Vanessa is a very spicy girl, which MEG has known for a long time.

However, the representatives of all ethnic groups who were misled by her don't know whether they can really withstand the devastation of abnormal spicy.

"Just a moment. I'll make sure of the taste." Rina quickly completes the preparation of the bottom of the hot pot. Mia and Gina are ready to serve, but MEG stops them.

Dozens of abnormal spicy soup pots, exuding a tearful pungent taste.

"Is it really OK to eat this early in the morning?" Mia was a little worried. Usually, few people order abnormal spicy soup pot. Ordinary people can't stand the spicy taste at all.

"If you can't, you have to. Most of the representatives of all ethnic groups present are above level nine. If even a little girl can eat but can't, it's not too shameful." McGonagall said with a smile, sprinkling the abnormal spicy powder bag into several soup pots in one hand.

"More spicy?" Rena was a little surprised that these soup pans were all made in strict proportion, but MEG now added them several times.

"Yes, we need to add a little spicy flavor according to the characteristics of the guests, in order to be more in line with their taste." MEG nodded with a smile, put away the abnormal pepper, pointed to the top ten soup pots and Mia, and said, "these soup pots belong to the delegation of the Los Empire, the delegation of the destructive demons, the delegation of the Ogg tribe, and the delegation of the elves. Please serve them at random."

"All right." Mia nodded, picked up two soup pans and went out of the kitchen door.

"What a pungent taste!"

After ordering the meal, the representatives of all ethnic groups who fell into awkward silence immediately smelled the pungent smell, and could not help looking at abelmia.

"Ahhh --"

The representative of the goblin clan near the kitchen door sneezed three times. He looked at the small single hot pot in front of him. The red pepper almost covered the whole surface of the pot. The pungent smell came from the pot. Tears were shining in his eyes, and then ran down his cheek uncontrollably.

"Is that spicy? It's too spicy, isn't it? "

The two representatives of the goblin clan gently side their heads and quietly wipe away the tears on their faces, but under the pungent fumigation, the tears were completely uncontrollable for a while.

With the spread of spicy flavor, the representatives of all ethnic groups can't sit still. Obviously, the spicy flavor is beyond their expectation. They just feel dry and itchy when they smell it.

"Tut Tut, their taste is really strong." Connie, who ordered soybean milk, fried dough sticks and kebabs, tut tut said that she didn't even dare to try, but these people scrambled for some.

"It's a pity that there's no Buddha jumping over the wall." Rex said with some regret that he ordered fried rice and 10000 soymilk.

Dracula looked at the dignified people and said to Kamila with a smile: "it seems that you are familiar with this restaurant?"

"I'll come and have something to eat." Camilla sipped the wine and said calmly.

The abnormal spicy hot pot is served like running water. Each person has a small pot. As soon as the soup pot is served, it has already begun to boil. The strong and exciting spicy flavor spreads with the transpiration of water mist. It's like entering the abnormal spicy steaming room. The sour feeling is almost indescribable.

"This hotpot... Doesn't seem to be the same thing..." Eliot was also a little uneasy at this time. As a man with three times the amount of abnormal hotpot, he just smelled the pungent taste, and his face turned red and his eyes turned red. He wanted to stay away from the hotpot.

"It's in the pit." Louis and kinks gave each other a look of despair.

In a word, it was they who brought representatives of all ethnic groups into the pit. If they hadn't followed them to order the abnormal hot pot, others would not have followed suit.

"I'm going to eat the abnormal spicy food I ordered with tears in my eyes..." kinks said in a low voice.

"You don't have to say that." Louis rolled his eyes and said, "it's just spicy."

"That's the taste! Perfect Vanessa got close to the pot and took a deep sniff. With a satisfied face, she said that the hot pot she was thinking of was finally ready to eat again!

"Is this... Soup?" Joe looked at the abnormal spicy soup pot in front of him, frowning.

As a man who has been ravaged by abnormal spicy grilled fish, he knows what this spicy taste means.

It's the pain of chrysanthemum, it's the pain beyond words, it's the roar of the night

But at this time, he represents the Empire of Los. He must show enough courage to weaken the dignity of the Empire.

"Oh, it's just a pot of soup. I'll do it first, Ollie!" Oster scooped a bowl of soup into the bowl and drank it in a forthright way.

The scene suddenly quieted down, and representatives of all ethnic groups looked at Oates one after another, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Do you want to talk to me?"

Others looked at the soup pot in front of them and lost in thought.

"My God..." Yabei Miya covered her mouth. It was the first time that she saw someone drinking with abnormal hot pot soup.

"This is... Ten times the amount of abnormal spicy..." Rena also swallowed.

"Ten times abnormal, ten times happy!" MEG shrugged.

As a well-known level 10 strong man, the first iron man of orcs, and a man who claims to be able to play empty handed with the dragon, Auster is infatuated with himself.

How can a man who eats a cow raw be frightened by a small mouthful of soup.

It's time to show the orc's muscles and let others know how powerful he is.

It's the next second.

Oster slipped from the chair, covering his throat, and half knelt down with a red face.


Oster hit the ground with one blow, shaking the whole restaurant.

His face was as red as the iron that had just been taken out of the charcoal stove. The sweat of big and small particles on his forehead rolled down his cheeks, and the tears could not stop falling from the corners of his eyes. He sobbed with a bit of crying: "spicy... Spicy to death..."

Representatives of all ethnic groups gaped at this scene. This is Auster! The best Orc!

Was spicy crying?

"Can we arrange the headline of the orc daily tomorrow?" shocked! The orc's most powerful man kneels down to tears. The reason is so abnormal! " Connie, sitting by, touched her chin.

"I think the title is OK." Rex nodded.

"I can't afford it!" The representatives of all ethnic groups who were originally prepared to talk to each other put down the hot pot soup they had scooped up. Compared with fighting for breath, it is obviously more important to keep face. This is the magic soup that can make the top ten cry.

"At this time, the Los empire will never admit defeat!" Joe picked up a bowl of hot pot soup and drank it.

"Brother Joe... Hotpot doesn't eat like this..." Vanessa looked at him, covering her throat and sliding to the ground. Joe, crying, couldn't stop him.

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