Thunderstorm mountains, underground caves.

"The situation is not very good. According to the current progress, it is difficult for us to analyze all the array runes before the seal is completely invalid, let alone reinforce and seal them again in a limited time." Novartis sighed, his brows full of melancholy.

Barbara was also a little discouraged and sighed, but she was unwilling to say, "there are only dozens of runes left. Can't we do some foundation reinforcement first?"

"The array is a whole. If you can't fully understand this array, and then repair and reinforce it as a whole, any change may cause the seal array to collapse." Novartis shook his head. "The complexity of this array is far more than many of today's arrays. You can't do it easily."

"Jie Jie..."

The gloomy laughter of the doomsday masters seemed to laugh at their futility.

"Don't be complacent. If my master is here, I will seal you again every minute. How can you dance?" Barbara yelled angrily at the octopus monster.

"The secret meeting of all ethnic groups will be held tomorrow. Michael plans to let the representatives of all ethnic groups have a look at the octopus monster in person, so that they can stop the heart of continuing the war and work together to fight against the demons that may exist in all parts of Nolan." Looking at the octopus monster in the seal, novan said with a heavy look: "this may be a more fierce war than the race war."

"I'd like to see how those guys react when they see this big guy. It should be quite interesting." Krasu said with a smile, but did not show too worried.

"If there's no real progress tomorrow, I'll go back and make up for little Amy." Julian said coldly.

"Well?" Krasu looked back at Julian, squinting. "Do you want to make up for Amy secretly?"

"I'm not only going to make up lessons for her, I've also left her homework. Little Amy's ice magic should have nearly broken level 7 by now." Julian said calmly.

"Wow, you are going too far! We are the same apprentice. In order to give Amy a happy childhood, I never gave her homework. You gave her homework secretly Kelasu is in a hurry.

"As a substitute teacher, Xixi's theoretical knowledge should be taught well." Julian continued to calm down.

"You're looking for a substitute teacher!" Krasu jumps and turns to walk out of the cave.

"Grandfather Krasu, where are you going so late?" Barbara asked.

"I'm going to make up for little Amy!" Krasu didn't look back.

"According to little Amy's habit, this meeting should have gone to bed. Do you want to wake her up from her sleep to make up lessons?" Barbara said with a smile.

"Don't blame me for interrupting my apprentice's sleep." Julian said coldly.

Krasu's step stopped, tangled for a while, or walked back, "I'm not afraid of you, just want to let little Amy happy to learn, but, like little Amy love learning good apprentice, even if I don't assign homework, she will practice fire magic."


"Don't study. It's a happy day to eat and play every day! And I can watch the stars with my father and mother. The holidays are wonderful... I like holidays... "Whispered Amy, who was asleep in Meg's and Elena's arms.

"It seems that our primary school bully also likes winter vacation without homework." MEG helped Amy wrap up the sheets and said with a smile.

Irina looked at him with a smile on her lips and said in a soft voice, "when everything is over, let's continue to open the restaurant."

McGonagall looked at her. There was a gentle light in her big blue eyes. She said with a warm smile, "do you like to be a landlady?"

"Compared with the fairy queen, I think it's better to be a money collecting landlady." Irina nodded seriously.

"I think it's good to be a boss, too." MEG nodded with a smile.


"Is it there?"

Joe stood in front of the window, looking at the northwest, his eyes shining with a strange red light.

"As long as you let it out, you can get endless power!" The shadow under the moonlight gradually wriggled into the shape of a skull and made a bewitching sound.

"When it's done tomorrow, I'll go." Joe nodded slightly, smile gradually ferocious, "I will become the strongest in Nolan! I'm going to crush Alex, I'm going to get Elena back to me! "

"As long as we help, the dragon can only crawl under your feet..."


After the warm night, MEG gently got up from the bed, looked at the two lovely people who were still sleeping in the quilt, covered them and crept out of the door.

Today is the official rest day of the restaurant, but he has promised Lord Michael to undertake the task of the first day of the National Congress, so he still has to get up earlier to make preparations.

Usually only breakfast is served in the morning, but today, in order to better satisfy the representatives of all ethnic groups, McGonagall plans to open all the menus except fo Tiao wall, including hot pot and barbecue. Breakfast can be served.

McGonagall washed and changed. The chef came out of the bathroom and bumped into Gina who was standing at the door at some time.

The latter body shape is not stable, subconsciously wrapped up the legs.

Fortunately, McGonagall was quick eyed, reached for her shoulder and moved a little to the side to avoid the long leg.

"Boss." Gina stood firm and rubbed her forehead against McGonagall's chest. There was a blush on her white face. "The boss is so handsome every morning."

"Why did Gina get up so early?" MEG let go and asked with a smile.

Jina came back and said, "boss, I have something to tell you."

"It's about the landist delegation?"

"Yes, the high priest sent little fish to contact me last night. He will personally lead the randist delegation to attend the meeting, but they did not receive a formal invitation. I don't know when it would be more appropriate to show up?" Gina nodded.

"Have they reached the city of chaos?"

"Yes, we arrived last night, but the high priest said it was inconvenient to disturb your rest, so he didn't rush to see you."

Macleod thought about the cableway: "you let them wait near the restaurant, and I'll give them a notice of arrival at the right time."

"All right." Gina nodded and turned back to her room.

McGonagall knew that they had a special way to send messages. He didn't care much, so he turned and went downstairs.

"Ding Ling!"

As soon as McGonagall put on his apron, a doorbell rang outside.

"Who came so early?" McGonagall walked towards the door, today Phyllis and Camilla will not come, other people generally do not come so early.

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