Everyone's eyes were on the restaurant door.


Westin got up from his chair in shock.

The representatives of all ethnic groups are equally surprised. Although Alex came back from the king of the first World War in lodu a few months ago, he has never been seen in front of people. His whereabouts are mysterious and elusive.

Today they are still wondering why Alex didn't show up. They don't want him to show up at this moment.

Joe looked back at Alex who came into the door, a little unnatural, and his eyes dodged.

Richard got up with the same vigilance, holding the mage's staff on Joe's side.

In the melee, Alex is undoubtedly the most terrible opponent, no one can block his sword within two meters, let alone he is a magician.

"After all these years, it hasn't changed at all." Dracula looks at Alex and tuts.

"Uncle, can you beat him now?" Camilla, how wonderful.

"No way." Dracula said honestly.

"You are the ancestor now?"

"Benson has not been slashed." Dracula shrugged and said with some helplessness, "some people are born unreasonable."

"You take it for granted." Camilla nodded and looked at Elena. So did this one.

"Is this the man of Elena's sister? How handsome Connie can't help but see stars in her eyes. She has heard a lot about the legend of Alex since she was a child. Even if the relationship between the orcs and the Los empire is not harmonious, it doesn't affect their respect for Alex at all.

My father said that he was a human being and an opponent worthy of respect.

But her eyes were quickly attracted by the figure that Alex was holding in his hand.

"Is that... Brother?" Connie bit her lip. Yesterday, Elena had mentioned this to her. Perdinand was not dead, but he would appear at today's meeting as an important witness of the existence of the devil. However, seeing him again after several months, Connie still couldn't bear to look at the bony perdinand.

"Perdinand? Isn't he dead? " Oster was also surprised that Elena used the holy light to evolve perdinand, which led to the failure of his plan. He thought perdinand was dead, but he didn't expect to see him here again.

"Alex, long time no see." Joe looked at Alex, his voice was a little hoarse. Although he tried to smile, he couldn't squeeze out.

Even if three years later, the man who had been smashed from the sky by him appeared in front of him again, he still felt enormous pressure.

"You were arrogant when you didn't kill me." McGonagall dropped pedynan to the ground, looked at Joe and said calmly.

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding." Joe felt murderous, subconsciously stepped back, his throat was dry, and he could hardly make a sound.

"Oh, misunderstanding?" McGonagall laughs. Is this second prince really a little humorous?

"Yes, we can solve this misunderstanding at any time. You are the general of the Empire. Now the Empire needs you." Joe soon adjusted his manner, straightened his body again, looked at MEG on guard and said, "my father said that as long as you are willing to return, you will be the marshal of the Los Empire, one person below ten thousand people above."

McGonagall looked at Joe Xiu, who had calmed down. His second prince was really scheming, and his psychological quality was much better than Sean's. This kind of life and death hatred can also be brought by a misunderstanding, and in a twinkling of an eye, he talked about solicitation.

The representatives of all ethnic groups have their own ghosts. The ethnic representatives who once participated in the killing in the rainy night at that time are interested in avoiding their eyes, for fear that they will confront Alex, which will not lead to a good end for the murderer.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you today." McGonagall took a playful look at Joe and turned to Michael: "Michael, Lord, I've brought it to you."

Joe sighed a sigh of relief. He realized that his back and palm had been moistened with sweat. After he realized that he was afraid of Alex from the bottom of his heart, he was angry again. If he couldn't beat him, how could he be the second prince of Los Empire.

"This guy?" But without waiting for Qiao Xiu to think more, his eyes were attracted by Pei Dinan, who was lying on the ground. A strange red light flashed in his eyes: "it's a familiar breath! Is he also... "

"Eh?" Irina squints at Joe. At that moment, she seems to feel a trace of evil spirit. However, perdinand is lying beside him. Maybe it's the evil spirit that doesn't dissipate from him.

"Who is this?" The representatives of all ethnic groups looked at the thin young man lying on the ground, who could be escorted by Alex himself?

"Thank you." Michael nodded, got up and said in a loud voice: "representatives, I invite you to come here today. In addition to discussing the extension of the peace agreement, what's more important is to inform you of a critical event that is related to the survival of our ethnic groups!

The Empire of LOS and the forest trolls may have their own ideas, but what the peoples of Nolan urgently need to face now is not the redistribution of territory, but a group of terrible existence. "

Qiao Xiu's eyes turned sharply, and he took his eyes back from Pei Dinan, but his heart was full of panic.

He can be sure that this man on the ground should have got the same thing as him, but why did he become like this? Why do they appear on this occasion?

"Terrible existence? What's that? " Asked the dwarf.

People are also puzzled to see Michael. The representatives of the powerful families in Nolan are here. The three giants of the dragon family are also sitting here. What else can be called a terrible existence for them?

"It's demons, a group of demons who have survived from ancient times to the present, or we can call them old masters. They have great strength, vitality that can't be killed, and terrifying ability to bewitch people. " Michael said.

"The devil?"

Representatives of all ethnic groups look absurd and puzzled.

"The devil bewitches the living beings to offer their souls, and then controls them to kill each other, turning the world into Purgatory." Michael looked at the crowd calmly and said: "I know you may not be able to accept this for a while, so today I asked Alex to bring this young man who sacrificed his soul to the devil. He is pedynan, the son of Isaiah in the FAK tribe. At the ceremony more than a month ago, he was revealed by Elena that he exchanged his soul with the devil on the spot, And purified by the light. At that time, chief Auster and chief Connie were also present, which can be used as a witness. "

The representatives looked at Connie and Oster one after another, and the explosive news was beyond their acceptance.

"He used to be my closest brother, but he was bewitched by the devil and designed to kill all my relatives, including himself." Connie sadly took out the diary left by her grandmother. "My grandmother had guessed about it, but she was poisoned. It was the devil who killed them."

Although Oster was not happy that Irina destroyed his plan that day, perdinand's strange performance made him feel a little chilly in retrospect. He hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I was there that day. Perdinand didn't behave like a normal orc, and there was a terrible breath in him, not only powerful, And the gloom of a bottomless abyss. "

"The devil will come, you guys, all of you will die... All of you will die..." perdinand, who was lying on the ground, suddenly twisted and wanted to stand up. The abyss roared hoarsely. His scarlet eyes were full of death, and MEG fell to the ground again.

Perdinand's eccentric performance, as well as the testimony of Connie and Oster, made the representatives of all ethnic groups present feel like falling into an ice cave.

A terrible existence was suddenly thrown in front of them.

"Maybe... He's just stimulated by something. We bury a few of them every year." The representative of the goblin tribe is trying to find out the way.

People's eyes brightened one after another, and this possibility could not be ruled out.

"I know that you may not believe it, so I asked the non publisher to come back to tell you what happened to the EBA tribe massacre a hundred years ago." Michael looks at Rex.

At that time, many people at the scene knew about it, and even went to the scene to check it. When I recall it, I still feel that my stomach is boiling.

At that time, the tragedy was finally attributed to the revenge massacre of no publisher, but there were many doubts, so Rex was put in Basti prison.

Some time ago, I heard that he left Basti prison and became the master of the new chief of the FAK tribe.

"I went to the Erba tribe that night to avenge their bullying on me and my mother, but I just wanted to teach some impressive people a lesson, but when I got out of the tribe..." Rex described in a low voice what he saw that night.

Eerie sacrificial ceremonies, crazy orcs from the tribe of Erba, mutual biting and killing... The terrible scenes appeared in people's minds through Rex's description. People's faces turned white and trembled with fear.

Some representatives who have been to the scene of the EBO massacre can not help but cover their mouths and retch. They finally understand how the strange bodies and wounds at the scene come from. It is not a one-sided massacre, but a chaotic and crazy mutual biting.

No race with wisdom can do such a terrible thing

"The devil bewitched them and made them kill themselves." Rex's voice quietly ended his description. A cold sweat fell from his cheek. From his hand, which was too tight and blue, we can see that his heart was not calm.

There was a dead silence in the restaurant, and panic was written on all faces.

"I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, we found the sealed devil, but the seal is about to fail."

Michael said solemnly.

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