"On the day of the return of the old masters and the awakening of the gods, Irina, you have to find the place where the gods sleep, wake them up and guard the continent of Nolan again." Said the fairy queen.

"Where the gods sleep?" Elena frowned.

"Yes, in the book of the queen handed down from generation to generation by the elves, there is a vague record about the deep sleep of the gods. After the war of the gods, the old dominators were sealed all over the mainland, and the gods fell into deep sleep, waiting to be awakened again."

"Where do you sleep?"

"There is no exact record, only that the goddess of life sleeps in the tears of the moon."

"Tears of the moon?" Irina frowned. She could be sure there was no such place in the wind forest.

"Elena, I can't leave here now. The fate of the elves is up to you. Make sure to stop Helena and don't let her bring the elves into the abyss..." the voice of the elves queen gradually weakened until it disappeared.

"Queen? Mother? Are you still there? " Elena called.

At this time, the scene in front of her was distorted. In a twinkling of an eye, she reappeared in the hole of the tree of life.

"Thank you, little tree. I'm leaving. I'll see you next time." Irina said with a smile and touched a willow branch.

The branches of the tree of life swayed gently around Elena, a little reluctant.

"The little girl outside is not bad. You can play with her when you are bored." Irina glances at the direction of the entrance to the tree. Sally sits cross legged under the tree, looking devout.

"I'll come back again." Irina said and disappeared into the tree hole.

"What's that?" Sitting under the tree of life, Sally subconsciously opens her eyes and looks at the direction of the tree of life with a little doubt. She seems to feel an inexplicable magic wave.

However, when she was ready to close her eyes again, she saw a branch emitting fluorescence slowly stretching out to her, like looking at her and circling her.

Sally's face suddenly a little nervous and looking forward to it. After becoming the princess of the elves, one of the most important things is to get the approval of the tree of life.

Only when they are recognized by the tree of life can they become the queen of the elves. This is the rule left by their ancestors.

She has been sitting under the tree of life for several days, but the tree of life has never shown any closeness to her, let alone let her enter the tree hole.

I didn't expect to contact her today, which really surprised her.

What happened under the tree of life was soon reported to the star cave.

"I'm not wrong about Sally. Only she can replace Elena." Looking at the close interaction between Sally and the tree of life in the crystal ball, Helena said with a smile: "as long as she is recognized by the tree of life, she can become the queen of the elves."

Meanwhile, Elena appeared in an old library.

With a flash of golden light, all the ancient books on the bookshelf disappeared, and she also disappeared in the library at the same time.

"Elena!" Helena's look suddenly changed, and the picture in the crystal ball instantly switched to the empty library.

"Ouch --"

Just then, there was a loud roar in the forest.

"Helena, I'm just going home to get some books. Don't get angry." Irina's sarcastic words resounded over the wind forest, leaving a purple shadow behind.


"Your majesty! This array can't be repaired! According to ancient books, the ancient array under the palace leads to the endless abyss. Once it is opened, it will wake up the terrible devil and bring devastating disaster to the country of the moon

The kingdom of the moon, in the underground palace, an old minister knelt on the ground and yelled to the king of the kingdom of the moon.

The array in the center of the underground palace has been almost repaired. Dozens of array mages are busy finishing the finishing work. After hearing this, their movements gradually stop. They all look at the king standing outside the array.

"If that's the case, it's even more important to repair the array as soon as possible! Barbara has been away from this array for several months. Now she may be suffering from the devil. How can I let her suffer alone! " The king looked firm and said, "I am a king and a father! Even if there is a devil behind the teleportation array, I will lead the cavalry of the kingdom of the moon to wipe it out! "

"Your majesty The old minister still wants to talk.

"I have made up my mind. If you have the time to cry here, why don't you lead the historian to look through the ancient books and find out where the teleportation leads and what the devil is?" Cried the king coldly.

"Yes The old minister was stunned, saluted the king, got up and left quickly.

"Barbara, you must hold on. Your father will come to save you soon!" The king clenched his fist, looked at the transmission array and said solemnly.


"This kebab is not very delicious. It has no soul. It's old and woody, and it's too salty." Barbara sat on a square stone, holding a handful of dark barbecue kebabs in her hand. She ate them with disgust.

"Keke, when I was young, I was also an expert in barbecue, but there was nothing in the cave, so the barbecue might not be so good..." Krasu said awkwardly.

"Ha ha, when you were young, the roast meat was even worse." Julian, holding an ice skate in his hand, carefully peeled the scorched skin of the kebab and sneered.

"You've been fed by boss Mai, and I think this kebab is good." Novartis sat on the edge of the array and said with a smile.

"Look, this is my bosom friend." Crassus smiles.

"No, starting tomorrow, I'm asking for takeout from the Maimi restaurant. I'm risking my life here to save the world. It's unreasonable that I have to eat such a terrible kebab." Barbara said seriously, her eyes turned, and secretly observed the faces of Krasu and Julian.

"I agree. It's up to the grey temple or the city Lord's house to do this. The logistics must be arranged for us. There's no reason for the top ten magicians to barbecue themselves." Krasu nodded. "I want to eat Jiaohua chicken now."

"But can you take out at the McMillan?" Asked Novartis.

"The only delivery man has been sent back to be a chief because he is often lost." Barbara sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I'll take this. You eat first. I'll go out." Krasoving rushed away.

"If you wake up tomorrow morning and can eat soybean milk fried dough sticks, that would be great." Barbara ate all the kebabs in her hand and began to cooperate with Novak to continue translating the seal array.

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