Although the scene after the door opened gave the representatives of all ethnic groups a sense of absurdity for a moment, it did not affect their attention to the terrible nameless object in the middle of the huge cave nearly 1000 meters high.

The indescribable head of the as like murals is as like as two peas, and countless tentacles are seen from a sandy mountain like flesh. On the whiskers and flesh, there are scarlet eyes, dense, shiny red light filled with the entire seal space.

At the moment of stepping into the stone gate, everyone felt that they were being watched.

That kind of dense fear makes people feel numb and frightening, which makes them feel as if they are facing ancient fierce beasts.

Dexter and landister looked at the nameless object with the same look of fear.

It turns out that there is a more terrifying existence above level 10, which undoubtedly has a huge impact on landist, who has been living in the deep sea for a long time.

And the nameless object seemed to be angered by the sudden crowd. It gave out a harsh and deep roar, and countless tentacles bumped towards the entrance of the mountain.

This scene caused the representatives of all ethnic groups to be shocked and subconsciously retreat. At the same time, they sacrificed their own means to protect their lives for fear that they would be killed by the monster.

Only the three who were fighting against the landlord on one side were calm.

"You're a very good player." Krasu said with a smile to Julian, and then he finished the last card.

"Boring stuff." Julian put his cards on the table, and the poker and the small square table turned into powder.

"You're a little incompetent and furious." Crassus happily collected the money he had won.

"I'm not a farmer." Barbara is also the hands of a card lost, some angry way.

On the one hand, the representatives of all ethnic groups feel that the three people are not sure whether they are alive or dead. On the other hand, they can't help laughing. What a big heart it is to play games around the fire in such a place.


Countless tentacles collided with the pale gold seal, and the already precarious seal made the barrier almost transparent.

But fortunately, the seal still withstood the attack of the indescribable object, accompanied by a burst of corrosion. This time, hundreds of tentacles of the impact seal were ablated.

The representatives of all ethnic groups who almost withdrew from the cave stopped and looked at the uncertain seal barrier with lingering fear. If the barrier did not withstand the attack, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Its tentacles are recovering quickly!"

Exclaimed Eliot.

They all saw that the palps, which were broken by the impact of the indescribable object, were recovering at the speed visible to the naked eye. In a few breaths, all the severed limbs grew up, just like before.

"The resilience of terror!"

The dignified expression of the representatives of all ethnic groups proves that what Alex said before is not false, and that the octopus has desperate resilience.

"So strong!" Joe looked at the scene with the same look in his eyes.

The atmosphere of this indescribable thing is far more than the sense of oppression brought by the ten level strong. It is not a level of existence at all. People can only look up to it and fear it.

And the regeneration ability of terror makes it almost invincible.

Huge body, countless tentacles, even if it is trapped in the seal, but still has an invincible posture overlooking all the people outside the seal.

"There are such monsters in the world Although he had learned some news from Louis and Douglas, he didn't know how difficult this guy was until he saw the indescribable thing.

"Look at you, if this guy can get out now, we can still sit here fighting the landlord?" Kelasu clapped his ass and stood up, smiling at the representatives of all ethnic groups who retreated to the door.

The representatives of all ethnic groups were slightly embarrassed, but they were not frightened by one or two, not to mention how shameful they were. They could only be regarded as overreacting.

"The seal array can only last for three days at most. If we can't parse all the Runes of the array and effectively reinforce and restore the array within three days, it will break the seal." Nowan, who has been working beside the array, came forward dignified, looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups standing in front of the cave, and said in a deep voice: "if any of your ethnic groups are involved in ancient array and rune, let him set out immediately to the city of chaos, maybe we still have a little chance."

"Three days?"

Everyone's face also sank. With the devil's terror power, once it breaks away from the array, it is bound to set off a terrible disaster in Nolan. As described in the mural, all races are inevitable.

"Although this guy looks a little fierce, his strength will certainly decline after he has been sealed for so long. We have more than 20 level 10 strong men here who will attack him together and surely kill him." Auster came forward, full of confidence.

Everyone looked at each other, and there was no response for a moment.

"I think what chief Auster said is reasonable. The devil is related to the safety of all races in Nolan. Instead of pinning our hopes on this array that may collapse at any time, we should join hands to kill it completely and solve the immediate crisis." Joe took a step forward and said in a deep voice.

People were surprised that while Joe supported Auster, they also began to seriously consider whether their words were feasible.

More than 20 level 10 strong people join hands to strike, the power is self-evident, but whether they can really kill the devil, people are not very sure.

"I think it's feasible. It's just a monster that lives longer. Since it can be sealed, it shows that its strength is limited after all. Let's fight together. If we can kill it, it's a good thing. Even if we can't kill it, it can make it weaker and make the array last longer." When Franklin came out, a black and thick mace appeared in his hand. He patted his chest heavily and said, "does anyone dare to fight this guy with me?"

"I don't know." Auster steps forward.

"The Empire of Los is willing to contribute." Joe came forward.

Richard wanted to stop talking, but he went forward with the knight to protect Joe.

"The elves are willing to contribute." Elliot said in an urgent voice.

Soon, representatives of all ethnic groups expressed their willingness to fight the devil with Franklin.

"You are really wise. If you could kill it, wouldn't it be a fool to cut it in half and seal it?" Krasu rolled his eyes.

"Not necessarily." Franklin didn't argue too much. He rushed to the array with a mace. The heavy armor made of black scales soon covered his whole body, turning into a Black Whirlwind and crashing into the seal array.

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