"Joel, it's OK. Your scars are still there." The man who came with the brave man comforted him with a smile.

"What a fart! Twenty five years ago, "if you had another bowl of salted bean curd in front of you, would you like it?" The friend who came with me did not persuade him any more, but asked with a smile.

Joel looked at him, was silent for a moment, then nodded decisively: "eat!"

"Not only the scar, but also my birthmark."

"Please help me to see if the pockmarks on my face have become shallow?"

Soon, in addition to the scars, the guests were surprised to find that some skin problems were improved to a certain extent after eating tofu.

Looking at the restaurant suddenly noisy up, just put down two bowls of yabeimia is subconsciously raised her hand to look at, eyes suddenly lit up.

At dinner, she ate a rougamo and a bowl of sweet bean curd. Because she was in a hurry to start business after eating, she didn't notice the changes on her hands. Her hands were full of scars and calluses. Some scars left many years ago actually disappeared.

When I was seven years old, I was scalded by a hot iron pot. When I was eight years old, I was bitten by an old dog in the kitchen. Now I can see that the ugly and hard to eliminate scars have become much lighter. The dead skin has become pink and tender, and the skin has become smooth again.

"What a powerful effect! In this case, as long as I continue to eat bean curd, my hands will be able to return to normal sooner or later, just like them? " Abemia looked at her scarred hands, and her heart suddenly became a little excited.

In the past, abemia felt that her life was mean, and she could only do the most mean and hard work in the dark kitchen all her life. With the lowest salary, she was trampled on by everyone, and her self-esteem was nothing.

But in the Maimi restaurant, she felt unprecedented warmth and respect, and gradually found a new life goal and state of life. Which 18-year-old girl doesn't love beauty? She is no longer the poor girl who can only hide in the kitchen.

But every time when serving food, the eyes of the guests stay in her hands, like a needle stinging her heart. She also wants to be better, with a pair of normal hands, worthy of the trust given by boss Mai, and bring better dining experience to the guests.

"In the future, as long as you eat two portions of bean curd every day, the scars and calluses on your hands will disappear sooner or later!" Abelmia clenched her fist and said to herself, holding the tray, she walked quickly to the kitchen. The possibility of realizing her wish finally came, and MEG still brought all this.

"Isn't it beauty? This is a cosmetic operation McGonagall was also surprised by the response of the guests. Although the system had said that it had a beauty effect before, he thought that it was just to add a little collagen. He didn't expect that the effect was so strong.

"System! Why didn't you say the effect was so good! If I had said that earlier, I would have set the price at two thousand copper coins! " MEG is speechless. The effect of bean curd is like a life-saving potion for people suffering from skin problems such as scars, pockmarks, birthmarks, etc. even if the price is ten times higher, no one needs to worry about buying it.

"The system did not expect the effect to be so strong. Although no animal experiment was carried out, the detection indexes are generally normal except for the protein content of 4.5 times. It seems that the unknown trace element besides the indexes has a strong beauty effect." The system was silent for a while before making a sound.

"I said... The food you provided us didn't even do animal experiments, did you?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows and suddenly realized something.

This time, the system has been silent for a longer time. After a long time, it was a little weak and said: "the food materials provided by this system have gone through 18 precise tests. After the big data analysis of various indicators, it is confirmed that they are harmless to the body before they are supplied to the restaurant, so as to ensure that they are non-toxic and pollution-free, and can be safely eaten."

"So, you still haven't done a living experiment?" McGonagall asked again.

"Host, please don't be entangled in in vivo experiments. The results of this system's accurate detection combined with big data analysis are more intuitive and scientific than in vivo experiments. There is no need to consider all kinds of accidental events in vivo survival. As long as the samples are collected enough, the deviation of the results is more than ten times higher than the accuracy of in vivo experiments in the current world." The serious voice of the system rings, pauses, and says, "the host is the first to get these ingredients."

"So, you can collect the data of living experiment from us..." McGonagall turned his mouth, but he almost believed in the system. He was also a science and engineering student, and he also came into contact with some big data in those years. The system claimed to have 80% knowledge, and his database was used to detect the usability of food materials, It's overqualified.

However, this also reminds MEG that the previous system said that excessive consumption of bean curd is not allowed. It seems that the purchase restriction is not only a task, but also a reason for the safety of customers.

"I'd like another order of sweet bean curd." When abemia came to her side, Krasu put down the spoon, looked at her and said with a smile.

"I'll have another salted bean curd, too." Julian also put down his spoon and said in a hoarse voice.

The voice in the dining room gradually stopped, and the eyes of all the people fell on abelmia.

It says on the menu that everyone is limited to one portion of bean curd. Many people have finished eating it, but no one would mind eating another bowl of such delicious food.

And those who have been dissatisfied with their appearance, suddenly see the hope of the guests, is full of expectations, looking at the direction of abemia and the kitchen, not to mention a bowl, now let them eat ten bowls down!

Before, people had been waiting and waiting, but now it was Julian and Crassus, two great magicians, who proposed another bowl. Besides, they just accepted Amy as their apprentice this morning. MEG would not refuse their request, would he?

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