The stage gradually darkens, and suddenly a beam of light falls to the center of the stage. Wearing a small white skirt and a rabbit ear hat, Amy appears in everyone's sight.

The audience's eyes brightened one after another. What a lovely little girl! She looks like a little angel, even though it's not "well, Xiaomi is great." Irina's eyebrows and eyes were filled with a gentle smile.

"I was going to use the photo stone to record it for you, but Xiaomi said he would come back and dance for you." MEG brought the bike in and shut the door.

"Mm-hmm, I'll dance to my mother alone." Amy lights her cerebellar pouch.

"OK, Xiaomi dance for me." Irina nodded, turned to Meg, and said, "I want to eat grilled fish. I'm hungry."

McGonagall looked at Elena, who was usually noble and cold, and looked at his coquetry. He was a little stunned. After a while, he came back to himself and nodded: "OK, Xiaomi, what would you like to eat? Today's performance is very good. My father will satisfy you with whatever you want to eat. "

Amy thought for a moment and said, "well... I'll have roast mutton kebabs and strawberry ice cream."

"OK, two, just a moment, please." MEG helped Amy move a table and went straight into the kitchen.

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