Ladle a spoonful of garlic sauce on the oyster, sprinkle a few pieces of chilli, the fragrance will gradually spread.

"How fragrant Irina's eyes brightened, and she looked at the oysters decorated with bright garlic sauce, beating with juice under the charcoal fire.

MEG flipped the mutton kebab, sprinkled with spices, then put it directly into the long plate, and sprinkled with a handful of green onion.

At the same time, the spicy crayfish on one side is also suitable for juice collection. Four large crayfish are put into a large plate, and then the first batch of oysters on the grill are put on the plate.

"I'll bake the rest later." MEG handed Irina the oysters and crayfish, took two beers, picked up the kebab and walked out of the kitchen.

Three big plates, almost the whole table.

Red spicy crayfish holding broken pincers, piled into a small mountain of mutton kebabs, sprinkled with scallions, arranged in a neat array of oysters, juicy, with a large cup of beer, such a supper is not too good.

"Who else did you see besides Joe?" MEG took a sip from his glass and asked casually.

"Dracula, this time he came to the meeting on behalf of the vampires. I have made an appointment with him to hold another grass eating exhibition. Take advantage of the popularity of this meeting to sell some advance tickets first." Elena broke off a prawn clamp and said as she shelled it.

"He agreed?" McGonagall was surprised to know that Dracula is now one of the only two ancestors of the vampire clan, and his status and that year cannot be said for a day.

"At that time, he was able to promise for one million copper coins. This time, our goal was two billion copper coins. How could he refuse? Even I had a good name. It was called" the 10th anniversary roving exhibition of the grass eating diary of the most powerful vampire on the surface! ", Isn't that good? " Irina said with a smile.

"The name is good." McGonagall is picking eyebrows. It's just that Jay Chou can't say that he can earn two billion yuan in a concert tour. Where do they get their confidence?

Irene quickly finished a shrimp nipper and picked up an oyster.

"This shell smells good." Irina sniffed first. The delicious taste mixed with garlic fragrance came to her face. The golden garlic mixed with red capsicum and green scallion covered the surface.

"Start with chopsticks and eat with soup." MEG also picked up an oyster and showed Elena how to eat it.

The meat of the oyster is very full. When you feed it to your mouth, it almost fills your mouth. When you bite it gently, the soft oyster meat is cut. The delicious juice splashes in your mouth. The sweet taste of the roasted garlic overflows with the spicy taste, pushing the delicacy to another level and bringing wave after wave of pleasure to the taste buds.

This is Meg's first time to bake oysters in person. However, the formula of garlic minced crayfish, the heat of roast beef kebab and mutton kebab, and the top grade oyster still make this delicious roast oyster.

As he swallowed the oysters, McGonagall gulped the rest of the soup from his shell. Then he took a big sip from his glass, and his eyebrows began to stretch.

"It does look good." Elena also learned to use chopsticks to start the raw oyster meat, but it was a bit difficult for her to eat the fat oyster meat in one bite, so she opened her mouth and bit half of it.

Sweet and fresh taste with the soup burst in the mouth, taste buds dance for it, this is only in the seaside can taste the delicious taste, like just out of the sea and on the grill.

The smooth and tender taste is like bean curd. It almost melts in the mouth with a little bite. The hard shell is wrapped in such a soft inside that it almost melts.

The special flavor of garlic blooms, giving the oyster a more delicious taste. The taste buds on the tip of the tongue are already addicted to it, and the spicy taste is like the finishing touch, which seems to remind her to eat the remaining half of the oyster.


The other half of the oyster meat also went into Elena's mouth and sucked away a little soup from her shell.

"Ah ~ ~"

"What a satisfying taste!"

After a big sip of beer, Elena put down her glass and said with satisfaction.

"Do you like it?" MEG picked up the kebab and asked with a smile.

"It's not so wonderful. I never thought shells were so delicious." Irina nodded her head, her eyes bent like the crescent moon.

"I'll bake you another dozen later." McGonagall said with some indulgence.

"Good." Elena can't wait to pick up the second roasted oyster.

"Hum, you are eating supper behind my back."

At this time, a soft glutinous with a bit of angry voice from the direction of the stairs.

MEG and Elena's hands froze at the same time, looking back.

Amy kneaded her bleary eyes and stood at the end of the stairs, looking at them and the delicious food on the table in disbelief. Her mouth was shriveled and shriveled. She had to be more aggrieved.

Ugly duckling from her feet out of a head, empty eyes, also did not wake up.

"Well, Xiaomi, it's not what you think..." MEG stood up and looked a little embarrassed. The little guy usually sleeps very well. How could he wake up today.

"I don't listen, I don't listen. My father just wants to have supper with my mother. He just doesn't want to ask Amy to eat together..." Amy turned away and said.

"Come here, Xiaomi. Your father baked delicious shells today. Let's eat them together." Elena waved to Amy with a smile.

"Grilled shells? Is it really delicious? " Amy's eyes turned unconsciously and looked at the shells on the table, swallowing secretly.

"Of course, I can show you if you don't believe me." Irina picked up the oysters and fed them to her mouth. Then she chewed contentedly.

"Well, I'll forgive you for the delicious shells." Amy pedals over, pulls back her chair and sits down between MEG and Elena.

"Shells can't be eaten." MEG laughs and brings her a plate and a pair of chopsticks. Then she puts an oyster in front of her.

As long as there is delicious food, there is no better kid than Amy.

"What a big shell. It's as big as my face." Amy holds the oyster in both hands and says in surprise. First she takes a sip of the soup. Then she picks up the chopsticks, cocks up the oyster meat, opens her mouth and takes a bite. Her big blue eyes suddenly shine. She chews happily, swallows and takes another bite, just like a little squirrel. After a while, she finishes eating a raw oyster meat.

"It's delicious, too, bam!" Amy licked the inside of the oyster shell as if she had found a new world.

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