The roast oysters were liked by Elena and Amy, so MEG ordered two dozen more from the system and baked another prawn by the way.

Golden garlic covered with full oyster meat, a little onion pepper embellishment, they are sent to the mouth together with the soup, savor the rich garlic and oyster meat taste, this is really anyone can not resist the wonderful taste.

"Meow, meow," the duckling knelt down in front of an empty oyster shell and looked up at MEG, his eyes shining with hope.

"Ugly duckling, you can't eat too many flavors. You'll lose your hair." MEG peeled a piece of roast shrimp and put it in the oyster shell.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling lowered his head to eat and gave out a happy whimper.

"Ugly duckling, you can't eat too much. If it's too heavy, you'll lose more than hair." Amy held a pair of spicy shrimp tongs in her hand and poked out a small head to remind her.

"Meow ~" ugly duckling head changed a direction to continue eating, pretending not to hear the appearance.

"I'm full." Amy fed the last mouthful of shrimp to her mouth, wiped her hands and mouth with a tissue, and touched her bulging stomach with satisfaction.

"Xiaomi has a lot of things in her stomach." MEG smiles and touches her head.

"Amy didn't want to eat so much, but the food made by her father was so delicious that she couldn't control herself." Amy Du small mouth with a bit helpless way.

"Is Xiaomi still angry with his father?" MEG asked cautiously, looking into Amy's eyes.

"Of course not. You are Amy's best father. How can amy be angry with you?" Amy put her arm around Meg's neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're the father's best baby, too." MEG smiles like a one meter eight child.

"But next time you can't eat supper behind my back. You must take me with you!" Amy said, looking at MEG seriously.

"Well, next time we'll eat secretly." McGonagall said with a indulgent smile.

"Hello, the palace is still here." Irina put her hands around her chest and looked up at her father and daughter.

"That's it." Amy leaned in Irina's arms and winked at MEG. "Of course we'll take our mother with us. We'll have three in a family."

McGonagall immediately realized that he seemed a little overjoyed, and quickly nodded: "yes, we have three in our family."

"Can we see the stars? I've never seen stars with my father or my mother. " Amy looked at them, her face full of expectation.

"Of course." MEG looked at Amy with some guilt.

Because their identities have not yet been announced, the three of them have never appeared in public. During this time, he and Elena are very busy, and they rarely have the opportunity to get along with each other.

"Come on, let's see the stars." Elena waves. All the dishes and garbage piled up on the table float into the kitchen. The dishes are washed and put into the cupboard. The table is also brand new. Then she takes Amy's little hand and walks towards the stairs.

MEG picked up the duckling and picked up a blanket on the second floor.

The balcony on the third floor is naturally the best place to watch the stars. Sweep away the snow on the bench and put on the plush cushion. Amy sits in the middle, MEG and Elena sit on both sides. The ugly duckling jumps on Amy's legs and nests comfortably. They are wrapped in a thick woolen blanket together. There is a cat of three in the family leaning against the back of the chair and looking up at the stars at the same time.

"But there are clouds." Amy was a little disappointed.

A dark cloud just floated over the chaotic city, covering a large field of vision. Only a few scattered small stars could be seen in the clouds, which was obviously not a suitable night to see stars.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a cloud." Irina took out her wand and pointed to the sky.

A beam of golden light broke through the black night sky and disappeared into the black clouds. With a thunder, the thick black clouds over the chaotic city dissipated and dispersed at the speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the deep blue sky, with stars shining.

"Wow! Mother, you are so wonderful Amy was surprised to see this scene, hugged Elena's neck, gave a kiss, excitedly pointed to the sky and said, "I've never seen such a clean and bright sky."

"Actually I..." McGonagall opened his mouth and consciously took back the words behind him. It's really something that no one can do. Even if he recovers to level 10, he can't go to heaven to chop up the clouds with a sword.

However, looking at the happy Amy, there is also a satisfied face of Elena, his mouth can not help but smile.

"The moon looks so small, and it turns into crescent moon and big cake. Did sister Barbara really live on the moon before? Will she become a little person when she returns to the moon? " Amy quickly looked at the moon and asked curiously.

"The moon is far away from us, so it looks small, but its volume is very large. The people living there are the same size as us. And the size of the moon should be the same, but the part we see changes because of the changes in light McGonagall said with a smile that, of course, what he said is the moon of the earth. Whether it is applicable in this world is still unknown.

"Oh..." Amy nodded thoughtfully and asked curiously, "if sister Barbara keeps flying towards the moon, can she go home?"

"Those who try to fly to the moon, who don't give up halfway, should be dead." Irina shook her head. "At tens of thousands of meters, there is a barrier that we can't break through. Once we cross that barrier, even the top ten can't breathe, so it's also called death barrier."

"It's terrible." Amy shrank her neck.

"At this time, you need a spaceship." Meg said in silence.

"How can sister Barbara go home?" Amy said with some sadness.

"Unless the land of the moon can restore and restart the teleport array, she can only stay on the continent of Nolan." Irina shook her head slightly.

"It would be a good thing if the channel with the land of the moon could be opened as soon as possible. Maybe only they can preserve the ancient writing and array inheritance perfectly. At present, there is no clue about the array restoration." Irina turns to MEG.

"There is little hope." McGonagall looked up at the full moon and pinned his hopes on the moon hundreds of kilometers away. He didn't think it was reliable.

"I'm so happy to see the stars with my father and mother. I wish I could do that more often in the future. " Amy didn't understand their conversation, but happily grabbed their hands and said.

"We'll always watch the stars with Amy in the future." MEG gently holds Amy's hand and looks at the mother and daughter in a doting way.


"Your Majesty, the array has been repaired and strengthened, and the final debugging and confirmation are in progress!"

"Your Majesty, the elite advance troops have been assembled. The most excellent array mages, magicians and soldiers of the country of the moon are in place. They are ready to enter the teleport array at any time!"

"Your Majesty... Please think twice. The advance troops may encounter some dangers and difficulties. Ministers and others urge your majesty to make no danger of danger for the sake of the country of the moon. The warriors of the kingdom of the moon will surely rescue the royal highness of the princess."

In the underground palace of the kingdom of the moon, several ministers knelt on the ground and painstakingly admonished them.

"I have made up my mind to lead the advance team into the teleportation array. No matter what's on the opposite side of the teleportation array, I will bring Barbara back myself." With a wave of his sleeve, the king said solemnly, "I am the king of the land of the moon, and I am also a father!"

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