"Have you learned to be a vegetarian?" Louis looked at kinks.

"Uncle, it's right to try new things. Times have changed." Kinks said calmly.

"There should be no vegetarian dishes in the dragon's recipe. I will hold a Presbyterian meeting to discuss whether the dragon eating vegetarian dishes should be expelled from Dragon Island." Louis frowned.

"The child should have eaten a lot." Kinks got angry.

"She..." Louis choked, adding: "she has not returned to our family, I do not know the rules can be free from punishment."

"But at least half of the dishes you just ordered are vegetarian." Again, kinks.

Louis's face sank. He looked at kinks and said, "do you think I can't lift a knife, or does the city of chaos give you special courage?"

"Well, uncle, we have something to say." Kinks quickly softened up and said with a smile, "we don't do as the Romans do. That child is very independent. It's not that we'll cry when we say 'we'll pick you up home'. We need to pay more attention. Eating vegetarian food is a way to get close to young people. If you don't want to try, you will close the door to communicate with young people. I also think this child is good. I want to take her as an apprentice. "

Louis raised his eyes, lost in thought.

The hot pot and the dishes are very fast. The four person table is equipped with a four palace pot. It is clean and hygienic. At the same time, it also avoids the embarrassment of taking other people's fat cattle away by mistake and causing bloodshed.

"Your dishes are ready. There is a hot pot guide on the table. Please enjoy yourself." Abelmia said with a smile and turned away.

"Doesn't it mean that human cooking is very complicated? Why is the food on the table without cooking? " Louis looked at the multi-storey dining car with all kinds of food beside him, lost in thought.

"Is that all?" Kinks is obviously also the first time to deal with this situation, watching the duck intestines and duck blood soaked in ice water, as well as a variety of fresh vegetables are also a little distracted.

"Is this your first time to eat hot pot? Then I suggest you take a serious look at this hot pot food guide. The eating method of hot pot is simple and interesting, but there are still some small skills. After mastering them, you can eat delicious hot pot by yourself. " Harrison reminded kindly.

Louis looked away, dismissing it.

As the noble head of the golden dragon clan, his self-esteem would never allow him to eat such low-grade food.

Kinks took over the hot pot food guide and carefully checked it. When he met something he didn't understand, he was not ashamed to ask. After the red oil in the hot pot was almost boiled, he had mastered most of the theoretical knowledge of hot pot food, and prepared a slightly spicy dipping dish for himself. Then some of them were eager to pick up chopsticks and pick up a duck sausage, Get ready for the first hot pot experience.

"Do you know that duck intestines are the internal organs of duck defecation, and now you are going to eat them?" Louis looks at kinks and questions his soul.

"This..." originally eager to try, kinks listened to Louis, looked at the duck intestines swaying slightly on the chopsticks, and also fell into meditation.

"Kazam ~ kazam ~ today's duck intestines are still so fresh and crisp, it's not too wonderful!" On one side, Harrison happily chewed the duck intestines which had just been scalded, and said in full praise.

While talking, the second duck intestines in the boiling red soup pot, slip into the fat mouth again, with the crisp chewing sound, and the uncontrollable smacking sound, the throat of Lewis and jinx almost rolled at the same time.

"It's wonderful, isn't it?" Kinks's eyes were completely lit up, and the effect of the basin of cold water that had been splashed by Louise had been completely eliminated.

"I have a desire to eat a duck sausage?" Louis fell into introspection. For a giant dragon who has lived for nearly two thousand years, the emergence of this absurd idea is a matter that can not be ignored.

"Hairy belly is really my destiny." On the other hand, geerji was carrying a plate of tripe and eating it very touching.

"Uncle, I'll start first." Kinks can't wait to say something to Louis. He puts the duck intestines in his hand into the rolling red soup pot just like Harrison, but when he picks up the chopsticks again, the duck intestines are gone.

"Disappeared?" Kinks was slightly stunned.

"Yes, uncle. After three seconds, you will lose your soul." Harrison looked over his head and said with regret.

"No way!" Kinks with ten strong sharp sense of God, success in the next second of the rolling soup pot duck sausage accurate clip up, and then breathlessly began to continue hot duck sausage.

"Eighth!" Kinks picked up the chopsticks from the pot, looked at the duck intestines hanging with red bright soup, which had changed from the original stretch into a curly small section, glanced at the hot pot food guide, and then swam the duck intestines in the dip dish with a holy face, and then fed them to his mouth.

The spicy tongue of the chafing dish substrate burst, as if an ant had taken a bite on it. Jinx's face turned red, and he almost jumped out of his chair.

"Is the food poisonous?" Louis's face showed a bit of vigilance, his right hand has been raised ready to rescue.

"Dregs..." at this time, kinks suddenly began to chew quickly, and the duck intestines made a crisp sound. He could feel the refreshing feeling when his teeth cut the thin duck intestines.

And the red on kinks's face faded into surprise and joy.

Besides being spicy, the crispy and crisp duck intestines make kinks' teeth experience a very novel pleasure. As the taste buds get used to the spicy flavor, the strong aroma under the spicy flavor begins to grow stronger and stronger, and the more they chew, the more fragrant they become

Jinx swallowed the duck intestines and exclaimed, "what an incredible taste, what an amazing taste! It's amazing that this little duck intestines, after the ritual baptism of the red soup, turned into such delicious and special food

Louis took back his hand in silence, frowning at kinks, who had already picked up the second duck intestines. His eyes looked at him with a bit of expectation and curiosity.

Jinx's mouth moved, and then he continued to rinse duck intestines. His exaggerated expression did not look like a giant dragon.

After washing duck intestines, kinks's target turned to the potbelly soaked in ice water.

"Uncle, I know what it is. You don't have to remind me." Kinks looked at the corner of his mouth, said Louis, who was ready to speak. Then he couldn't wait to pick up a piece of tripe and scald it in the hot pot. He skillfully put it in and out, then dipped the red tripe in the dipping dish and fed it to his mouth, showing a kind of satisfied expression: "that's the taste... Top!"

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