The introduction of roast mutton kebabs has added another great general to the barbecue arena of Maimi restaurant.

Barbecue like guests have already paired themselves with a set meal of spicy grilled fish, Spicy Roast Beef kebab, roast mutton kebab, and a glass of ice beer, so that a table of friends can have a good night's conversation.

Vivian doesn't drink beer, but it doesn't affect her eating grilled fish and string. When it's spicy, she takes a sip of her own juice, which is also delicious.

"I said, do you really not go home for the new year this year?" Vivian is holding a string of roast mutton kebabs in her hand. She looks at Luna, who is sitting on the opposite side carefully carrying the shark fin, and asks.

"Well, the new teaching building is about to be completed. It is necessary for children to start school on time after the new year. Although the new year is coming, there are still many things to do." Luna shook her head and fed the fish to her mouth, showing a satisfied smile. "Moreover, she just went back to Luodu some time ago, and it's OK not to go back this year."

"You like to take everything to yourself." Vivian white her one eye, clear her character, there is no more persuasion.

"How did you feel about yesterday's exam? Can I get into the interview? " Luna asked with a smile.

"There must be no problem in the interview. Who am I? I'm Vivian." Wei Wei An bit two mutton, mouth bulging chewing, expression is not so confident words.

"But I heard that more people signed up for the written examination this time than in the past." Luna said with a smile.

"But the number of people admitted is several times more." Vivian stressed.

Because of the enrollment expansion, the chaotic school has expanded its enrollment of more than 100 teachers this time, more than in the past three years.

"I'm kidding you." Luna said with a smile.

"But have you made any progress with boss Mai recently?" Vivian came forward suddenly and asked in a low voice.

"What... What progress?" Luna blushed and glared at Vivian. "Don't talk nonsense. Mr. McGonagall is a man of integrity."

"I didn't say he was not serious, but after all, you still have a little boss in touch with each other, but will the final performance be in two days? Didn't get a chance to talk about the party? " Vivian continued.

"Mr. McGonagall should be there." Luna glanced in the direction of the kitchen, perhaps because Mr. McGonagall was so busy that she had rarely seen him recently.

"That's great. It's a chance. After the party, you can..."

"Grilled fish can't stop your mouth, can it?" Luna put a big piece of roast fish in Vivian's bowl.

"Well, if I eat fish, I won't worry about our teacher Luna." Vivian shrugged and ate fish.

Luna's eyes passed over Vivian's shoulder and fell on the busy figure in the kitchen, her well-defined side face, her slender but healthy figure, and her flowing action

"Impolite..." Luna suddenly realized that her eyes seemed too direct and hot. She quickly withdrew her eyes and lowered her head to eat, but her face was red, as if she had been burned.

Vivian glanced at Luna, and the corners of her mouth curved. She said that she didn't like it. She clearly liked it.

"Miss Luna, did you have roast fish with sister Vivian?" Amy came to Luna with the duckling in her arms and said with a smile.

"Yes." Luna raised her head and looked at Amy with a gentle smile. She reached for Amy's head and pinched the fat face of an ugly duckling. "Little Amy, I haven't seen you for some days."

"I'm sorry, because my teachers don't know where to go recently, so I didn't go to school. I studied magic with sister Xixi in the magic potion shop next door." Amy shrugged her little shoulders and said helplessly, "now teachers have learned to play truant."

Luna and Vivian were both amused by the little guy's vivid expression and little action.

"Little Amy, give me your fat cat. I've never held such a fat cat before." Vivian stares at the ugly duckling in Amy's arms.

"Meow ~"

Ugly duckling don't face, some dislike gave her a white eye.

"Wow, it's cute to roll your eyes." Vivian has bright stars in her eyes.

"Sister Vivian, do you like ugly ducklings?" Amy looks at Vivian suspiciously.

"Yes, yes." Vivian nodded her head and looked at her expectantly.

Every time I came to dinner, this lovely fat cat didn't look her in the eye, but the more it did, the more she wanted to hold it in her arms and trample it. The round fat cat, with its unique golden fur, was so cute!

"Well, let's play for a while." Amy handed the ugly duckling over.

"Wow, it's so soft and warm!" Vivian carefully took over the ugly duckling, feeling like she took over a soft soft soft boneless warm pillow, golden fur is softer than the best mink hair, holding it in her hand, soft let her feel that her heart is going to melt, can only hold it carefully in the chest.

"Meow ~"

Originally some resist ugly duckling, pillow the girl's soft chest, but some apologetically rubbed his head, squinted and raised his head to cry.

"Not as alive as a cat!" The men around them looked sideways and sighed.

"Wow, how cute!" Vivian is an aunt smile, holding the ugly duckling's fat face is Baji kiss its forehead.

The ugly duckling suddenly opens her eyes and looks at Vivian in horror. Then she slowly turns her head and looks in the direction of Amy, showing her innocent expression after being violated.

"I was... Despised by a cat again?" Vivian blinked.

"Sister Vivian, do you like it? You are greedy for its body Amy took the duckling back from Vivian's hand, wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and comforted him: "it doesn't matter, duckling. Even if your innocence is gone, I won't dislike you. You are still my duckling."

"Miss Luna, take your time. I'll play." Amy and Luna wave their hands and walk away with the ugly duckling in their arms.

"Did you... Did you see the expression of the cat? It was an expression of shock and disgust! I, Vivian... Gave such a precious kiss to a young girl, and I was despised by a cat Wei Wei An looks at Wu mouth to smile continuously of Lu Na, a face inconceivable of say.

Luna finally stopped laughing, pointed to the corner of her mouth and said, "I think you should wipe your mouth before you kiss it."

Vivian touched the corner of her mouth. Her hands were immediately stained with some red oil. She was embarrassed and lowered her head to continue to eat grilled fish.

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