Life is like a play. It's all about acting.

McGonagall, who has changed into a cook's uniform, has become the most popular cook among little girls in the city of chaos.

After all, McGonagall can't say whether he played Alex or McGonagall, but at present, his acting skills are very nice.

As for why he didn't choose to sit in the meeting like a big man, and chose to be busy in the kitchen.

It's not because of the Charter fee... Love, yes, it's a great sense of accomplishment to see the big men of all ethnic groups can't control themselves in front of delicious food.

Joe can't be killed for a while. If he dies in the city of chaos, the race war may start ahead of time.

At present, the biggest enemies of Nolan are those old dominators who don't know the number and location. They are like time bombs hidden everywhere. They may explode at any time, and they are the kind that detonates the whole continent.

As for Joe, even if he was allowed to live for another period of time, it would only save his life and would not pose any threat to him.

Since ancient times, the royal family has been the most merciless. The ambush on a rainy night, if there is a little mistake, will not let him come to that end.

He didn't want to let go of any of them.

It was half past ten in the morning, and MEG looked at Elena, who was standing by the window thinking, turned and went downstairs.

MEG naturally didn't want to appear directly in the dining room, so he turned over the wall from behind, made a detour, and then rode his bicycle slowly back to the door of the dining room. Abelmia and Rina were waiting at the door, and they came to prepare for lunch on time.

"Mr. McGonagall, are you ready for lunch?" Dix looked at MEG and said with a smile.

"Yes, there needs to be some preparation in advance." MEG smiles and nods.

Dix let the people into the restaurant, which is also the ditch they passed before.

McGonagall and they came in. Vanessa, who was sitting by the window reading a food magazine, put down her book, got up and came forward. She looked at McGonagall expectantly and said, "boss McGonagall, are all the menus open for lunch today? Including kebabs

"Yes." MEG nodded.

"That's great. After reading Randy's new column, I'm so greedy that I'll have a good taste of roast mutton kebabs at noon today." Vanessa said happily.

McGonagall looked at Vanessa's wanton smile, which is probably the most carefree representative of all ethnic groups. Anyway, it's not her turn to worry about this kind of thing. It's not a very happy thing to be a happy eater.

"Amy! Little Amy? " As soon as McGonagall was ready to enter the kitchen, a familiar voice came from the door. Krasu had already entered the door and cried with a smile on his face.

"Little Amy is not in the restaurant at all." Julian walked into the door and glanced at the restaurant with a look of disappointment.

"It turned out to be two teachers. Today, the restaurant was held under the charge of the city master's office, and Amy went to play with her friends." Without waiting for the two to ask questions, McGonagall volunteered.

"So." Krasu was a little disappointed. He wanted to surprise Amy.

"It's not a surprise that the teacher suddenly appears at home during the holiday. It's a shock." Barbara walked into the door and make complaints about it.

"I didn't give her winter vacation homework..." Krasu said.

"Boss, sisters, I'm back!" Instead of answering, Barbara opened her hands and ran towards them.

"Barbara!" Abelmia, they are also surprised to see Barbara lost for many days.

It's amazing that a girl who used to be a smart girl just got out of a coal mine with messy hair and dirty clothes.

Looking at everyone's surprised expression, Barbara also quickly stopped her feet, looked down at her clothes, and said with some embarrassment, "Oh, I haven't bathed for a long time, but it's suffocating me."

"Barbara, where have you been these days? If you're kidnapped, blink. " Abelmia came forward and took Barbara's hand. She looked at her with concern and heartache and asked.

"No, I've done something big." Barbara shook her head and looked at McGonagall again. "Boss, can I borrow the bathroom?"

"Go ahead, I'll get you some clean clothes later." McGonagall nodded with a smile. For the sake of Barbara's painstaking efforts to parse runes in underground caves these days, he had no reason to refuse.

"All right!" Barbara ran up the stairs happily.

Remove the body's dirty clothes, turn on the tap, hot water drenched in the body, the body's fatigue has been the most perfect relief, she can not help a long sigh of relief.

"I'll leave the clothes outside for you. After taking a shower, I'll go to the bathtub for a while. I'll remember to eat later. I'll prepare more kebabs for you." Meg's voice came from outside.

"All right!" Barbara happily agreed, looking at the bathtub with automatic water discharge, this kind of treatment is really cool.

McGonagall went downstairs again, and representatives of all ethnic groups were led back to the restaurant by Michael.

However, compared with the high spirited appearance when I first went out, the representatives of all ethnic groups who came back to the restaurant looked a little embarrassed, such as eggplant beaten by frost, and everyone's face was full of sadness.

Oster, who had broken an arm, sat with a black face. The wound stopped the blood, but the broken arm was eaten by the octopus monster, and he could not be reborn. In his life, there was only one arm left, so the strength of Oster was bound to decline.

Franklin's face is not very good-looking, his injury is slightly better than Auster, but the front and back were beaten by the devil, feeling not very good, need a period of time to recover.

"Brother Joe, are you hurt? What kind of attack have you had? " Vanessa also saw the strangeness of the atmosphere. She looked at some pale Joe nervously and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, it's just a small injury." Joe smiles at Vanessa, but doesn't tell her what happened before.

"What happened to them?" Abelmia whispered in the kitchen. These people are the most powerful people in Nolan. Why are they injured?

Gina shook her head, equally puzzled.

"Don't say much about what you do well." MEG whispered.

Abelmia immediately shut up and helped with the plate.

"We have all seen the situation. I believe we all know the severity. Now we need to decipher the remaining dozens of runes. The mages of the dragon clan and the chaotic city have no way to do anything about it. Now we can only see whether there are mages of the various clans or those who have research on ancient books can decipher it." Michael looked down at the representatives of the various nationalities.

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