After seeing and experiencing the horror of the devil, the representatives of all ethnic groups have deeply realized that all ethnic groups in Nolan have now become a community of common destiny, stronger than a dragon, and a terrible enemy that they can not face alone.

The conversation was a little gloomy, but the representatives of all ethnic groups soon reached a consensus. They got a rune from novan that needed to be parsed. They were ready to send it back to their respective ethnic groups as soon as possible. They had to repair the array within three days to solve the urgent problem.

"Principal novan, if we can't resolve all the Runes of this array in three days, will it break out? Is it impossible to lose a rune? " Asked Sally, looking at Novak.

Representatives of all ethnic groups also looked at novan with concern.

"Yes, this seal array is very complicated. Thousands of runes make up this array. If several of them can't be analyzed, it can't be repaired and reinforced. Any small mistake may make this array collapse." Novartis nodded solemnly.

"In that case, can we just wait? I'm afraid it's difficult for such an ancient Rune to be fully resolved in such a short time, and there may even be some runes that can't be resolved at all. What should we do then? " Sally continued, "we can't put all our hopes on this rune."

"Yes, what Princess Sally wants coincides with me." Nuo fan nodded, looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups and said: "in recent days, in addition to analyzing the array, the array mages of chaos city and the dragon clan have arranged countless seal arrays outside the seal land. However, according to the devil's strength, these seal arrays can only cause some blocking effects on it, and can't seal it."

The expression of the representatives of all ethnic groups is more dignified.

"Therefore, in addition to asking the array mages of all ethnic groups to come to the chaotic city, I think it's time to call all the top powers in Nolan to come to the chaotic city to prepare for the situation after the devil broke out of the seal." "This battle, perhaps inevitable, must be prepared in advance," he said in a low voice

"The elves are willing to fight for Nolan." Sally got up and said solemnly.

"Sha..." Eliot looked at Sally and opened his mouth anxiously, but he was helpless.

"Eisen iron fort can resist all enemies, but I have no confidence to resist this monster. Since we can't avoid it, we dwarves are willing to fight for Nolan!" The dwarf representative also stood up and said in a deep voice.

"Evil, it's disgusting. I, the vampires, can't stand it. I'm willing to fight with you." Dracula put down her glass and said with a smile.

"The dragon clan has unified the caliber. If the devil really breaks the seal, the dragon clan will fight with all its strength." Louis got up and said.

"The FAK are willing to fight!" Connie stood up with her fist clenched. She had to take revenge!

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch in Ogg!" Oster patted the table and said angrily.

Representatives of all ethnic groups have expressed their support for joining hands to fight with the devil.

At the end of the day, only the Los Empire remained.

People's eyes were on Joe.

"I'm sorry, I can't decide this matter. I'll give it back to the king immediately, and I don't think his majesty will sit back and ignore it." Joe apologized. Out of caution, he didn't make a decision on behalf of the Los empire.

"Well, since everyone is determined to join hands to fight against the enemy, in addition to calling more mages to come to the chaotic city, we also ask the strong people of all ethnic groups to be ready to help the chaotic city. The war may start at any time." Michael nodded and said, "next, we need to discuss the way to join hands with the enemy. Today, we paid a terrible price in the cave, but we failed to cause substantial damage to the devil. This shows that ordinary means can't kill him."

Representatives of all ethnic groups began to explore how to deal with the devil with a heavy look.

"So far, the holy light should be the most restrained and harmful magic to the devil, but even if I try my best, I still can't cause fatal damage to it, and there are very few magicians who can use the holy light." Irina said aloud.

"There are three light magicians in the mage tower who can play holy light. I will let them come with the team, but they only have the strength of level 6 or 7." Richard said.

"The elves also have two magicians who can help with holy light." Said Sally.

"It's far from enough." Irina shakes her head. The two light magicians in the elf family are only level 6 or 7, and the damage they can do to the devil is limited.

The crowd fell into a dull atmosphere again.

"I've never been so subdued in my life!" Franklin hammered his thigh a little angrily.

McGonagall looked at the people who were trapped in a stiff atmosphere and interrupted in good time: "it's lunch time. Do you need to order?"

Everyone's eyes turned to McGonagall, and his brows wrinkled. The boss didn't know how to look at him at all? Now they are talking about the survival of Nolan. Is it time to eat?

"I'll have twenty kebabs of roast mutton and a spicy roast fish." Vanessa raised her hand without any objection.

"Abnormal spicy again?" The representatives of all ethnic groups turned their eyes one after another, thinking of the sour abnormal hot pot in the morning. They felt heartburn, but their stomachs were greedy again.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that it's meaningless to be so hard and stiff. It's better to eat something to make you feel shocked. When you're full, you'll have the strength to continue to explore.

"Give me a roast duck. After so many days, my mouth has faded out." Krasu is not a guest.

"One salted bean curd, one braised chicken and rice." Julian said.

"Hot pot?" Louis asked, looking at kinks beside him.

"No." Kinks shakes his head like a rattle.

"That's the same as the abnormal spicy grilled fish?" Kinks took a look at Vanessa.

"I can't afford it!" Kinks glared. Now, as soon as he heard the word "pervert", he felt that the back court was tight.

"Nothing." Louis curled his mouth and said, "a big, spicy grilled fish."

"Sorry, spicy grilled fish is the beginning of medium spicy." Meg said with a smile.

Louis thought seriously for a while, then nodded cautiously: "OK, then have a medium spicy roast fish."

Representatives of all ethnic groups learned well and did not order with Vanessa again. The little girl looked soft and weak, but the taste was not so amazing. She chose the dishes that looked good on the menu and was ready to make some new attempts.

"Here, ten. It's called Huaji."

Dexter said in poor common language.


Representatives of all ethnic groups have turned their eyes.

"All right." McGonagall smiles and nods. It's not too unexpected. After all, it's the saint chicken of landist. If you have a chance to eat in the restaurant, it's naturally the first choice.

At this time, a golden array light suddenly lit up in the central open space surrounded by tables.

"Barbara! My father has come to save you

Then there was a roar full of air.

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