The purple Griffin falls quietly in a dense jungle. Irina walks slowly down the Griffin's back. The light golden light flashes at her feet. In the next moment, she appears in the hole of the surrounded tree of life.

After Elena left, the tree of life automatically closed the tree hole and no one was allowed to enter, including Sally sitting outside the tree hole.

"Little tree, I'm back." Irina said with a smile.

Sending out the glittering and translucent luster of the branches, jolly swing in Irina's side, as if to welcome her back.

"Low key, low key. If that old witch Helena knows I'm back, I'll have to go again." Irina pressed her hand and motioned to the tree of life to be quiet.

The tree of life, which was originally joyful, immediately quieted down. Only three or two branches came close to Elena and gently rubbed her hair, as if to express her joy.

"Well, I'll see you more, my dear." Irina reached out and touched the branch, a little spoiled.

After soothing the tree of life for a while, Irina solemnly said, "well, now I need you to help me wake up the queen. I have something very important to help her, which is related to the survival of the elves, or the survival of the whole continent of Nolan."

After the closure of the queen, there was no news. Even there were a lot of events in the elves, she did not make any response and instructions. It was puzzling and there were many rumors.

It is said that the queen of the elves has died, and Helena has become the actual controller of the elves.

It is also said that the fairy queen closed the door and handed over the elf family to Helena, no longer in charge.

Elena can be sure that the queen is not dead. She falls asleep for unknown reasons. Even she can't wake her up, so she can only ask for the help of the tree of life.

The branches of the tree of life sway gently.

"You can't wake her up?" Irina frowned slightly. It seemed that the Queen's situation was worse than she expected. After a moment's silence, she said, "do you know how to establish a connection with the goddess of life, which is deeper than the magic of life. We need her help."

"Ding Ling ~"

The branches swaying, suddenly sounded a melodious wind bell.

Irina subconsciously closed her eyes. In a trance, she seemed to see some scenes flash through her mind like a picture page, just like the vast history unfolding before her eyes.

She saw the elves build cities in the wind forest, saw the bloody elves drive the demons out of the forest, saw the cruel and bloody race war, saw the carefree elves in the forest

This is a flashback history.

The elves used to be a powerful deterrent and oppressed because of their weakness, but they never gave up the pursuit of freedom.

And in this vast history, the tree of life is like a needle for fixing the sea god, standing in the middle of the wind forest forever, witnessing the development of the elves.

In the end, the picture is fixed on the ruins.

It was black scorched earth, and there were hardly any green plants.

Even the cruel race war did not bring such a terrible ending to the wind forest.

A fairy with beautiful long silver hair appeared on the waste soil and planted a seed with his own hands.

Irina knows that's the tree of life.

And the fairy with beautiful silver hair should be the goddess of life.

It's just that the appearance of the elf looks a little fuzzy, only her outline can be seen.

"So, you are really the hope planted by the goddess of life, guarding the endless years of the elves." Elena whispered that she had heard a lot about the legend of the tree of life since she was a child, but she was still shocked to see the history it witnessed with her own eyes.

The picture faded away, leaving only a vast white space.

Irina was in it, looking around, empty and lonely.

"Where is this?" Irina asked in a voice that seemed to go far, but there was no response.

She didn't panic. The tree of life couldn't hurt her.

But I don't know why the tree of life let her see the rise and fall of the elves, and then brought her here.


At this time, a weak voice suddenly sounded from a distance, and seemed to be in my ear.

"Mother!" As soon as Irina's eyes brightened, she said nervously, "where are you? How about now? Why does it sound so weak? "

"Don't worry, I'm ok. It seems that the tree of life connects you and me, otherwise I can't talk to you directly."

"What did Helena do to you?"

"It's not about Helena, it's my choice. Although we elves won the race war in those years, I also suffered several serious injuries. The purpose of this closure is to repair the injuries in those years. "

"Do you know what's happened in the wind forest these days?" Irina pursed.

"Yes, child, you made the right choice, just as we chose to fight back." The Queen's voice was filled with relief and admiration.

"You and Helena built all this, and I'm overthrowing them. Even so, do you think I'm doing the right thing?"

"During the period of seclusion, I have reflected that in those years, we drove away the demons to avoid being oppressed and enslaved by them, but we established a system of enslaving the demons and turned ourselves into a nuisance. The original intention may be good, but this is indeed a very stupid and ridiculous decision. What's more ridiculous is that in the past 100 years, we have gone further and further on this wrong road, and we are afraid to go back and correct it for fear of collapse. " The queen sighed.

"But you didn't stop Helena." Elena frowned.

"I can't leave now. I'm trying to break through the possibility of a higher level. It's about the future of the elves, or the future of Nolan."

"Do you know the existence of the old dominator?" Irina was surprised.

"The old master?" The queen was puzzled, but soon her voice was a little more hasty: "are you talking about the terrible monster who once disturbed the order of the mainland? An indescribable thing with a body as big as a mountain? "

Irina brightened her eyes and nodded: "yes, we found its sealed head, a huge octopus head hundreds of meters high, but it is about to break through the seal, and its level 10 strength is not enough to kill it completely, or even cause threatening damage to it. So I went back to the forest to seek help from the goddess of life or the goddess of light

"The old dominator really exists..."

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