"Miss Sheryl, I'll wait until you come back at last."

Although Constantine tried his best to look natural, his voice still choked, but it deepened his affectionate image.

"How affectionate!"

"Ah, I'm so moved. If a man could do this to me, I would fall in love with him deeply!"

"I didn't expect that Constantine, who was once known as a playboy, could have such an affectionate side!"

The girls on one side have been moved one after another. Such a young master Duojin is enviable for the woman he likes, just like a romantic novel.

The women in the restaurant looked at Constantine. They were also impressed by the man who often asked Shirley if she would come back.

Sheryl looked at Constantine with a slight frown on her good-looking brow and asked, "who are you?"

There was silence in the dining room.

Looking forward to the marriage of the two girls have widened their eyes, incredible looking at Sheryl.

The men looked at Constantine sympathetically. The most unfortunate thing for a man is that.

Yes, although Constantine was affectionate enough to be emaciated for him, he was a man full of bitterness.

But unexpectedly, he is not only a sad man... But also a sad man!

How could Sheryl not know who he was?

So since this period of time, he has become thinner and thinner for her. He has become such a pitiful figure. It's just wishful thinking?!

They don't even know about it! I didn't even know he existed!

"It's terrible." MEG sighed, not too surprised by the result.

Some people always like to be intoxicated and moved by themselves, and they don't consider the actual situation at all.

I always feel that I'm Liang Shanbo, and the other party has to be Zhu Yingtai. I think it's great to miss you alone and not eat or drink. As soon as the other party sees the gaunt self, he will be moved to tears, and then he will not marry.

McGonagall was sympathetic to Constantine. After all, he might never have thought that what he liked was a fake girl?

If it doesn't work out, it's OK. If it does work out, I don't know who's going to do it on the wedding night.


The quiet air, like Constantine in the thunder, makes the atmosphere a little strange.

People looked at Constantine sympathetically. Although the result was unexpected, it was more in line with the situation of ordinary people.

"Uncle, you don't even count as a spare tire." Amy licked the ice cream and whispered a warning.


You seem to hear the sound of heartbreak.

Although he wanted to be furious, he also wanted to walk away, and even wanted to be killed on the spot. Looking at Cheryl's simple and innocent face, Constantine felt his heart melted again and began to blame himself deeply.

"This guy looks a bit obscene, but why do they look forward to us together? So disgusting! I need to stay away from him. " Sheryl frowned at Constantine, with a look of doubt and vigilance.

"How can I frighten Miss Sheryl! It's not her fault! Such a lovely girl should be well cared for! " Constantine remorsefully thought in his heart, quickly adjusted his mind, looked at Cheryl affectionately again, and stretched out his right hand and said: "Hello, Miss Cheryl, let's meet again, I'm Constantine."

"Oh." Sheryl looked at his hand and replied indifferently.

"It doesn't matter. Beautiful girls have personalities. Besides, Miss Sheryl, at least she should remember my name this time!" Constantine took back his hand awkwardly and thought happily.

"Licking dogs has nothing." McGonagall took a pity look at Constantine. Some people just don't want to cherish what they can get easily, but they can't put down what they can't get.

Constantine's episode did not eliminate the guests' enthusiasm for food. As Constantine was seated, the team continued to enter the restaurant and began to order.

"Young master, it's a great progress. It must be Miss Shelley's test for you. And if you take it with a self-confident manner, you must have left a very gentlemanly and beautiful impression in her heart." The servant sat down opposite Constantine, looking at Constantine's face with a shy smile.

"It seems that's the truth when you say that." Constantine's eyes brightened and nodded thoughtfully.

"That's right, so you must eat well, make up your body and restore your former grandeur, otherwise miss Shelley may not be able to look up to you." The servant said with a quick smile, wiping a sweat secretly. Fortunately, his young master is not very smart when he mentions Miss Shelley. If he can't think about it anymore, he must be skinned by the master.

"You have a point. Such a body is not worthy of Miss Sheryl." Constantine nodded, opened the menu, scanned it, and then said, "I'll order a Buddha leaping wall, a hot cicada monkey, a braised pork, and a black pepper steak!"

"Yes, I'll order it for you later." The servant replied with a smile that it was a good start for the young master to take the initiative to eat more.

"As always, a lot of people." Gloria came down from the carriage and looked at the long line at the door.

"The charm of food is unstoppable, just like Dai Lan's clothes." Said Mars with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. McGonagall is not only able to satisfy women's taste buds, but also design clothes that make them crazy. What a wonderful man." Gloria nodded and agreed.

"Yes." Mars took a look at Gloria, with a little upturned smile on her lips.

"Let's go. If it's a little later, maybe we won't be able to make the number for tonight." Gloria quickened her pace and walked towards the end of the line.

"I've brought you the reports of the past few days. Do you need to read them when you are in line?" Mars walked a few steps to catch up and asked softly.

"No, I'll see it later when I get home." Gloria shook her head slightly and said with a smile, "it's fun to line up in the McMillan restaurant, isn't it?"

Mars took a look at the next, in order to roast beef kebab and roast mutton kebab which is the king in the barbecue, the middle-aged man who argued, put away the document with a smile, in such an occasion, it is not suitable to read the document, but it seems that the lady has to stay up late tonight.

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