In a dark secret room, an oil lamp was burning on the square table.

A stout dwarf with square figure and an old, thin and delicate man sat on both sides of the square table. There was only a bottle of wine, two cups and a handful of peanuts on the table.

"Eisen iron fort has closed down all import and export, and repatriated all personnel of other races. Even if the race war starts again, we are confident that the iron fort will not be broken." The dwarf grabbed the glass and took a big sip of the wine. His voice was loud.

"For us goblins, war is just another way to make money. The trade of weapons and food will be greatly improved in the war. Since five years ago, we have accumulated enough food, and we can sell your weapons to every place where we need them." The old goblin grinned and showed his yellow and black teeth.

"But this time, the dragon people seem to pay too much attention to the peace talks. It's hard for them to be involved in the ethnic war. Why do they pay so much attention? You know, they don't care about other races. " The dwarf poured wine for himself, frowning and puzzled.

"I don't know what those big fools think now." The goblin said with a smile: "if peace can be continued for another 100 years, it will be a good thing for both of us. The first trial operation of the railway built by the city of chaos and our family has been completed. Although I haven't taken it yet, they say that it's a big car that can run only by eating coal mines and will never be tired. It should change the current mode of freight transportation, New trade opportunities. "

"Although the demons and orcs have fallen into chaos recently, the Los empire will not easily give up the chance to launch a war. The speed of human becoming powerful in the past 100 years is amazing. A single Alex is enough to make many dragons scared."

"But in the past 100 years, there has been an Alex, and now the Los Empire has personally pushed him to the opposite." The goblin grinned and said, "now he and Elena are on the side of the city of chaos."

"Which side are you goblins on this time?" Asked the dwarf, staring at the goblin.

"We are always on the side of interests." The goblin is still smiling.


On the first floor of the dining room, Meg, sitting by the window, put down his book, looked at Elena in the dining room and said, "Amy is asleep. Do you want something to eat?"

Irina thought about it and said, "you can have crayfish and beer, and a little bit of kebab would be better."

"Well, sit down and have a rest." MEG got up and went to the kitchen. He took an apron and tied it on.

"I'll watch you cook." Irina is followed to the kitchen door, leaning on the doorframe, looking at him with a smile.

MEG first lit the grill and put the charcoal into it. Then he took a net bag and picked up two crayfish from the fish tank. Looking back at Elena, he said, "how many do you want to eat?"

"Two, spicy crayfish." Irina replied without hesitation.

Looking at the beautiful smile on her face, with a kind of girl's bashful feeling, MEG felt a little cute and wanted to

McGonagall fished two crayfish for himself, and considered whether to order some oysters from the system.

"Carbon baked oysters, men's gas station! Women's beauty salon

"Selected top oysters in deep sea, 1000 copper coins each! If you want to buy it, hurry up

The sound of the system suddenly rang out in Meg's mind.

"This kind of nonsense, you cheat the children." MEG rolled his eyes.

"Host, this is based on traditional Chinese medicine. According to the records in compendium of Materia Medica, oysters can..."

"Half price, I'll take two dozen." MEG interrupted the system directly.

"Deal!" The system is brisk.

"Ding! Twenty four oysters have been delivered

"Twelve thousand coppers have been deducted!"

MEG looked at the two dozen more oysters coming out of the corner of the tank and reached for them.

This oyster is big and even, and each oyster has the size of an adult's palm. Moreover, the watch case is as white and clean as a shell. I don't know if this oyster growing in the deep sea is so clean.

"What is this?" Irina stepped forward and asked curiously.

"This is oyster. I bought it by the way during the day. It's said that it tastes good when roasted." McGonagall replied, taking the fat head fish and processing the shrimp and oysters.

Roasted oysters must have a name in the barbecue world. A delicious roasted oyster with minced garlic is McGonagall's heart. The taste is unforgettable in retrospect.

"You're right. You can't be wrong." Irina nodded, leaned against the door, looked at MEG, who was handling the ingredients, and said, "I went to see two people today."

"Who did you see?"

"Looking at Joe from a distance, Richard's old dog followed him, so he didn't start. However, on their way here, they were attacked by a group of mysterious people. Among them, there were two strong men of level 10, who seemed to belong to the demon clan. They were far apart and didn't see clearly, but they didn't succeed. " Said Irina.

"Sean won't be so stupid as to attack Joe at this juncture, but if Joe dies unexpectedly, it will cause a great shock to the situation of the Los empire." Meg said with a smile, "it's a good thing."

"There are two great magicians and a knight of level 10 following Qiao Xiu's trip. It's not easy to assassinate him." Irina curled her lips.

"Let's keep him alive for a while. If he dies, Sean will become the only successor. The Los empire will start a war sooner or later. His ambition is greater than that of Joe Hugh." MEG put the prawns aside, put the clear oil into the big pot, heat it to 70%, pour in the ginger and garlic, stir fry them, sprinkle in a handful of dried pepper, Chinese prickly ash and other spices, stir fry them.

The spicy flavor is getting stronger and stronger. The crayfish immediately goes into the pot and starts the fire. One hand holds the big spatula, the other hand holds the big pot's ear. After stir frying, the black and blue crayfish gradually turns red, and the flavor is also getting stronger. At this time, pour in two large glasses of beer, cover the pot and wait for the spicy crayfish to come out of the pot.

When the crayfish came out of the pot, MEG took out a piece of mutton from the refrigerator and cut it into square pieces. He put on a bamboo stick and put a thin layer of oil on the hot grill. Then he put a large bunch of mutton kebabs on the grill.

As soon as the mutton mixed with fat is put on the grill, it begins to grow fat and the smell of roasted mutton is gradually released.

On the other side, MEG found a gap to pry open the shell of the oyster. Maybe it's produced in the deep sea. The oyster looks very clean inside and outside. The juice of the oyster is full of water, and a faint smell of seafood floats in, showing the freshness that has just been salvaged.

"A kind of shell?" Irina asked curiously again.

"Yes, it's understandable." MEG nodded, put the oysters on the grill one by one, and began to make garlic.

One person controls the kitchen where hundreds of people can eat, so McGonagall has developed the ability of multitasking. Now he cooks three kinds of food at the same time and has to prepare his own ingredients. He is still handy, not in a mess, but in a leisurely way.

"My man, as expected, went to the hall and got out of the kitchen." Irina, standing at the kitchen door, nodded with satisfaction.

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