There was silence in the dining room, and the expression of each representative was somewhat shocked.

Not yet from Rex's strange and terrible description of the tragedy of the Erba tribe, but also by Michael's words about the devil about to break the seal.

The representatives of all ethnic groups here are the spokesmen of the top forces in the continent of Nolan. But now, on top of them, there is a more powerful and terrifying existence. They are bloodthirsty and cruel. They have lived for countless years, powerful and terrifying.

In addition to shock, Joe looked a little flustered.

"Is the devil in their mouth you? What on earth are you? Do you really want to destroy the world? " Joe yelled in his heart, but the voice didn't respond, which made his mind more confused.

The statue he got came from the tribe of Erba, and Rex's description made him sweat. Although he had not completely given his soul to that guy, they are almost grasshoppers on a rope now.

"Is there something wrong with my perception?" Irene stares at Joe with a slight frown and a little doubt. Just now, she seems to feel a trace of evil spirit in Joe's body, but after careful investigation, she finds nothing.

"Is there a devil?" Camilla whispered.

"What the hell is that?" Dracula frowned, too.

"Sounds like it should be great."

"We are vampires. We are also ghosts. We can't be scared easily." Dracula said calmly.

"Lord Michael, you said you found the sealed devil. Where is the devil now? Can you show us? " Richard got up and asked, with a dignified look.

As a member of the delegation of the Los Empire, Richard is responsible for assisting George.

Joe had spread out the Empire's cards, and was preparing to discuss with all races the most favorable conditions for the Empire, but Michael threw out the devil's words at this time.

"Yes, it's empty talk. We have never recorded the existence of demons in the history of the elves." Eliot echoed, equally incredulous.

The representatives of all ethnic groups gradually relaxed and looked at Michael with the same doubts. Over the years, all ethnic groups have never heard of the existence of the devil. Why did they suddenly appear?

"The sealed devil was discovered by Krasu and Julian. Because the seal was broken and the evil spirit leaked out, he was found." Michael explained: "at the moment, they are still in front of the seal, trying to repair the seal and seal the devil again, but the situation is not optimistic. The seal array is too old, and the analysis of the array has become a big problem."

"Louis and I went to the place of seal a few days ago. The strength of that guy is far beyond our imagination. Once he breaks away from the seal, it will be a terrible disaster for the continent of Nolan." Douglas said in a deep voice, with the same dignified expression.

Louis also applied to solemnly say: "although it's a bit humiliating, it's still necessary to let you soberly realize its strength. If it wasn't for Crassus, Julian, Douglas and Novak's joint rescue and seal blocking at that time, I would have been killed by that guy."

The crowd was in an uproar, giving birth to some fear again.

Louis is such a powerful existence. He is one of the top five giants in Nolan. He was almost killed by the devil in the seal. He barely escaped with the help of the top four and top ten.

Can imagine, that devil has how terrible strength.

Richard's face changed a little too.

His strength is not enough compared with that of Claude, not to mention that of Louis.

If the devil is as powerful as Louis and others described, it will be a terrible threat to the Empire of Los, which is not conducive to his Majesty's plan of dominating the country.

"With Crassus' help, I once cut off one of his tentacles, but it was not even a minor injury to him. In the twinkling of an eye, he grew a new one." McGonagall chucked out half of the frozen tentacles.

People looked at the tentacle, the scarlet eyes full of tentacles were still vivid, but it made people feel terrible.

What makes people more concerned is that Alex, who can be regarded as the most lethal in the close combat of Nolan, can only cut off one of the devil's tentacles with the help of Krasu and others, but his terrible regeneration ability can directly erase this kind of damage.

It's chilling.

"Isn't this... Invincible?" Connie swallowed and moved closer to Rex.

"It's very hard to deal with." Rex nodded solemnly.

"Invincible?" Joe looked at Alex, his eyes suddenly flashed red, subconsciously clenched his fist.

In his eyes, almost equal to the invincible Alex, also has completely unable to deal with the opponent, but he has the opportunity to get the help of that existence.

"When it comes out of the seal, you will have a very powerful friend." The familiar voice sounded again in his mind, full of bewitching.

The corners of Joe's mouth began to rise, and his hands trembled slightly.

"This guy, as expected, is infected with evil spirit. Maybe he has exchanged his soul with the devil?" Irina narrowed her eyes. At that moment, she felt the evil spirit coming from Joe.

This means that he may have exchanged souls with the devil, or had contact with the devil.

Because his situation is quite special. Compared with Berg, Alfred, or perdinand who is lying on the ground, Joe's evil spirit is very weak, and he doesn't show the madness after being bewitched by the devil. It seems too normal, so she can't determine his situation for the moment.

But it is certain that he must have been in contact with the devil, so he will be infected with the evil spirit.

The two elders of the dragon clan and Alex speak out one after another, which is tantamount to determining the nature of the incident.

With their status, they will not join hands to deceive all ethnic groups. Besides, Kelasu and others are also involved. No force can make them so unified.

"Lord Michael, since you have found the place of the seal, can you take us to find out what it is? If it really concerns the safety of all races in Nolan, we should do our part." Richard looked at Michael and said.

It may affect the king's decision. He must see the so-called devil with his own eyes before he can report it to the king.

The representatives of all ethnic groups echoed one after another. Although Alex and others endorsed it, the devil's theory eventually broke through. It's hard to believe it if you don't see it with your own eyes.

Michael nodded and said: "this matter can not be solved by our chaotic city and the dragon people. We urgently invite representatives of all ethnic groups to come here. That's why we set up a transmission array in Aden square, which leads directly to the sealed place. Please follow me."

"Since it's about all the races on the continent of Nolan, we, landist, should do our part."

Just then, there was a sound outside the dining room. The door of the dining room opened outwards, and there were ten strong fishermen in uniform silver armor standing at the door.

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