Chaos school adheres to the concept of making children grow up happily. Therefore, the final evening is set before the final examination, and there is no link to commend outstanding students. However, before the performance, the award ceremony of encouraging awards such as moral star, helping star and contributing student is set up, in order to achieve the effect of example.

"Next, congratulations to Amy of class two who won the student contribution award this semester! Together with the chaos academy team, she defeated the challenge of the Los Empire delegation and made outstanding contributions The vice principal said with a smile.

"Amy, you won the prize." Daphne jumped out of her seat, happier than she had just won the moral star.

"And there's only one contribution Academy Award!" Ignaz was also a little excited.

"It seems so." Amy was a little confused. "But what did I do? I often don't even come to class... How can I win the prize? "

"Go ahead, you deserve it." MEG smiles and touches her head.

"Well." Amy nodded, got up and hopped toward the stage.

"It's really surprising that the contribution award was awarded to a student in a small class." A senior parent was a little sour.

Many parents have doubts about this. After all, this is the most valuable award. Over the years, it has been awarded to some senior students who have made outstanding contributions to the school, but this time it was awarded to a small class student who has just been in school for one year.

"Mother, you didn't watch the duel. If Amy's primary school sister didn't turn the tide, our chaotic school would have lost to the wizard tower. She deserves the prize." Her son mercilessly accepted her back, and then looked at the front with little stars in his eyes and said, "you see, she's bouncing. How lovely she is!"

"Yes, Amy's primary school sister is a legend of our chaotic school. She is very cute and powerful." The students spontaneously explained to their parents that there was no doubt about the award.

Amy jumps to the high platform and looks up. Her sight is blocked. She seems a little stunned.

"Oh, it's blocked." Daphne looked at Amy's back, her eyes lit up and said, "I'm so cute in a daze!"

"But there are steps by the side." Ignaz covers his face.

McGonagall was also dumbfounded. Just now, the little guy was busy reviewing his performance. He didn't pay attention to how the students who came to the stage to receive the prize went. The steps on both sides were hidden in the side, which was not visible at a glance.

"Why did she stop?"

"Can't you find the way to the stage? Bothered by the lack of steps? "

"So, can we just walk in a straight line?"

"HHH, my schoolgirl is so cute!"

Standing in the center of the high platform, the vice president could only see Amy's half rabbit ear and wondered why she could not stop on the stage.

"Emmm... Did everyone jump on it?" Amy looked at the high platform in front of her. She was puzzled, but she didn't see the steps. It seems that this is the test of the school.

To understand this, Amy slightly bent his knees, jumped on the high platform, and fell steadily in front of the vice president, with two rabbit ears shaking.

The sudden jump startled the vice president. However, looking at his little guy with a cute face in front of him, he unconsciously climbed up his cheek with a smile and said with a smile: "little students are full of energy, even on stage are so full of vitality."

There was a burst of kind laughter in the auditorium. I can't blame such a cute little guy.

"Congratulations, Amy. I hope you can keep this energy and spirit." The vice president solemnly handed the medal to Amy.

"Thank you." Amy bows to the vice president. Before the applause is over, she jumps off the stage with her medal in her hand and jumps all the way back to her seat.

"Er..." the vice president looked at Amy, who had already returned to his seat. He had to swallow his words of encouragement.

Amy's contribution to chaos academy is not only helping chaos academy defeat mage tower and imperial elite academy team.

Because Amy, chaos school has a melee magic class taught by Krasu, a super magic room, and several teaching buildings. Such contribution can no longer be measured by a student medal for contribution.

"Well, next, please enjoy the formal party brought by the students." The vice president said nothing and went straight to the point.

"Father, look, my medal." Amy shoved the medal into Meg's hand, and her face was full of "praise me.".

The logo of the college is engraved in red with gold as the bottom. There are no vulgar four characters on it, but three small silver stars are engraved in the upper left corner. There is a pin at the back, which can be directly attached to the collar. The design is quite good.

"My millet is great." McGonagall touched her head with a smile. The little guy was very well adapted to the school life and was loved by his classmates. He was much more powerful than he was then.

After all, he became the public enemy of the male students because he was liked by too many female students.

But Amy is different. Even Daphne is going to be her little fan.

"Hee hee." Amy laughed happily, as if getting McGonagall's praise was more happy than getting the medal.

With the announcement of several children, the children's fun performance began.

This kind of performance hasn't been seen since MEG graduated from primary school. The children's clumsy performance, full of childish singing, and watching it with Amy are quite interesting.

Luna came to remind Amy to get ready for the stage.

Amy got up, looked at MEG and said, "father, I'm going to go backstage to prepare. You should sit here and watch my performance."

"Well, I'll sit there." MEG nodded with a smile.

"Come on, Amy!" Daphne encouraged with a small fist.

"Remember to go up the stage from the next step." Ignaz whispered.

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded and followed Luna to the back of the stage.

"Uncle, what's Amy going to do?" Daphne asked, looking at MEG curiously.

"Yes, she won't tell us." Ignaz also has a curious face.

"She didn't tell me either, but we'll find out later." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. It seems that the little guy's confidentiality is in place. He keeps himself in the room to practice every day and refuses to disclose any information at all.

The performance continued. After two shows, the little host announced: "next, let's invite Amy from class two to perform a solo dance for us: Rabbit Dance!"

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