Near the end of business, the guests leave one after another, and the kitchen, which has been busy all night, is gradually relaxed. Next, as long as all the guests leave, the business of tonight will be over.

"All the dishes have been served. Everyone has worked hard." MEG put down the frying pan and was relieved.

Focused and nervous people also relax. Although they all have strong strength, the work intensity of Maimi restaurant still makes them feel a little tired.

"When will Barbara be back? I miss her magic coming Mia asked, looking at MEG with a trace of fatigue on her face.

"Yes, sister Barbara can serve half of the dishes by herself. Without her, the efficiency of serving is much lower." Anna lights her cerebellum.

Barbara was taken away by Elena, and no one knew where they had gone.

"She may not come back for the time being, and Princess Elena did not tell me the details." MEG shakes his head and throws the pot to Elena.

Hearing the words, everyone nodded. Elena didn't come to dinner tonight, and she didn't go back to the restaurant. There was no place to ask.

MEG took off his apron, poured himself a glass of water, and walked out of the kitchen just to catch Gloria's eyes.

"Mr. McGonagall." Gloria got up, looked at him and said with a smile.

McGonagall saw in her eyes that she was looking for him tonight. She stepped forward, nodded slightly and said, "Miss Gloria."

There are only two or three tables left in the restaurant, only two or three minutes left from the end of the restaurant business, so they all consciously check out and leave.

"I'm sorry to disturb you after you finish your busy work. I'd like to ask you to confirm some cooperation problems in textile factories." Said Gloria, looking down at MEG.

"Well, let's go to the study to talk about it. After they clean up the restaurant, it's time for them to go back and have a rest." Said Meg, speaking to mia, and taking Gloria and Mars upstairs to the study.

"Has the integration of the sales chain been completed?" MEG motioned Gloria and Mars to sit down and asked directly.

"Yes, we have streamlined the original silk sales chain, retained a complete core elite sales team, and started to promote the sales of gauze." Gloria nodded slightly. "Today, I want to confirm the delivery time and quantity of the first batch of cotton yarn with Mr. McGonagall, so that we can make the next work arrangement."

"The first batch can be handed over in three days, and the quantity is 10000 pieces." McGonagall replied.

"Ten thousand?" Gloria was a little surprised.

"Are you sure you can hand over 10000 pieces of cotton yarn in three days?" Mars was also surprised.

We should know that McGonagall's textile factory has only been built for more than a month, not to mention the time for women textile workers to learn to run in. Ten thousand pieces of cloth is almost half a year's output of all the textile workshops owned by the Molton family.

"Yes, a little less, isn't it?" McGonagall was a little embarrassed to knock on the table, explained: "because the factory has just been built, and the production capacity has not been maximized, we should be able to increase some production next month."

"Production capacity has not reached the limit yet?! Can it continue to increase? " Mars swallowed, and as he looked at MEG, he became more and more aware of the depth of the young man in front of him.

"It turns out that's why Mr. McGonagall dared to offer far below the market price." Gloria shook her head thoughtfully and said: "Mr. McGonagall's textile factory capacity is amazing. Ten thousand pieces of cotton yarn is enough for our sales team to digest for a period of time. However, in order to keep up with Mr. McGonagall's factory capacity, I will immediately start to expand the sales team and strive to win a larger market share as soon as possible."

"Happy cooperation." MEG shook Gloria's hand with a smile, got up and said, "Amy is going to bed. I have to tell her a bedtime story, so I won't leave you two."

"Good bye, Mr. McGonagall." Gloria nods slightly, greets Amy who is sleepy at the door with the ugly duckling, and goes downstairs with Mars.

"Father, I think sister Gloria likes you." Amy looked at MEG and said seriously.

"Well?" MEG took a suspicious look at Amy and quickly explained, "my sister Gloria and I are partners, not what you think."

Awed by the existence of Amy's notebook, McGonagall felt it was necessary to make it clear.

"But when I see her looking at you, there are stars shining in her eyes." Amy shook her head.

"It's a reflection of the light. It doesn't have much to do with the stars." MEG pointed to the light in the study.

"Is it?"

"Yes, that's it." Meg said firmly, went to the door, picked up Amy, and said softly, "come on, father, take you to wash, and then tell you a good story."

"What's a good story to tell today?" Amy's eyes brightened and asked expectantly.

"Today, tell a Cinderella story."


"Why do I envy little Amy? It must be a very happy thing to be able to listen to Mr. McGonagall's story and fall asleep Gloria lifted a corner of the curtain slightly and looked at the second floor of the restaurant with the light on. She was a little dazed.

"Miss? Miss

"Ah?" Gloria came back, her face flushed.

"The output of Mr. McGonagall's textile mill far exceeds our expectation. Although we have retained the core sales team, we have not yet established a cooperative relationship with the cloth mills. If we want to digest all the 10000 pieces of gauze before the next delivery date, I'm afraid it will be difficult." Said Mars.

"If 10000 pieces of gauze appear in a single market at a price far lower than the market price, even in Luodu, it will cause a series of reactions in the market, which will alarm the city managers, which is very unfavorable for us in the promotion period.

I think we should divide the 10000 pieces of gauze into many parts according to the city's purchasing power, and strive to distribute them to every market, so as to open up a situation for promotion and establish cooperative relations with various fabric factories. " Said Gloria.

Mars nodded and said: "although this will increase some transportation costs, as long as the market is open, a mature multi market sales chain can make our sales smooth, and avoid the instability factors that may appear in the single market leading to the paralysis of the sales chain."

"What I am more curious about now is how much gauze can Mr. McGonagall's textile mill produce in a month if its production capacity is fully open?" Gloria said with a smile.


"The forest of wind, which once advocated freedom, has become a besieged city. Helena, you are an unforgivable sinner." Outside the forest of wind, a beautiful shadow stands on the Griffin and sighs softly.

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