the dark passage never ends, which makes Barbara more nervous. She suddenly regrets that she should not have agreed so freely last night. Compared with here, it's really more reassuring to carry dishes in the restaurant.

"Afraid?" Irina stopped and looked back at her with a smile.

Barbara pick eyebrow, in front of her idol, how can you say afraid, stare a little eyes, decisive way: "how possible, I'm not afraid."

"I'm not afraid. There are many terrible things ahead." Irina smiles and goes on.

"What on earth is ahead of us? Can it make Elena's sister feel terrible? What's more, it has something to do with the ancient array? " Barbara couldn't help thinking.

"Bang bang!"

Just then, a voice came from the dark passage ahead.

"What is it?" Barbara took a big step forward and hit her forehead on Elena's back with a thump.

"Here we are." Irina looks at Barbara with a smile. The holy light falls to the end of the passage, and a huge stone door appears in front of them. The terrible mural is also completely presented in front of them.

"How terrible Barbara just looked up, legs a soft, directly hugged Elena's thigh, the body can't help shaking.

What terrible monster is on the mural? It's so huge and terrible!

Just a look, she seemed to see the devil in general, the kind of fear from the depths of the soul, so that she lost all shame and pride.

"It's just the devil." Irina looked sideways and hugged her thigh from behind. Barbara, shivering, said with a smile.

"The devil?" Barbara was surprised. She felt colder and didn't feel anything. She was so relaxed.

Leaving the bustling city, she came to this barren land, and then went thousands of meters underground. Through a strange passage, she came to this huge stone gate. Combined with the ancient array that Irina showed her yesterday, she had some bad associations.

"Is there a devil sealed behind this gate... Are we going to unseal it?" Barbara swallowed her throat.

"You're half right. It's true that the devil is sealed here, and it's the one on the mural." Irina nodded with a smile. "But we're not here to unseal it. We're here to try to seal it again, in case it breaks away from the seal and does harm to all sides like this mural."

Barbara was relieved. She didn't want to be the vassal and accomplice of the devil, but she soon recovered. She looked up at Elena with a look of shock and fear. "This... The devil in the mural is sealed behind the stone gate?"

"Yes." Irina nodded.

"We're... Going in?"


"I... can I refuse? I'm not ready yet... "Barbara shook her head pitifully.

"No, so far, only you can understand those ancient runes." Irina shook her head slightly, bent down slowly and looked at Barbara with a sneer: "now you're going to find it. If it breaks the seal, it's going to find you. Imagine that the tentacles full of eyes burst your door, and then wrapped around your body, full of mucus... "


Barbara was scared to cry on the spot.

"So fragile?" Irene looked at Barbara, who was very sad and cried. She was stunned for a moment. She immediately touched her head with a smile and said, "come on, what we have to do is to avoid this situation, seal it again before it breaks through the seal, and strive for more time to find a way to kill it."

Barbara, comforted by Elena, slowly stopped crying, let go of Elena's thigh, got up and said with a flat mouth: "before that, I think the devil is the most terrible race in the world, but compared with the devil, they are too kind."

"That's the ugly devil you haven't seen before. There are more than that." "I'll take you to the devil islands when you have a chance," she said with a smile

"No, no, I don't want it." Barbara shakes her head like a rattle and looks at Elena with a little more fear. This idol is totally different from what she imagined!

"Come on, let's see what's going on inside." Irina didn't know where to find a folding chair, slapped it on a prominent stone pile dozens of meters high, and the heavy wooden door began to open slowly.

Elena went in first.

Barbara hesitated for a moment, but she hastened to keep up, for fear that she would be left out alone.

As soon as she entered the door, Barbara immediately dodged behind Elena and closed her eyes tightly.

Krasu and Julian, who have been here for one day and one night, look a little tired. Novan studies the array in the corner seriously. There are only three people in the huge cave.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, everyone said hello to Elena, and their eyes fell on Barbara behind her.

"Isn't this the waiter who carries the dishes at boss Mai's house? How did you bring her? " Krasu asked, puzzled.

"Didn't you say that all the mages of the chaos city were summoned? How come it's just the three of you? " Irina asked back.

"I've shown them the array. It's so old that no one can understand it. That guy can influence people's mood imperceptibly. Even Krasu almost hit the road, so I didn't let them into the cave." Replied Novartis.

"Yeah, there's something wrong with this guy." Krasu nodded a little, and then asked, "what are you doing with this little girl?"

"Unfortunately, she may be the only one we can find who can understand this array." Irina moved aside, patted her shoulder with a smile and said, "open your eyes, I'll block it for you."

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