Irina also frowned when she looked at the magnanimous Joe. His attitude was abnormal.

She could be sure that he had a relationship with the devil, and that the relationship was not established after entering the cave.

If so, why did Joshua dare to let her baptize him with the holy light so magnanimously? After being baptized by the holy light, perdinand almost became a useless person, and his mental and physical injuries could not be recovered.

"I know I'm not good enough and I'm not strong enough, but I hope I'll always be clean." Joe looked at Elena, his voice warm and affectionate, "come on, just as I ask you, wash my innocence with the holy light."

"If you don't guard in advance, even level 10 will be easily controlled by this guy." Louis looked at Joe, nodded slightly and said, "this child is not bad. Maybe he's just targeted by the devil."

As a witness, he knew exactly how terrible the devil's mind control ability was, so he felt that the inference that Joe was controlled by the devil at that moment led to the deviation of the direction of the fireball burst was true.

"It's possible." Crassus nodded and looked at Joshua. "He's not that stupid."

Their attitudes almost represent what the representatives of all ethnic groups think at this time.

Joe's magnanimous, won the public's favor, there is a bit of justice dedicated to the tragic hero's feeling.

"If you are only bewitched by the devil for a short time, the holy light will do very little damage to you and only disperse the evil Qi attached to you. But if you exchange souls with the devil, the holy light will separate the devil from your soul. At that time, you will become a fool." Irina looked into Joe's eyes and said in a cold voice.

"I don't believe I'm going to be a fool." Joe was smiling and straightening his chest.

"Elena, I warn you that if you dare to do any harm to your highness, except baptism, I will never let you go!" Richard looked at Irina and cheered coldly.

MEG stepped forward from the corner and stood by Elena's side, calmly looking at Richard.

Two people standing side by side, talented and beautiful, eye-catching.

Many people have forgotten how majestic the two men were when they walked on the mainland. The Holy Light refers to justice.

Today, they stand side by side again, still bright and eye-catching.

Alex didn't say anything, but he had already crushed Richard who had just finished his cruel words.

Within three meters, no one is faster than Alex, and no one can stop him.

Joe's eyelids jumped, his lips pursed, and he said nothing more.

"In the face of the enemy, what we need is trust. Since Prince Qiao Xiu is willing to prove his innocence, please let Elena baptize him with the holy light, and the truth will be revealed." Michael, as the host, naturally can't be so stiff in the light of the situation. He said solemnly, "there are more than ten top ten people staring at me at the moment, which can guarantee absolute justice."

"Please." Joe took another step forward and stood still.

"Well, I'll make you better." Elena raised the wand in her hand, and the melodious singing voice rang out: "holy light, please listen to my call, light up the dark, purify all evil!"

A bright light came out of the mage's staff and fell on Qiao Xiu.

The black magic came out of Joe's head, and was broken down in the holy light.

But Joe's expression is quite calm, just subconsciously closed his eyes, no pain on his face.

It lasted less than ten seconds for the black magic to overflow. The holy light fell on Joe, and there was no response.

"The amount of magic Qi is not much. It should have intruded into his body when he was controlled." Said Douglas.

Representatives of all ethnic groups also nodded one after another. Judging from Joe's manner and the amount of black devil Qi, it is true that, as Douglas said, Joe did not exchange souls with the devil, but was accidentally controlled by the devil for a short time.

"Sure enough, your highness is innocent, and he is also a victim." Richard and the knights on one side looked happy and relieved.

"How could that be?" Irina frowned, but the Holy Light didn't feel more evil in Joe Xiu. Although she was full of doubts, she could only accept the holy light.

McGonagall took a deep look at Joe. He was not surprised by the result. Since he dared to accept the baptism of the holy light, it showed that he was not afraid of the holy light.

When the holy light faded away, Joe opened his eyes and looked at Elena with clear eyes. He said with a smile, "Elena, thank you. I feel like I've been baptized. The sense of chaos is gone. If you didn't find out and get rid of it in time, I'm afraid it would bring more disaster."

"No matter what you do, it won't end like this." Irina put away her wand, turned and walked out of the cave.

McGonagall left a strange smile on Josh and also turned to follow Elena.

"What were you laughing at?" Irina asked, looking at MEG.

"Pretending to smile deeply can bring great mental pressure to people." McGonagall smiles. "I don't know what to laugh at."

"It worries you." Joe apologized to the representatives of all ethnic groups, and looked at Meg's back, feeling a little depressed.

The smile he left made him feel uneasy, as if he had seen through everything, as if watching the poor and clumsy performance of a clown, which made him crazy.

"Prince Qiao Xiu is not controlled by the devil. Let's go back to the restaurant to discuss the countermeasures." Michael ended the farce and led the crowd to return to the restaurant through the teleport.

"What... I haven't bathed for several days. Can I go back with you?" Barbara said, "my work is done, and I can't help with the rest."

"Of course, you are a hero who has made outstanding contributions. Come back to the restaurant with us and you should be rewarded." Michael smiles and nods. He knows exactly what Barbara has done to repair the array.

"Then I'll go to the restaurant for dinner, and see my baby apprentice by the way." Krasu is not a guest.

"You can't see it alone." Julian followed.

"If you all go, I have to go too. The only one left is often the easiest to have problems. It's better to let the array run safely." Nowan came out with a pile of drafts. He needed to go back to school to see if he could find some useful materials in the library.

The teleport lights up, and there is no one in the cave.


"There must be something wrong with Joe, but his problem is not the same as that of Berg and perdinand." On the second floor of the restaurant, Irina looks at MEG who is wearing an apron.

"He's a smart man." Put on the chef's jacket, MEG tied up his apron, looked at Elena and said with a smile, "but whether he makes a deal with the devil or not, it doesn't affect me to kill him."

"Your smile is very funny."

Irina was a little stunned, and then she could not help squeezing Meg's face.

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