Representatives of all ethnic groups took their seats, opened the menu and began to order.

McGonagall stood by, quietly looking at the representatives of all ethnic groups.

Does it reveal that Andre has been biased towards George in the prince's choice when Ross Empire sent Joe and Richard? This is worth pondering.

As for Vanessa, she just came out to eat.

The orcs are divided into the main battle camp, the main battle camp and the main battle camp by the Ogg tribe and the FAK tribe. The main battle camp led by Auster has three strong men of level 10, who obviously crush Connie and Rex.

Of course, if Rex had his hair cut, it would have been pretty much the same.

The demons have the most representatives. Five of the top ten demons have sent representatives. Between the flame demons and the abyss demons, there are three giants of the dragon clan. After they are seated, the anger value of the representatives of both sides has decreased significantly.

The representatives of the demons of fear look at Irina with a complicated look. Bashir's death has dealt them a lot of blows to the reputation of the demons of fear, but they are Irina and Alex after all, and they are well-known. They can only swallow the bitter wine to themselves.

On one side, Camilla and Uncle De Gula brought their own red wine, which they had already taken time to drink.

McGonagall was most concerned about Westin, who was sitting on Camilla's left.

In the rainy night attack more than three years ago, many attackers died on the spot. This is the guy who proposed to kill him and Amy together at that time.

In the memory of McGonagall's inheritance, he was impressed by this guy.

"Now that you're here, you don't have to go back this time." McGonagall's eyes were slightly cold. He didn't meet him when he went to the endless sea last time, but this time he sent him to the door by himself.

The goblins and the elves are separated by the representatives of the forest trolls, and there are many disputes between them. Recently, because the goblins have opened the border caves to the night elves, and allowed the night elves to retreat from the goblins, the relationship between them has become more and more similar.

The dwarves in eisenburg look harmless. They are looking down at the menu. As a technology flow race, they have a good relationship with all races. They are a neutral race except the city of chaos.

It's also a very special experience for the representatives of all ethnic groups. It's not unusual for the host to provide food, but there has never been a meeting directly in a restaurant.

According to the boss, their first day's meeting is going to be held in the round table which is made up of the table, and they will have three meals here.

"Is the city of chaos short of money? The layout of the meeting hall is a little too simple, isn't it

A lot of delegates couldn't help looking at Michael.

Michael took the menu and laughed without saying a word. The city of chaos really does not lack this money. Moreover, if you find a meeting place at the Lord's mansion, you will save hundreds of thousands of copper coins for the private room.

Do you think boss Mai is cheap? No, he's very expensive!

"Mr. Mai, do you still serve a limited breakfast in the morning?" Asked Vanessa, looking at MEG.

"Limited species?" Hearing the words, they all showed some doubts.

"Can't you have hot pot in the morning?" Louis smell speech a little anxious, voice asks a way.

"All the dishes on the menu are available, and the restaurant will provide you with one hour's service." MEG explained.

"Hot pot is OK?" Vanessa's eyes lit up and she was surprised to see the hot pot section in the second half of the menu.

"Yes, hot pot can be served." MEG smiles and nods.

"Then I want to eat hot pot, abnormal hot pot bottom, and then I want a fat beef, two duck intestines, two hairy tripes, one spicy beef, and one..." Vanessa can't wait to start ordering. During this time, she was so greedy that she even dreamed of eating hot pot. She didn't care that she should eat light in the morning.

"I'll have some hot pot, too." Louis raised his hand.

"Master, do you want hot pot, too?" Looking at Louis, abelmia confirmed that Master seemed to be reluctant to eat hotpot yesterday, but did not expect to take the initiative to eat hotpot today?

"Actually... He wanted to eat." Louis pointed to kinks and said with some helplessness, "I ate with him in order to satisfy the wishes of the younger generation."

"I..." kinks glared at Lewis with a dangerous look. He nodded his head bitterly. "Yes, I want to eat... We want a double pot, and then all the dishes are for four."

"That's it." Louis nodded with satisfaction.

"What's the taste of the bottom of the pot?" Abelmia continued.

Louis and kinks had a look in their eyes. Yesterday's hot pot had made them a little uncomfortable. Originally, they wanted to order a little spicy, but the little girl on the opposite side opened her mouth, which made them a little embarrassed.

"We're going to be sick, too!" Louis clapped.

Kinks's eyelids jumped, feeling that this was not the right choice.

"All right." Abelmia nodded slightly and wrote down their order.

"The princess of the Los Empire and Louis of the Golden Dragon chose hot pot? Is hot pot the signature of this restaurant The customers who have not made up their mind turn the menu to the hot pot section one after another. When they are not sure what to eat, it's right to follow the order.

"I'll have a spicy hotpot, too." The real man, said Oster, is going to be abnormal.

"Here's a sick hot pot, too."

"We trolls want three, which is also abnormal."

Representatives have ordered, hot pot has become a best-selling breakfast, and in order to fight for breath, so the order is abnormal spicy.

McGonagall frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that people were so fond of hot pot. Fortunately, the bottom of the pot was ready. Just make it spicy.

However, I'm afraid today's negotiation will not be very harmonious due to the hot breakfast.

"Let's have a spicy hotpot, too?" Dracula is ready to raise her hand.

"If you don't want to sing chrysanthemum for the next few days, I advise you not to order this." Camilla calmed down and then said with a smile to mia, who came to her side, "I'd like a three ripe steak and a salted tofu brain."

"I'll have the same." Dracula followed suit.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Mia nodded with a smile and went to the last Elven delegation that had not yet ordered.

"Three hot pot, abnormal and spicy..." Eliot has said frankly that the elves must not lose to other races in their momentum.

"I don't eat hot pot." Sally is cold interrupted Eliot's words, looking at MIA said: "I want a sweet bean curd and a Yangzhou fried rice."

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia walks to the kitchen with a smile.

"Rina, you're in charge of the bottom of the pot. I'll cut the ingredients." In the kitchen, Meg said as he prepared the hot pot side dishes.

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