The temporary teleport array is located in Aden square near Basti prison. Under the leadership of Michael, representatives of all ethnic groups walk out of the restaurant and quickly step into an array guarded by the Knights of the grey temple.

Dozens of representatives of all ethnic groups stood in the array with a solemn look, and their faces were somewhat uneasy.

The renewal of the peace agreement was not smooth, and the devil of terror was like a slap in the face, which caught the representatives of all ethnic groups off guard.

As for the sudden emergence of randist, it is still unknown what role they will play in Nolan, but their emergence has broken all previous plans of all ethnic groups.

"Vanessa, you're waiting for us here." Said Joe, looking at Vanessa out of the array.

"May I not go?" Vanessa looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups in the array and asked with a little worry.

"There may be unknown danger. I may not be able to protect you. Just wait for us to come back in the restaurant." Joe made a point.

"All right." Vanessa nodded, looked at Joe again and said, "brother Joe, you have to protect yourself. I'll wait for you to come back."

"Good." Joe nodded with a smile and stepped into the array.

Representatives of all ethnic groups have entered the teleportation array. Michael nods to the array master who starts the array.

The light of light gold lights up from the rune on the ground, the people disappear in the same place, and then suddenly appear in the underground cave.

"What is this?"

The golden light faded, and a huge mural appeared in front of the public. The horror of the picture surprised the representatives of all ethnic groups.

The huge and terrible nameless object in the center of the mural, as well as various ethnic groups falling into madness, make them unconsciously associate with the tragedy of the EBA tribe described by Rex.

Fear enveloped everyone present, and the chill was beyond description.

What makes elves eat people? What makes dragon father and son kill each other? What makes them crazy?

The answer may be that horrible nameless thing!

Huge body, full of eyes of the tentacles, even the devil are some shudder.

"Master... Are you ok?" Connie grabbed Rex's sleeve in fear and looked up to find that Rex's face was pale and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"I'm fine." Rex shook his head, looked away at the mural and said with a lingering fear, "in those days, I saw the virtual shadow of this object above the tribe of Erba."

Hearing this, the representatives of all ethnic groups look even worse. Is the devil in the seal the initiator of the massacre of the EBA tribe in those years?

Joe looked at the mural with a worried and tangled expression.

"Your Highness, we must report this to your majesty as soon as possible." Richard whispered to Joe, with fear in his voice.

Joe didn't pay any attention to him. He just stared at the huge, nameless thing.

"Look for opportunities, let him out, and you will get an incomparable friend. Everyone here will die. Nolan is ours... We will dominate everything..." a voice full of temptation rang out in his ears.

But he hesitated.

After seeing the mural, his firm determination was shaken countless times.

"It... Seems different from what we agreed." Joe said as quietly as he could.

"If you want to gain power and strength, you have to pay some price, just some guys for sacrifice... Death is their best destination, and you are the one chosen by us, you will become our spokesman, you can do whatever you want..."

"Don't you want to kill that man? As long as you let it out, he can help you kill him easily

"And that ELF, what a lovely little beauty, she'll be yours if you want to."

Joe looked up at Alex and Irina, clenched his fist with a complicated look, and didn't agree to the voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after this mural, there is the place of seal. Although the devil is sealed in the array, he can still control and attack people outside the array through his mental power. So after entering the cave, please don't get close to the seal array, don't stare at its eyes, and don't try to enter the array to attack it." Michael stands in front of the mural and looks at the crowd.

The representatives of all ethnic groups nodded and agreed one after another. After all kinds of experiences, when they saw the mural again, they had already put away their contempt and raised their vigilance for fear that they might accidentally catch the devil's way.

Michael then turned and activated the switch on the stone door.

The crowd looked at the stone door which opened slowly to one side, and the cold breath poured out from the crack of the door.

The magician took out his wand and recited the mantra.

I don't know when there are more shields in the hands of dwarves. The goblins are leaning behind them consciously.

Dracula's wings have spread out, standing in front of Camilla, just behind her.

Richard and a knight were also protecting Joe's side, looking warily at the slowly opened stone door.

The tremendous psychological pressure made the representatives of all ethnic groups sacrifice their strongest means to protect their lives. Although Michael repeatedly stressed that the devil was still in the seal, he told them that even if it was in the seal, it might still attack them.

"Hurry up, I'll wait until all the flowers are gone!"

"Yes, a!"

"I can't afford it."

"Wang Chan."

"I am a farmer! We are all farmers! Why don't you blow me up with Wang

"I've never been a king in my life. Besides, I don't farm. "

"All right, all right... You're the big guy..."

The stone gate opened slowly. Instead of the terrible nameless object, the three people sitting in front of the stone gate, Crassus, Julian and Barbara, were baking a fire and fighting against the landlord.

When the stone gate opened, the tense representatives of all ethnic groups and the three people sitting on the floor with cards in their hands looked at each other in a delicate atmosphere.

McGonagall's mouth twitched to keep from laughing.

"I can't afford it." After a while, Barbara came back to herself.

"I can't afford it." Krasu followed.

"Four two." Julian continued to lose his cards.

After opening the door, I saw something different from the imagination of the representatives of all ethnic groups

Watching Crassus and Julian sitting on the ground and playing cards with a little girl, they even feel ridiculous.

Even the chilling atmosphere was destroyed at this moment.


However, the next moment, the piercing scream still resounded through the cave.

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