After hearing the speech, the representatives of all ethnic groups corrected their appearance one after another.

Because the breakfast was so powerful, people could not help feeling satisfied that they had done a great thing. However, when you think about it carefully, they just had a breakfast, and the real meeting has not yet started.

As representatives of a race, they shoulder the responsibility of fighting for the absolute interests of the race, but also to fight for the face of their race in front of the representatives of all races.

The meeting was held in a hurry, but it received the full support of the Julong people. The chaotic city was the host, and it was even chosen on the eve of the peace conference. Therefore, all ethnic groups attached great importance to it.

However, all ethnic groups only speculate that the meeting must have something to do with the peace conference. The specific contents and what the dragon people and the chaotic city want to do are unknown to all ethnic groups.

Joe corrected his seat and withdrew his furtive look at Elena. This is his first time to represent the Empire in such a level meeting. If the performance can satisfy the king, it is not far away from his real victory over Sean, so he must perform better.

"I really want to sleep back..." Vanessa leaned against the chair, covered her mouth and yawned. She couldn't sleep when she thought of eating hot pot last night. She got up early today. Now that she had eaten hot pot, everything was complete. When she heard that people were going to talk about business, her eyes began to tremble.

"Michael, the peace conference is going to be officially held in a few days. What can't wait until the conference to hold such a meeting a few days in advance?" Asked Auster, puzzled.

Representatives of all ethnic groups also looked at Michael one after another, which is also a problem that people do not understand.

"It's not that we're in a hurry, it's that time doesn't wait." Michael said solemnly: "the day before yesterday, our city of chaos and the dragon people jointly sent out an invitation letter to all ethnic groups, inviting you to gather in the city of chaos. It is precisely because we need to discuss that we are concerned about the survival of all ethnic groups in Nolan."

"The joint application was drawn up by the three of us and sent out with the city of chaos." Louis also said in a deep voice.

Douglas and Franklin nodded slightly in recognition of Lewis's words.

The faces of the representatives of all ethnic groups have changed slightly, so that the three giants of the dragon clan can treat them so seriously. Is it true that Nora is facing any terrible disaster?

Joe looked at Michael, Louis and others. They are the top strong men in Nora. The overall strength of the dragon clan is stronger than that of the Los empire. What are the opponents that they have to treat so seriously?

"Isn't..." Joe Xiu thought of some kind of possibility, and there was a trace of panic in his expression.

"He..." Elena was also looking at Qiao Xiu. She didn't notice him when she looked at him from a distance yesterday, but today Qiao Xiu's breath made her feel a little strange.

Elena and Joe had known each other for many years, and they got along well. They were one of her few friends.

It's just that she didn't expect that Joe would attack MEG and Amy, and then cheat her in every way to help him find them.

Such a guy, she would like to take out a folding chair and beat him flat.

But this time I saw Joe, I felt that he had become a little different. It seemed that he had a gloomy feeling.

"Is it psychological?" Irina thought in her heart with some doubts that she had considered the possibility of the devil, but the light did not give her guidance and tips.

Michael said in a low voice: "in the past hundred years, because of the armistice agreement, Nora has won a rare peace, people of all ethnic groups have been able to recuperate, and the city of chaos has become a city composed of people of all ethnic groups.

As the third leader of the city of chaos, I am very grateful to all ethnic groups for abiding by the peace agreement in the past 100 years, and thank you for your restraint, which has brought precious peace to Nolan.

However, as the century approaches, the peace agreements signed by all ethnic groups in those years will be invalid, which may lead to the restart of ethnic wars and countless casualties.

Therefore, the first item of today's meeting, on behalf of the city of chaos, I propose to the representatives of all ethnic groups, hoping that all ethnic groups can renew the peace agreement and renew the peace agreement for another 100 years. "

The restaurant fell into silence. The representatives of all ethnic groups looked at each other, but they were not in a hurry to speak.

In fact, all ethnic groups had expected this.

The existence of the city of chaos is very special. The peace agreement was signed here, and Basti prison was established here to hold a group of war criminals who were extremely vicious in the war. The original residents of the city of chaos were the jailers and their families who were sent by all ethnic groups to guard Basti prison.

The city of chaos is a place where all ethnic groups meet. It can be called the center of Nolan continent. Its geographical location is extremely unique. It has business contacts with all ethnic groups and is extremely inclusive. Therefore, in a short period of one hundred years, it has formed a huge city with a population of one million. All ethnic groups live in peace here.

In the early days of the construction of the city, the Lord's mansion and the grey Temple transformed the chaotic city from a chaotic and evil place to the safest city on the continent of Nola. It also attracted a group of like-minded strong people of all ethnic groups, making the chaotic city a force that can stand on the continent of Nola.

From peace, we naturally want peace.

This is in line with the will of the city of chaos and the vision of the less powerful forces.

Joe frowned when he heard the words. On the eve of departure, he was called into the palace. The king's advice was still in his ears. With the efforts of generations of the Los Empire, how could the Los Empire continue to defend that territory.

"We vampires agree with patriarch Michael that peace is such a wonderful word. We no longer want to be bloodthirsty killers in the dark. Wine is the new way of life." Said Dracula, shaking his glass and smiling.

People are looking at Dracula. Has Dracula, the young ancestor of the vampires, begun to make decisions for the vampires?

"Oh, Dracula, can you represent the vampires?" Destructor Westin sneered.

"How can I be the only ancestor of the vampire clan, the youngest ancestor in history, and the future vampire clan? Is it difficult to make a decision?" Dracula looked at Westin with a grin and said, "is it you, the stepping stone of gacaba or the background wall of Thelma?"

"You Westin's face turned red, and he stared at Dracula, who was a grass eater of the vampire clan, and even dared to hate him like that.

Representatives who know something inside are already smiling.

The destructive demons are powerful among the demons, among which the elder gabaka is known as the most destructive demon, and the second elder silma is also well-known for his efforts to turn the tide in foreign wars.

In contrast, as the third younger brother, Westin is indeed reduced to a background wall and has an awkward position in the clan.

"You don't have to speak. You can't do it anyway." Dracula continued with a smile.

"Maybe they want to usurp the throne." Camilla said.

"Ha ha, I dare not lend him ten courage." Dracula said scornfully.

"You... You... Are so angry with me!" Westin was fuming with anger.

The representatives of all ethnic groups were enjoying themselves secretly. Unexpectedly, the meeting had just begun, and there was a dispute within the demons. Moreover, it was not the abyss demons and the flame demons that started the fire.

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