"Fat kitten..." pauper nodded and raised his hand to hold the duckling.

They were surprised that Amy didn't make any sarcastic remarks. Instead, she handed the duckling to pabol. She was more like a close sister.

This completely subverts the image of Amy in people's hearts. Looking at pabol who carefully takes over the little orange cat and shows a happy smile on his face again, and looking at Amy with a calm face, the little girl is kind sometimes.

"Sure enough, the girl in my family is still super good. It's enough to be kind-hearted." McGonagall, who was a little worried about Amy getting along with the children, saw this scene with a smile on his face. He was also worried that Amy would not have friends after she got used to the poisonous tongue, but now it seems that it is not a problem at all. The little girl knows she has a degree.

"From class to here, it seems that Palmer is still very concerned about being beaten by Amy in arithmetic. He's really a competitive little guy." Luna saw him as soon as Palmer entered the door. She took a look at pabol with the ugly duckling in her arms, and then looked at Amy with a stronger smile on her face. "Right, this is the cute little guy with a good heart. At the beginning, she had to share a cookie with other children."

"It seems that there is no problem again. The little boss is very kind." Gergi, who was ready to take pabol back to comfort him, stopped and whispered with a smile.

"How... How possible!" Palmer is also staring. He has nothing to say since he entered the door. He dislikes that pabol is not his little sister. He actually hands the kitten to pabol. Looking at pabol who is holding the kitten carefully and laughing happily, his face is even more red. When he just makes a promise, he is beaten in the face again.

"Meow, meow, meow," the duckling was hugged by pabol. He called twice with some dissatisfaction and shook his head to stand up.

"Ugly duckling, don't move." Amy looked at the left and right shaking pabol and gave a warning.

With Amy's serious eyes, the ugly duckling suddenly counseled and lay still, looking at the ceiling with empty eyes.

"It's really like this. So is the one on the left hand. It's all faded! The color has lightened At this time, the woman who had previously exclaimed was surprised again. Her sleeves were rolled up and her cheeks were red.

"Well?" Everyone's eyes looked at her one after another. The woman looked about thirty years old. Her appearance and figure were just ordinary. She was wearing a long purple green skirt, a string of emerald necklace around her neck, and a long brown hair. She was supposed to be the wife of a rich family.

But this meeting, she was surprised to look at her hands, rolled up sleeves show a pair of small arms, white arms, but there are two shocking burns scars, skin folds together, looks a little scary, but she did not mean to avoid the eyes of the public.

"Sister Rosia, has it really faded?" The woman sitting opposite her also asked in surprise.

"Yes, I look at it every day, and I know every change clearly. During the process of eating, I felt that my arm was a little cool. I didn't care about it at first. I didn't expect to take a sneak look. The scar turned pale a bit, and the surrounding area contracted inward, and the normal flesh color was restored." Lothia nodded hard, and the surprise on her face could not be concealed.

As a child, she was accidentally scalded by a copper stove burning water. Besides her arms, she was also scalded on her chest.

Although marriage is a family marriage, she loves her husband very much and he is considerate to her. However, because of the scar left by her childhood, she always worries that her husband will be tired of her ugly body sooner or later and put into the arms of other women, so she has been looking for ways to remove the scar all these years.

But whether it's magic or medicine, it can only make the scar look a little lighter. There's no way to completely remove and recover it. After tossing back and forth, I feel a little frustrated.

Today, I was also called out by my friend to have dinner together, saying that I would bring her to taste the delicious food in the world. I didn't expect that tofu was so delicious. Of course, what's more surprising is that after eating it, the scar that had been cured for a long time turned pale and contracted, which really surprised and pleased her.

Sally, Luna and Lucia are sitting on the same table. They all look at her unexpectedly. The bean curd is so delicious. If it has the effect of removing scars and beautifying, it's the favorite of beauty loving girls.

"It really works!" Luna raised her left hand for a look, and her eyes suddenly became round. When she was cutting vegetables the day before yesterday, she accidentally cut a small hole in her left index finger. The wound was not big, and soon scab formed. But now the scab fell off automatically, and the wound completely disappeared. Her skin was smooth and delicate. It's hard to believe that there was a healing wound just before entering the door.

"Does bean curd still have the effect of removing scars?"

"The skin seems to be getting better, too! Even my old face is tender. "

"That's great. I think most of the customers in boss Mai's restaurant will be female customers in the future!"

"That's true! Half of the scar I left when I was three years old has disappeared! "

People watched the scene and began to discuss it. Many people also found scars on themselves, which proved the effect again. The atmosphere of the restaurant suddenly became warm.

"If it's really effective, I'll bring my wife to eat tomorrow. She's been talking about the scar on her hand for several years." Jergi's eyes brightened.

"Boss Mai is really a genius. The key to relieving fatigue, Yangzhou fried rice, rougamo and bean curd is that every dish is so delicious! With this method, we can completely turn the restaurant into a Maimi medical center. When guests come here in the future, they don't need to order. They can ask about the situation and prescribe medicine directly. " Harrison nodded with a smile, a bit of ridicule between the words, but more or admiration, pause, and a sigh: "comparable to the king of medicine!"

"What, bean curd brain dispels scar?" In the corner, a middle-aged brave man with a short stubble was stunned. His face suddenly panicked. He suddenly got up and pulled open his shirt, revealing his chest full of strong muscles.

There are countless old and new scars, big and small, crisscrossed on it. One of them even cuts through the heart obliquely, recording a thrilling battle and countless experiences of passing by death. It's like a badge. It's the greatest pride of the brave.

"This scar is my badge of immortality! If it's gone, how can I brag with those rookies and brave people? " Joel looked down at the scar on his chest and said anxiously.

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