"Who are they?"

Everyone in the restaurant looks back at the uninvited guest standing outside the door with a look of surprise.

The other party's ten people are all level 10 strong people. The number of level 10 strong people is more than that of goblins and dwarves.

All ethnic groups have sent representatives. Who are these powerful people who claim to be from landist?

Michael looked at the people outside, also showed a trace of surprise, subconsciously looked at MEG.

Outside the major races, it's as difficult as climbing the sky to piece together a team with ten top ten, and there's not a well-known one among them.

You should know that the level 10 strong is the top existence in Nolan, as powerful as the giant dragon family, and the number of level 10 giant dragons is only 30 or 40.

With the huge population base, the mage tower and the Imperial Knights college spared no effort to cultivate, the number of level 10 strong people is only close to that of the dragon clan.

A race with ten top ten is enough to have a place in Nolan.

"They... Aren't they the mysterious strongmen who once appeared on the border of the goblins?" Elliott looked at the crowd outside the door and was surprised.

Although they don't wear black uniforms today, the smell is the same.

The battle of goblin's border Grottoes can be regarded as a disgrace to the elves. Wind forest sent almost all the elite troops and top strong men to encircle and suppress thousands of night elves, but it ended in defeat, and the elves Marshal Berg died.

What changed the outcome of this war was that a group of mysterious strongmen suddenly appeared to forcibly block the attack of the elves, and forced them to retreat, which was known as the "suit mob incident" in history.

Defeated in this battle, the night elves went south to establish a stronghold in the city of chaos, and triggered a subsequent slave uprising that had a greater impact on the elves.

It can be said that if it were not for this group of mysterious strongmen, Elena and the night elves would have been strangled in the goblin border grottoes, and the elves would now have the strength to compete with each other.

Of course, if it wasn't for these strong people, Berg might not have died, and he's not qualified to sit here.

Hearing Eliot's words, the representatives of all ethnic groups looked at the people at the door in surprise.

At the beginning, the battle of extermination with great disparity in strength ended in the defeat of the elves, but it caused a sensation on the continent of Nolan.

The identity of those mysterious strongmen has also become an unsolved mystery, which is still unknown.

Today, all this seems to be coming to light.

The sudden appearance of a force with ten strong men of ten ranks will bring a huge impact on the situation in Nolan.

If they are on the side of anti war, stronger than the Los Empire, they need to reconsider the feasibility of pushing the whole continent.

Dexter led the strong men into the door, stopped at the door, did not move further, but looked at MEG.

People's eyes are subconsciously looking at MEG. The last time these mysterious strongmen appeared was to save Elena and the night elves. At that time, Alex was also there. What's the relationship between them?

"I'm Michael, Lord of chaos. What race are you from?" As the host, Michael needs to know about this group of mysterious strongmen.

Dexter did not answer, but said a few words to MEG in landish.

MEG nodded slightly, turned to Michael and said, "they belong to the people of landist. They come from under the endless sea. They have lived under the sea for thousands of years. Now they want to establish friendly relations with all ethnic groups, so let me bring them to this meeting."

"Under the endless sea?"

The representatives of demons were all surprised. No one thought that there was such a powerful race living in the endless sea?

"So in the past thousands of years, we lived on the island, they lived on the bottom of the sea, and they lived in peace for so many years?" Said Dracula in surprise.

"Maybe they don't want to go ashore." Camilla said calmly.

Representatives of other ethnic groups also have different expressions. According to Alex, landist should be a large-scale race, which can fight back the elite of the elves in a positive way. Naturally, there are many strong people.

After Alex left the Los Empire, he was almost alone. Elena's Night Elves were still young. Thirty thousand elves slaves could not bring considerable combat power in a short time. Even though he was strong, he could not control the situation in Nolan.

But if this has more than ten ten strong randist on his side, the result will be completely different.

No one knows how strong the randists are, and no one knows how many strong people and clans they hide under the sea.

The unknown is the most frightening.

"I see." If Michael is thoughtful, the city of chaos is also concerned about the mysterious strongmen in the goblin border war. He even asked Elena alone, but he didn't get any useful information.

However, since Alex let them appear at this time, he must be sure to let them stand on his side, which must be a good thing for the peace camp.

"What we are discussing today is related to the future of all races on the continent of Nolan. As a power and race on the continent of Nolan, it would be better if landist could live in peace with all races and take part in the fight against the devil." Michael nodded.

McGonagall relayed Michael's words to Dexter.

Dexter nodded solemnly: "this matter concerns all the creatures on the continent of Nolan. We, landist, can't stay out of it. We will do our best for it."

McGonagall relayed Dexter's words and explained by the way: "randist has not established contact with the land before, and does not understand the common language. It can only be relayed by me."

"Well, in that case, we will go to the place of seal first. At present, the seal situation is very serious, and we are in urgent need of assistance from all ethnic groups." Michael nodded and headed for the door first.

If there is such a terrible devil, it is a good thing for them to have a powerful helper.

"I've found magic in Joe. He may have a problem." MEG heard Elena's voice at the door.

McGonagall's eyes were a little surprised. He looked at Joe. With his status, the fight for the throne between him and Sean had not been separated. Why should he be contaminated with the devil?

"I'll keep an eye on him. Once he tries to attack the seal, he can be controlled by the devil." Irina continued.

McGonagall nodded slightly, alert in his heart. If the seal is damaged, I'm afraid few people present can escape.

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