The sudden appearance of the teleportation array and the full cry made the representatives of all ethnic groups in the presence all be stunned. Subconsciously, they looked at Michael and thought that the teleportation array was also arranged by Michael.

Michael's face is also muddled. The city Lord's mansion doesn't arrange the transmission array in McMillan's restaurant. Instead, the transmission array connecting to the sealed place is arranged in the square. How can he go to boss McMillan to arrange the array.

McGonagall was stunned when he looked at the array, and soon his eyes lit up again. "Barbara" + "father emperor" revealed too much information. Barbara came to Nolan through the ancient transmission array under the restaurant.

As the favorite princess of the kingdom of the moon, the king of the kingdom of the moon would not sit idly by after his passing away.

In the past few months, Barbara has tried to restart the teleport array, but failed.

Now the old transmission array is opened again. Before he arrives, he can't help but think of such a figure.

The golden light flashed away, and a group of people appeared in the open space.

Among them, there were swordsmen holding Epee in both hands, magicians holding magic wands, and defense soldiers carrying heavy shields. All of them were vigilant around the middle-aged man in gorgeous golden clothes and wearing a Golden Jewel Crown standing in the middle of the crowd.

There are ten people in the party, and there are six of the top ten!

"What kind of power is this?"

The representatives of all ethnic groups are a little confused when they look at the sudden emergence of this group of people. The existence of randist has just been reluctantly accepted, and now a group of mysterious strong people suddenly appear. Is it over?

McGonagall's eyes fell on the middle-aged man with a crown. His eyebrows and eyes were similar to Barbara's. The most important thing was the pale pink crescent between his eyebrows, which was more obvious than Barbara's.

The real hammer was born.

McGonagall basically determined his own judgment.

The country of the moon and his party were also a little confused at this time.

They thought about what might happen when they got to the other end of the teleport array, such as countless terrible unknown creatures, such as extremely difficult living environment.

But now the situation seems to be different from what they imagined. After the transmission, they fell into a terrible encirclement.

Around them sat more than 20 top ten men.

They have different shapes and races, but they are undoubtedly powerful.

A hellish start.

"Protect your majesty!" He raised his hand to cover the crowd with a magic shield. At the same time, he said in a low voice: "restart the teleport array, we must leave here immediately."

They held on to their weapons. Although they were in a great crisis, no one retreated and was ready to sacrifice to protect the king.

Although we don't know what terrible place they are sent to, we are outnumbered and are not fit to fight. The most important thing is to escort his majesty to leave safely.

"Wait!" With a wave of his hand, Kenneth stopped the master from restarting the array. He said in a deep voice, "I will never return until I find the princess."

"Your Majesty, this place is extremely dangerous. You..." the great magician tried to persuade him.

"Don't say much." Kenneth interrupted the magician and scanned the people and the surroundings.

It looks like a conference hall. These strong people here should hold meetings here, not just to block them. Otherwise, their weapons should not be placed beside them, but in their hands.

Moreover, the people present were of mixed races. There were elves, forest trolls, dwarves, goblins and evil looking demons recorded in ancient books. They didn't seem to be the same force.

After a short period of confusion, the representatives of all ethnic groups watched the people coming to prepare for the battle and took out their weapons one after another to prepare for the battle.

Everyone was worried about the devil's affairs, but now a group of guys with unknown origins suddenly appeared. Naturally, they should be on guard.

For a moment, the restaurant was tense.

"Could it be..." Krasu looked at the man, but his eyes lit up and looked at Julian sitting beside him.

"It's the same breath." Julian nodded and his cold face brightened.

"Who's coming?" Michael asked in a deep voice. He didn't know the identity of these strange intruders.

"Where is this? Who are you? If you have taken my daughter away, send her to me as soon as possible. If she has nothing to do, I don't care about the past. " Kenneth said in the same cold voice.

"Daughter?" Representatives of all ethnic groups frowned.

"Where is Barbara now? Why didn't you see her? With her strength, she is by no means the opponent of this group of people... "Kenneth saw that everyone did not answer, and his face was a little more anxious.

"Well... Sorry to interrupt..." McGonagall came forward and said.


They all looked at MEG. The restaurant owner seemed to be a little unconscious. In the face of such a group of mysterious strongmen, he even dared to come forward.

"Do you know where my daughter is?" Kenneth's eyes also fell on McGonagall like two sharp swords.

"If I guess correctly, uncle, your daughter should be called Barbara, right?" McGonagall looked at Kenneth fearlessly and said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Kenneth's face sank. "What have you done to her?"

"What do you mean? What do I do to her? What do you think I am? Do I help you raise your daughter well?" McGonagall rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "your daughter is great. I..."

"Beast Kenneth exploded in an instant, the pink moon on his forehead lit up, and a set of gold and pink armor appeared on him, posing a desperate posture with McGonagall.


McGonagall picks eyebrows. It seems that the king of the land of the moon doesn't play according to the routine. He has accepted his daughter with good intentions, but what is he going to do now?

"Oh." Irina chuckled and raised her wand to give MEG a light shield.


At this time, the stairs suddenly came a surprise call.

"Barbara!" Kenneth's forward body stopped in a moment, suddenly turned back, and looked at the figure standing at the stairway. His eyes burst out with surprise.

"It's me!" Barbara rushed in like a whirlwind and fell into Kenneth's arms.

"My child... My father is late..." Kenneth hugged Barbara tightly and said happily and guilt.

"Princess highness!" People in the kingdom of the moon are happy to see this, but they don't relax their vigilance to the people around them.

"Are they father and daughter?"

The representatives of all ethnic groups looked at the scene, but they also put away their hostility.

"Tell your father, did he bully you?" Kenneth still looked at McGonagall, but a little less hostile, a little more scrutinizing.

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