The frost dragon spews flames, the abyss demons roll all over the ground, the Forest Troll pulls the grass from his head, and the dwarf jumps up and bumps into the giant's knee

The chaotic and noisy voice in the restaurant began to ring, representing the faces of all ethnic groups, in the face of that abnormal spicy, eventually defeated, unable to protect their faces.

"Yes... It's too spicy!"

Some embarrassed representatives finally returned to their seats and looked at the direction of the kitchen one after another.

"Is this asshole... Poisoned in the food?" Destructor Westin opened his swollen lips, a little annoyed.

Representatives of other ethnic groups also wrote that they were annoyed. The shelf they picked up in the morning would be broken.

"Duck beak, don't talk nonsense. My father won't poison the food. It's the abnormal spicy food you ordered, but it's not abnormal enough. How can you blame others?" Lying behind the counter and laughing for a long time, Amy said seriously.

"Duck... Duck beak?" Westin stares and looks back at Elena, her anger rising.

"Her masters are Krasu and Julian." A nearby clansman whispered.

Westin's anger gradually declined, and tried to squeeze out a smile: "it's OK, this nickname is very good..."

"Everyone, boss Mai is the best cook in chaos City, and he is also a very professional cook. I can guarantee that there is no problem with the food." Michael stood up, smiling helplessly, and said, "it's just that you're really brave. After carrying the initial discomfort, you should be able to see the true meaning of delicious food. I think you'll regret giving up now."

With Michael's endorsement and the city of chaos as a guarantor, the representatives gave up.

In fact, no one thinks that the city of chaos will cook in the food, but after suffering from the baptism of abnormal spicy, it makes them feel a bit palpitating.

"It seems that the duck sausage is really good... Even the heavy spicy flavor can't hide its original taste, and the crisp taste is even more wonderful, making people want another one." The dwarf representative smacked his mouth and said something more. He picked up two duck intestines and put them in the pot.

"Well, although it's a little spicy, the taste of the tripe is really good. The thin layer is especially crisp, and some are special." The representative of the goblin clan nodded and poured the whole dish of tripe into the pot. With a chopstick in one hand, with amazing hand speed, more than ten pieces of tripe got a second of stagnant time, repeated seven times, and then picked them up one by one and fed them to the mouth, chewing contentedly.

"The chopsticks..." the Forest Troll carefully pinched the chopsticks that were not as long as his fingers. After a while, he put the chopsticks aside, took out a wooden stick from somewhere, put on the meat and vegetables with wooden sticks, and then put them into the pot one by one. After a while, he grabbed bamboo sticks and ate them, The feeling of cheerfulness is no worse than that of people eating with chopsticks.

"This is... A string of founders?" McGonagall looked at the scene in the kitchen and couldn't help exclaiming: talent!

As Michael said, after the initial discomfort, the representatives of all ethnic groups gradually found the fun of hot pot and were completely conquered by the delicacy of hot pot.

It's just that the simply cut ingredients are put into the pot according to the method in the guide, and then when they are fished out, they become a kind of delicious food, just like magic.


Joe ate the Flammulina velutipes one by one, and his eyebrows began to pick. As Vanessa said, as long as you take one mouthful after another, your throat won't have time to respond to the spicy taste. This kind of abnormal feeling of being chased is really irresistible.

The resentment of the representatives of all ethnic groups has been dispelled, gradually sinking into the harmonious atmosphere of hot pot, and even the phenomenon of exchanging their favorite food materials.

You can't eat hot pot without beer.

Representatives of all ethnic groups, who have been dominated by spicy flavor for a long time, finally remembered that they could order something to drink. Naturally, beer became the first choice.

The big bubble ice beer filled with foam, one mouthful into the throat, instantly reduces the burning sensation. It feels like a hot summer day with a basin of ice water and a cool heart.

"Cool Franklin choked a large glass of beer, turned to look at abelmia and said, "little girl, give me a big bucket of this bar directly. It's really boring to drink a small one."

"This..." Yabei Miya's eyes looked to the direction of the kitchen. A big barrel of beer costs a lot of money.

MEG nodded slightly to MIA.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia nodded slightly and turned to go to the kitchen.

"Apprentice, give master a bucket too. The wine is really good." Louis followed.

"I want a bucket, too." Said Douglas, blushing.

The representatives of forest trolls and orcs all said they wanted beer in big barrels.

Although McGonagall thought it was bad to drink too much wine in the morning, since he even served the abnormal hot pot, there was no reason not to drink for others, so he met all the people's demands.

"Is that more money?" Michael asked in a low voice as he looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups who were gulping in their buckets and Dix beside him.

"Boss Mai didn't say that, and we didn't dare to ask." Dix shook his head, looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups with a little worry, and whispered: "now I'm a little worried about whether the representatives will get drunk. It's just breakfast..."

"Don't worry, I can't get drunk." Michael shook his head disapprovingly.

With good food and good wine, the atmosphere in the restaurant is gradually harmonious, and the previous tense atmosphere at the door of the restaurant is almost the same.

At the end of the one hour meal, the dining cars around the representatives of all ethnic groups were basically empty, and many people belched.

"After dinner, I wish you all the best in the meeting."

McGonagall said with a smile that the hot pot had been removed and a cup of warm water was served. McGonagall led the tiantuan group of Maimi restaurant to leave the venue. The restaurant was specially for the meeting.

"Father, shall we not have a meeting?" Amy followed MEG out of the door and asked curiously.

"Yes, we don't have to have a meeting. It's their business." MEG smiles and shakes his head. He throws the duckling into the basket and gets on his bike. "Let's go. I'll take you to Daphne to play. Father has a lot of things to do today. He may not have time to play with you."

"Good!" Amy nodded and climbed into the back seat of the bike.

In the restaurant, the smell of hot pot gradually dissipated, and the representatives sat back contentedly on the chairs, enjoying the comfort and laziness after sweating.

At this time, Michael got up and looked at the representatives with a smile: "everyone, after breakfast, it's time for us to talk about business."

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