Louis wanted to say something else, but he was stopped by kinks and sat down at four tables.

"For what?" Louis took a look at kinks.

"Uncle, it's very urgent. The child is stubborn. Let's sit down and have something to eat. When she is free, we'll talk to her alone." Kinks whispered.

"Want me to wait for her?" Louis frowned.

"As you can see, her royal blood is so pure that you can't find a second generation with such pure blood on Longdao." Kinks looked at Louis suspiciously. "You really haven't had anything special with any girl in the city of chaos these years?"

"Do you think this child has something to do with me?" Louis's eyes widened.

"Cough... I'm just guessing." Kinks coughed. "After all, few of us, the golden dragon clan, can survive in such a pure royal blood

"Except this time, I haven't had a chaotic city for more than 30 years." Louis shook his head, looked at abelmia's eyes also showed a bit of doubt, the child's Golden Dragon blood is really amazing, not to mention she is only a half dragon, even if it is a child born on the Dragon Island, the blood is rarely able to reach such a pure level.

The purer the blood is, the easier it is to stimulate the potential of blood and let her grow faster.

With this child's blood, it will not be difficult for him to break through level 10 in time, and he may even become the top strong man of the golden dragon clan.

"We have to take her back. There are fewer and fewer potential children these years. I want to cultivate her myself." Louis' voice sank.

"Yes, it's a pity that such young people are left out." Kinks nodded deeply.

"Uncle, can we make a table together?" Just then, a voice interrupted the conversation between Louis and kinks.

They both looked back at Harrison and jergi.

"Two human beings made of fat, what do you call me? Uncle Lewis's eyes narrowed, and there was a smell of danger.

Harrison and geerjee felt a chill in their necks. They subconsciously shrunk their necks, but they didn't mean to retreat. Table sharing is a tradition of McMillan's restaurant. It's just polite to say so. Now there are only two seats left in the hot pot area, and they have no reason to give up.

"Ha ha, it's OK. Sit down." Before Lewis had a seizure, kinks had already laughed and seated them, winking at him at the same time.

"Then we're welcome." Harrison sat down beside Louis with a smile, and his full figure suddenly occupied most of the table.

Louis subconsciously moved a little to the side, after moving back to God, "I gave way to an ordinary human?"

"Thank you, uncle ha." Harrison said with a smile. He looked at Louis curiously and asked, "you are so rich in this golden jacket. Which tailor made it? This is my size. Can I do it? "

Kinks's mouth moved, his head turned silently, and he couldn't smile.

"I'm afraid no tailor can do it." Louis said in a cold voice.

"Really, I'm afraid the tailors in our chaotic city don't have this skill." Harrison nodded approvingly, retracted his head, and moved the chair aside. He had already felt a little cold.

When we eat in the Maimi restaurant, we all chat when we are together. If we get along well with each other, we will be partners. Next time we have a table together, we can have a few drinks together.

However, these two uncles, who were dressed in coquettish gold armour, were obviously not in this group, so he would not be bored.

Geerjee also winked at Harrison and motioned him not to talk. It can be seen that these two people are not ordinary people. If they accidentally cause trouble, they are not very beautiful.

"Don't be afraid. That man is the head of the golden dragon clan. He is not a bad man and won't hurt you." Elizabeth said softly, taking abelmia's hand.

"Well." Mia nodded slightly, thought about it, and then said, "but what should he do if he wants to take me back?"

"It's up to you whether you want to go or not." Said Elizabeth, looking into her eyes.

"All right." Mia nodded.

Four people just sit, big eyes stare small eyes, the atmosphere is a little strange.

Harrison was a little uncomfortable and moved his butt. He had known that he was not in a hurry for a while. He was not comfortable eating hot pot.

Louis began to reflect on why he and two humans crowded on the same small square table to eat, and eat human food.

"Can I help you?" At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, Mia came to the table, said with a smile.

Harrison just wanted to open his mouth, then quickly closed his mouth, turned to look at Louis and kinks, and said, "two first, two first."

"This..." kinks opened the menu, which was his first time to eat hot pot. Looking at all kinds of dishes on the menu, he could not help frowning.

"Pig brain? What about the brains of stupid creatures? Is it not assimilated by it? beef omasum? How dare you bring such a dirty thing on the stage? Duck intestines? This restaurant is full of mischief! " Louis was furious and furious.

"Do you often eat hot pot? What's good? " Before Louis got angry, kinks had begun to ask Harrison questions.

"If you want to talk about eating hot pot, you must ask the right person." Harrison patted his chest and said, "taking my experience of 28 hot pot meals in January as an example, if you have a big appetite, you can order all the dishes on the menu. It's a pity to miss any one."

"It's really no trouble for you to do that." Kinks nodded, looked at abelmia and said, "then I'll have two of all the dishes on the menu."

Louis raised his hand and refused: "you don't have to help me. I won't eat this..."

"Uncle, I'll order. You can order what you want." Kinks turned back and interrupted Lewis.

"And you? What can I do for you? " Abelmia looked at Louis and asked with a smile.

Louis slightly embarrassed to withdraw his hand, looking at Mia's clean eyes, hesitated for a while, said: "then I also want two of all the dishes."

"Yes, just a moment, please." Mia nodded and then ordered for Harrison and jergi.

"It's hidden." Harrison looked at them with admiration.

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