"But..." under the gaze of the people, abemia looked a little flustered, especially the two powerful magicians, Krasu and Julian, or Amy's teacher. Should they refuse their requests according to the rules set on the menu, or should they respond reasonably?

"The boss won't refuse the two adults' requests, will he?"

"Yes, they are the teachers of the little boss. It's unreasonable to refuse this kind of relationship."

"If they want a second one, then we should be able to do the same? We are all guests. "

The guests were whispering, waiting for abelmia's response. The small calculation in their hearts had already crackled. They all believed that McGonagall could not refuse the request of Julian and crassus. They also wanted to figure out what words should be used to make McGonagall promise to give them another order of tofu.

Such delicious and refreshing bean curd, if you can only eat one, it is a kind of torture!

"Would you like another one?" Sally looked at the empty bowl in front of her. Her face hesitated again. There was a faint bean fragrance in her mouth. The sweet feeling enveloped her whole body. It seemed that even the air she exhaled had the fragrance of a hundred flowers.

"I'm sorry, there's only one portion of bean curd per person per meal, and there's no take out service." Just then, McGonagall's voice rang out, carrying a portion of Yangzhou fried rice out of the door, gently put it in front of Kelasu, with a smile: "your Yangzhou fried rice."

"I just refused!" The restaurant suddenly quieted down, and the guests looked at MEG with surprise and disappointment on their faces. Although MEG was smiling, it was just a polite smile and did not mean to compromise.

Krasu was also stunned. He took a look at Yangzhou fried rice in front of him, and then looked at McGonagall with a smile. This morning, McGonagall asked them to try it without money. Now he is Amy's master, and McGonagall refused his request for another one?

"Boss Mai, I'll pay for the second one." Krasu tried to communicate again. Bean curd is really delicious. The sweet feeling is addictive. For those who like to eat sweet, it is absolutely hard to refuse.

Julian looks at McGonagall with an eyebrow. McGonagall is the first one who knows his identity and dares to refuse his shopping request. Although he is Amy's father, is it too inhuman to do so?

"One meal per person is limited to one. What is stated on the menu is the rules of the restaurant. I hope you can abide by them and have a good time." McGonagall still smiles and shakes his head, looking at the disappointed guests and the bad looking Krasu and Julian, already scolding MMP in his heart.

He knows that a limited purchase will definitely make many customers who still want to eat unhappy, but the nutrition of this bean curd is too sufficient, and the amount of a normal person's share is almost the same. It's not good to eat too much, and it's not worth the loss to ruin the reputation of the restaurant.

And he has also taken over the task of restricting the purchase of the system. Although the number and content of the boxes in the turntable have not reached a consensus with the system, no matter which reward is given, he is quite excited.

"My father said one is one. Master, do you want to beat him?" Amy asked, looking over the counter at Julian and Crassus, with some vigilance in her eyes.

"How can it be? Of course, we have to abide by the rules that boss Mai said. There are no rules. Yangzhou fried rice is delicious." Kelasu took a spoon and ate Yangzhou fried rice. He nodded with a smile on his face.

"Rougamo is delicious, too." Julian silently picked up rougamo and took a bite.

Kelasu and Yuli can see that it is impossible for them to eat another bowl of bean curd today. What can they do? Can't you beat her father in front of your precious apprentice?

If they change a restaurant, they can scare the boss to cook for them as much as they want.

But McGonagall was a little different. He was calm when he didn't know their identity. Fortunately, he still had the same expression when he knew their identity, as if he just treated them as ordinary guests, because he also had the same expression when he received other guests.

"But this attitude will probably make the restaurant more popular? That's all. I'll eat it tomorrow. " Crassus takes a look at MEG and lowers his head to eat Yangzhou fried rice.

"Boss, I'll give you ten times the price and sell me another one. I really need it urgently. Please." Luoxiya got up, looked at megman and said sincerely that during this period of time, she had noticed that her husband's attitude towards her was colder. The woman's intuition made her feel a sense of crisis, but she couldn't ask. She was anxious to seek medical treatment, but she found the hope to get rid of the scar in this restaurant. No matter how much money she spent, she didn't care.

"Sorry, bean curd will be served normally tomorrow morning. Guests can come early." McGonagall still smiles and shakes his head. In his heart, he can't help saying, "system, would you like to evaluate it again? Ten times! One is worth ten! It's a fool not to make money

"Host, please pay attention to your wording. Abusing the system at will may trigger new hidden tasks." The voice of dissatisfaction of the system rang out, and then some excited: "as a candidate of Kitchen God, please face up to your identity, don't be shaken by the 2000 copper coins. Changing constantly will corrupt the rules of the restaurant, and the bright future is waiting for you. In order to become the top kitchen god, move forward!"

"System, here are two thousand copper coins. Do you want them?" McGonagall asked earnestly.

"Host, please feel free to say what you want." The sound of the system softened immediately.

"Nothing. I just asked casually." McGonagall, this system is really unruly.

"But..." Lucia wanted to add more conditions.

"Have a nice meal, madam." McGonagall nodded with a smile and went straight into the kitchen to continue cooking. There was no sign of negotiation, let alone compromise.

Luoxiya opened her mouth and found for the first time that money could not solve all the problems, even the rules of a restaurant could not be broken.

"Don't worry, Lucia. Let's eat again tomorrow morning. The two who have just been rejected are the Great Magicians." The companion reached out and took Lucia's hand, and said softly.

"The great magician!" Lucia's eyes were wide open. She was born in a big family. Naturally, she knew what these four words meant. McGonagall even refused the requests of the two great magicians. What's the matter with her? She hesitated and sat down again. It seemed that she could only eat tomorrow.

"The great magician has no way to break the rules. Boss Mai is really a person with personality and principle."

"Yes, I'm sure I'll be moved if I pay ten times the price plus one."

"Well, I have to bear it today. Come early tomorrow morning!"

The guests whispered, and there was no way for McGonagall to waver in strength and money. They had a new understanding of the rules of the restaurant. It seems that what boss McGonagall wrote at the back of the menu was not a joke.

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