"Have you been in touch with that child lately?" Sitting in the coach of the city Lord's mansion, Louis looked at kinks and asked.

"I left her contact information, but she didn't contact me once, and she didn't come to Longdao to find me." Kinks shook his head and said with a sense of helplessness, "maybe compared with that restaurant, Dragon Island is not very attractive."

Louis frowned and asked, "what's the background of that restaurant, not even Dragon Island?"

"It's not about the background. You'll know later." Kinks shrugged, which is hard to explain.

"If someone dares to stop my golden dragon children from going home, I will never let them go." Louis said coldly.

Kinks blinked and didn't answer.

The carriage stopped, and outside came the coachman's voice: "two guests, here's the Maimi restaurant."

"Uncle, after all, this is a chaotic city. We are guests. No matter what happens later, you can be patient. After all, we are here to facilitate the negotiation. It's not good to have a stalemate with the host." Kinks told me before he got off the bus.

"Well." Louis answered in a low voice that the city of chaos is still the place where the enemy is at present, so that all ethnic groups can abandon their prejudices and fight against the enemy together. Indeed, we can't offend the city of chaos.

"Let's go to this special restaurant." Kinks got out of the carriage first.

Louis followed, frowning at the line in front of the restaurant door. "What are they doing?"

"Line up for dinner." Kinks said that he had seen this before.

"Wait in line for a meal? I'm a Golden Dragon... "Louis said in a deep voice.

"Even if their Lord Michael comes to dinner, he has to line up behind." Kinks shrugged.

"Who is the owner of this restaurant? Is it some old monster that drives it? " Louis became more and more puzzled and frowned at the door of the splendid restaurant.

"That's not true. The restaurant owner is just an ordinary human." Kinks shook his head.

"An ordinary human?" Louis picked his eyebrows.

"But there's something wrong with her daughter, the magical heavenly daughter who was accepted as an apprentice by Krasu and Julian at the same time." Replied kinks.

"I'm a little impressed by this, but even if the father is more expensive than the daughter, does the boss dare to let Michael wait in line outside?" Louis was still puzzled.

"You may not believe it. Most of the people waiting outside are voluntary, and the restaurant hasn't opened yet. They all come in line ahead of time, afraid of the guests who won't have a seat for a while." Kinks was a little helpless.

"Voluntarily?" Louis looked at the guests in the queue. There were many people of all nationalities in the queue. They didn't show any dissatisfaction with the queuing, and it seemed that the atmosphere was pretty good.

"Yes, this restaurant owner's cooking skill can't be compared with that of the second one in Nolan mainland. You'll know later." Kinks said with a smile.

"Well, human food is not to our dragon's taste." Louis turned his lips with disdain.

"Don't say that too early. I think the team here should be a little shorter. Let's have hot pot here today." Kinks was about to walk to the other side of the line. Seeing Louis standing in the same place, he whispered, "don't you want to see the child? You can't see it standing here. "

"Well, for the sake of the child, I'll just force myself in." Louis followed kinks to the end of the line and squinted at the guests standing in front of him. He turned his lips disdainfully, but he could spit to death with a breath.

"It's a rare sight." Kinks, who was standing behind Louis, moved his mouth and didn't laugh.

"Oh, I'm late today. I'm sure I'm out of bean curd."

Harrison and Julian jumped out of the carriage and sighed as they looked at the long line at the door of the dining room.

"I haven't eaten hot pot for some days. Why don't we have hot pot tonight?" Julian suggested.

"That's fine." Harrison nodded and walked to the back of the two teams in front of the hot pot area.

As the line grew longer and longer, Louis looked impatient.

He's the head of the golden dragon clan, the top power of the dragon clan, and a group of mortals are waiting for dinner here. It's just

"Welcome to the Mami restaurant." Before he could wait, Lewis showed his anger. The door of the restaurant, which had been closed, suddenly opened. A young man came out and said with a smile.

All of a sudden, the stable team moved forward, and the guests came in orderly, greeting the young man.

"Uncle, it's open. Let's go, too." Kinks warned.

"Well." Louis drew back his eyes and followed the procession forward. For the sake of the child, he did not agree with him.

But when Louis and kinks got to the door, they were stopped by a girl.

Abemia looked at them with a smile and said, "sorry, guest, the indoor seats in the hot pot section are full. If you don't mind, you can take a seat at the table for four over there. This is the only seat left at present."

"Let's sit out and eat?" Louis didn't look at anyone. His brow was wrinkled.

"Uncle, this is the child." Kinks whispered.

Louis's eyes fell on abelmia's body, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he couldn't help but say: "it's so pure blood!"

Abemia subconsciously stepped back. She knew kinks, but she was a little frightened by the uncle's expression.

"Is her half step back serious?" Louis frowned slightly. He was the most respected patriarch and elder of the golden dragon clan. On weekdays, the younger generation saw him with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter with Louis?" Standing at the back of the side, Elizabeth watched Louis's face change slightly. She hesitated for a moment and stopped. The golden dragon clan should not hurt mia, but if she shows too close to MIA in front of them, she may get into trouble.

"Mia, we have something to talk to you about alone." Kinks looked at Mia and said with a smile.

"Well, we're going to take you home." Louis nodded and added.

"I'm sorry, I'm at work now. I don't have time to talk to you." Mia shook her head slightly and put on a new smile: "please take two guests to your seat, the guests behind are still waiting."

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