Barbara opened her eyes in faith in her idol.


She cried again.

"I'm too Southern." Barbara covered her face and choked with grievance, feeling that the huge octopus waving countless tentacles, as well as the countless pairs of scarlet eyes growing on the tentacles, had been staring at her.

Compared with the murals on the stone wall, the real devil is even more terrifying!

The indescribable huge body, countless huge tentacles, and countless scarlet eyes growing on the tentacles, all show terror.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. There are so many people here, although they can't beat it together." Krasu looked at Barbara with a smile and said, "but there's a seal between them. That guy can't get out."

"Fool, I'm going to increase your psychological endurance first. This guy can capture people's soul and control people's soul. Your strength is the lowest and it's the easiest to become its target." Elena came forward, took Barbara's hand, helped her wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and her voice was gentle. "If you can't overcome fear and face it, I can only take you away from here."

Barbara slowly put down her hand, looking at her face doting looking at her Elena, face suddenly a red, he was even scared to cry twice! And in front of Elena!

"No! I must not be looked down upon by her Barbara regained her courage, clenched her teeth and looked in the direction of the seal.

"Jie Jie"

The terrible Octopus monster gave out a terrible roar, and its tentacles beat the seal array, making the golden light wall vibrate, as if it could be broken at any time.

Barbara stares at the octopus monster for a while, and her fear diminishes.

It's not because she's brave, but Elena whispered in her ear, "look at her eyes. If you pick them off and bake them, won't it save you a pig?"

In a word, those terrible eyes that originally sparkled with scarlet light were like pig eyes that had been strung on the kebab in her eyes, and the horror was greatly reduced.

"It's better not to be found out by the boss." Barbara nodded and took a pitiful look at the octopus monster.

"This girl is brave." Julian looked at Barbara in surprise. He thought she would be too scared to open her eyes.

"But can she really understand the seal array?" Novartis also looked at Barbara in surprise. The little girl seemed to be 14 or 15 years old, but her talent of space magic was quite extraordinary. At a young age, she was a level 7 space magician.

"Yes, but I only saw one corner of the array. I can't guarantee that I can understand the whole array, let alone say that I can repair it." Barbara looked at Novartis herself and replied that she knew that the headmaster of chaos school was a level 10 space magician, so her tone was respectful.

As soon as Novartis's eyes brightened, he nodded and said, "well, I'll accompany you to read this array carefully. You can tell me what you don't understand, and we'll study it later."

"All right." Barbara nodded, followed by Novartis began to study along the seal array.

"Where did the girl come from? How can you understand such an ancient array? " Krasu muttered.

"Above the moon." Irina looked at the sky calmly.

"Well?" Krasu and Julian were both stunned.

"Are there really people living up there?" Krasu was surprised.

"There is no record in history." Julian frowned, too.

"She claims to come from the land of the moon, and is the princess of the land of the moon. She repaired an ancient array and came to Nolan by accident." Irina shrugged her shoulders slightly. To be honest, she didn't believe that Barbara came from the moon at the beginning. She had read many ancient books of the elves, but it never recorded that there were human beings on the moon.

"If there is no record, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. The existence of this guy has already been proved?" Krasu pointed at the octopus.

"The records of the existence of ancient demons have been completely eliminated, and the Ancient Runes and arrays have not been passed down. However, there are records in the state of the moon. Is it possible that the state of the moon broke off contact with Nolan at the same time?" Irina reasoned.

"It's possible." Julian nodded slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "if so, they may be able to kill these demons or seal them again."


The mutton soup launched in the morning has been highly praised by the guests.

McGonagall didn't expect this. After all, it was mutton soup that even he couldn't find a fault with. Is there any more demanding and strict guest in the world?

It doesn't exist.

Otherwise, he would not be the main character selected by the system.

Of course, he's not proud at all.

Looking at a hundred strings of skillfully flipped mutton kebabs in his hand, he would never be so strict with those roasted mutton kebabs!

Who knows how much he suffered last night in order to bake a bunch of tender, spicy and refreshing mutton kebabs!

According to the agreement, MEG launched mutton kebabs at noon as scheduled.

Price: 100 copper coins!

Although the price is not very cheap as always, it is rare for the herdsmen in the Blue Grassland and the polar black goat meat growing on the snow plateau. It is here that they can taste the freshest roast black mutton kebab.

"Three Yangzhou fried rice, five rougamo, six bowls of stewed chicken and rice, ten kebabs of roast beef and ten kebabs of roast mutton..." MIA walked into the restaurant and read the new order quickly.

"Well, let's give them these 100 kebabs first." McGonagall tossed the mutton kebab on the side of the long strip plate. The kebab immediately divided into more than 20 parts and fell on the plate. Then he sprinkled a handful of green scallions on it. Jane and Elizabeth took it away.

"I had mutton soup in the morning and mutton kebabs at noon. It's really delicious." Abraham looked at the mutton kebab from the kitchen and rubbed his hands excitedly.

"By the way, when will miss Windsor come back to the city of chaos? If she doesn't come, we won't have so much fun eating hot pot. " Randy, sitting opposite him, asked.

"She can't come recently." Abraham shook his head and said with some regret, "it's a pity that she has no chance to taste such a good mutton soup and kebab. Shall I write to her?"

"Then she can't bear it." Randy laughs.

"Forget it, I don't need to write. She will read all the food magazines. You gourmets must write better than me." Abraham immediately stopped thinking.

"Your kebabs." Elizabeth put a long plate with ten kebabs between them and went to the next table with the tray.

"Wow! That's the way it is

Randy and Abraham leaned forward almost at the same time, uttering an exclamation.

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