Eliot looked at Sally in disbelief. On the eve of her departure, Helena told him that if the peace talks were mentioned at the meeting, we should not easily promise to see the performance of the Los empire.

At present, the Empire of Los has not made any statement, not even the Forest Troll. Sally did not discuss with him and then expressed her position for the elves.

Sally is the new princess of the elves. After Irina led the night elves to fight against the wind, she became the best candidate for the next elves queen.

This time Helena asked her to lead the team to attend such an important meeting. She wanted to let her see the world and announce the new fairy princess to the outside world.

So she was naturally identified as the spokesperson of the Elven delegation, and also represented the will of the wind forest.

As for the choice of the elves, the representatives of all ethnic groups were not too surprised.

Over the past hundred years, the elves have accumulated a lot and their strength has risen steadily. Indeed, they have some strong family background.

However, all this disappeared completely after the queen of the elves closed down, Elena came out of the world again, killed three elves at level 10, and led 30000 elves slaves and some elves soldiers out of the wind forest.

Instead of trying to get a piece of the race war, elves now have to think about how to deal with the increasingly turbulent wind forest and the night elves who have taken root in the chaotic city and gradually expanded their influence.

Joe smell speech also some surprised to see Sally, this is not the plan of the things, wind forest should stand together with the Empire of Los.

The Forest Troll's look was equally surprised.

"War is cruel, but it doesn't mean that maintaining the status quo is right." Joe stood up and said calmly: "the Los Empire has more than 100 million people, more than the total number of the other six races, but our territory ranks third from the bottom among the eight races, and there are nearly half of the extremely cold areas that can't live and cultivate to the north.

At that time, the strength of the human race was weak, and they paid a very heavy price to come to the end of the race war. When they signed a peace agreement to divide up the territory, they had no voice.

Now that the Centennial agreement has arrived, we in the Los Empire need a larger territory to resettle our people, so we can't accept the renewal of the peace agreement according to the original contract. "

Although Qiao Xiu's appearance was weak, his words were eloquent, showing the momentum of a prince of a powerful empire.

"Do brother George and his father want to start a war? It seems reasonable to hear him say that... But if a war is launched, many innocent soldiers will lose their lives, right Originally sleepy, Vanessa became more and more sober when she listened to the arguments. After listening to Joe's words, she was deeply worried. She didn't want the Los Empire to fall into war at all.

The expressions of the representatives of all ethnic groups suddenly changed. After Franklin's cruel words, the only one who dared to be tough was the Los Empire, and the invitation was very clear - to redivide the territory.

"How much territory does Andre think he can occupy if the race war is restarted?" Asked Franklin, looking at Joe.

"If the dragon clan doesn't fight, the Los Empire has no rival." Said Joe, looking into Franklin's eyes.

"What if the dragon people take part in the war?"

"The Empire of LOS and the dragon clan can share the world equally." Joe continued.

There was an uproar in the restaurant. The boy didn't pay attention to all ethnic groups.

The growing strength of the Los empire is seen in the eyes of all ethnic groups. Alex's birth completely overturns the inherent impression that the human race is weak.

Even so, no one thinks that the Los empire is strong enough to compete with the Dragon tribe.

Today, however, Qiao Xiu, the second prince of the Los Empire, boasts that the Los empire can sweep all ethnic groups and compete with the dragon people.

"Arrogant child!" Oster got up in a rage and looked at Joe with a pair of ox eyes. He said sarcastically, "your empire of Los can't even cross the border of our orcs. The border war has never really won, and you dare to say that you can push the whole continent."

"Maybe you orcs call it war, but for the iron cavalry of the Los Empire, it's just a training ground for training soldiers. The top ten military departments rotate once a year." Joe looked at Auster with pity. "It's not that he can't cross it, but that he can't see the barren mountain."

Auster's body shakes and He staggers back to his seat, as if he had been hit hard.

"So... So every year, the armies of the Los empire are weaker for a period of time, not because they don't adapt to the season, but because they are changing recruits?" The orc nearby swallowed his saliva, a little disappointed.

When the representatives of all ethnic groups heard the speech, they also became very dignified.

The border wars between the Los Empire and the orcs have been going back and forth for many years, and they have won and lost each other. Therefore, the fighting capacity of all ethnic groups against the Los empire is slightly stronger than that of the orcs, but it is far from being crushed, and has not received enough attention and vigilance from all ethnic groups.

No one expected that the strength of the Los Empire, which has been developing secretly for 100 years, has far exceeded that of all ethnic groups, even close to that of the dragon.

"We forest trolls also believe that the previous territorial division is unfair, unable to renew the peace agreement, and require the re division of territory according to the strength of all ethnic groups." The representative of the demons in the Forest Bureau got up and said.

The forest trolls are also powerful. Although the number of them is not huge, they have five levels of strength as long as they grow up, and their medium and high-level combat power is amazing.

The Los Empire plus the forest trolls, even the dragons, need to be more careful about how to deal with it.

At this moment, the good situation turned around.

"We elves..." Eliot got up in a hurry.

"Elliot, pay attention to your identity." Sally cried coldly.

Eliot choked, looked back at Sally, a little worried and said, "Sally, this is not something you can decide, high priest Helena..."

"I don't care what the high priest said to you. I am the princess of the elves and the head of the delegation. My words represent the attitude of the elves and I should be responsible to all the people." Sally said in a cool voice.

"But..." Eliot wanted to talk.

"I command you to sit down and remain silent." Sally showed her identity token and ordered without expression.

"You... You're going to kill us..." Eliot sighed and returned to his seat.

"Good boy, I have some courage." Franklin looked at Joe again, but he was a little angry and hissed his eyes. He didn't expect that they would be threatened by the Terrans one day.

You know, it was the dragon that gave them some protection, but they were not destroyed by the demons and orcs.

"It's not courage, it's confidence." Joe said calmly, raised his eyebrows, showing a bit of satisfaction, "there will be no suspense about the outcome of the war, we will get what we want."

"The confidence of the imperial soldiers in exchange for their blood and life is not for your royal family in exchange for war." At this time, the door of the restaurant suddenly opened, and a figure carrying an Epee came in with a man.

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