The current dilemma is not that Nolan can survive by itself. Therefore, in the face of the moon civilization, Michael and others decided to send a request for assistance to them.

Kenneth fell into thinking. He didn't doubt the truth of what Barbara and Michael said. The existence of the devil is as magical to people in the land of the moon as the existence of a larger world abroad.

But now they are standing on the continent of Nolan. It seems that the setting of the devil is not so difficult to accept.

Moreover, there is a transmission array between the land of the moon and the continent of Nolan, and there are similar languages that can communicate directly, indicating that there may be some connection or even the same root between the two before ancient times.

"Can you show us the so-called seal array and the devil?" Kenneth didn't rush to agree, he said, looking at Michael.

"Of course." Michael nodded, and Kenneth's caution was not hard to understand.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Barbara reaches for her hand and gets ready to get up. Kenneth says, "don't worry. The boss will make dinner right away. It's not too late for us to go after dinner."

"You know how to eat." Kenneth fondled Barbara's head, shook his head and said, "it's not enough to eat. If the situation is so serious, it's obvious..."

"The lamb kebab is ready." At this time, abemia came out of the door with a few kebabs piled up into a hill like plate, and put them one by one in front of the people of the country of the moon.

The strong smell of roasted mutton suddenly came. The roasted mutton had just been off the grill, and the glittering fat meat was still steaming with oil. A handful of ripe sesame seeds and a handful of green scallions were scattered on the surface.


Kenneth's throat obviously rolled for a while, looking at a large plate of kebabs in front of him, he couldn't move his eyes. In the middle of the speech, he could not help but stop, hesitated a little, and then said, "obviously, this matter can still be put aside. I haven't had dinner with you for several months. My father is not in a hurry. Let's have dinner with you first."

The people of the country of the moon look at Kenneth with admiration. His majesty is holy!

"Father, are you sincere?" Barbara raised her eyebrows, a little incredulous.

"Of course." Kenneth nodded calmly, but his eyes were fixed on the kebab.

"Well, for the sake of these kebabs, I pretend to believe it." Barbara shrugged, picked up a bunch of kebabs, bit off a piece of meat, happily chewing, just baked lamb is the most delicious.

Kenneth nodded slightly to Michael, then impolitely picked up a kebab.

The roast mutton in this world is very special. I don't know if due to the lack of resources, the mutton is cut into small pieces and then strung with bamboo sticks instead of being roasted directly in the country of the moon.

However, he must admit that the strong smell of mutton is more attractive than the roast mutton made by their royal chef, and there is no smell of mutton at all. This alone shows that the chef's rank is more powerful than that of their royal chef.

There must be something delicious about the food that makes Barbara so infatuated.

With the attitude of trying, Kenneth bit a lamb into his mouth.

Just off the grill, the mutton is still a little hot. The skin is slightly scorched, but the inside is especially fresh and tender. When you bite it open, the gravy splashes in your mouth, and the spices attached to the surface of the mutton also bloom in your mouth. The smell of scallion and sesame seeds burst during chewing make the taste buds on the tip of your tongue fall into carnival.

"What kind of fairy flavor is this?"!!! It's delicious, isn't it? "

After eating three kebabs, Kenneth still had a feeling that he couldn't stop.

His royal chef has completely lost the qualification to participate in the duel.

As the king of the land of the moon, he had to admit that he had never tasted such delicious food in the long years of his rule, neither.

He took a look at Barbara, who was immersed in making kebabs. Suddenly, he could understand why she was willing to stay in this restaurant. There was no need for other complicated reasons. The roast mutton kebab was better than countless reasons.

Other people in the land of the moon have also been conquered by roast mutton kebabs, mouthful after mouthful. They think that the barbecue made with bamboo sticks is convenient and delicious to eat, so it should be eaten like this.

"It seems that the taste of the land of the moon is similar to that of Nolan." McGonagall looked at the crowd who were addicted to string, his mouth slightly tilted, and his sense of achievement improved a little bit.

The country of the moon's kebabs were first served. The other guests who had not served smelled the fragrance and watched the mounds of kebabs decrease with the speed visible to the naked eye. They couldn't help swallowing.

However, everyone ordered a lot of dishes, and they were too embarrassed to change them, so they had to wait for their own dishes.

McGonagall's action is very fast. After a while, the ten calling chickens of landister are out of the oven.

Dexter and landist people, looking at the roasted Huaji like golden eggs that Gina brought, looked solemn and respectful, and all bowed to the Huaji together.

This is the holy thing to save randist from the abyss!

Gina, with a wooden hammer in her hand, solemnly knocked open the wrapped mud shell.

With a few crisp sounds, the hardened mud shells were knocked open one by one, and the golden crispy fried chicken was exposed in front of the public, and the strong smell of roast chicken was dispersed.

The golden mud shell is very familiar to the public, which is the key to let the landists leave the sea.

However, the roast chicken wrapped in the mud shell is the first time that many landists have seen it.

It's hard to resist the strong fragrance coming from such a close distance.

"Please take your time." Gina turns away with a smile.

"Let's go." Dexter said, I don't know where to take a knife, hand up knife down, the plate of Jiaohua chicken was divided into more than ten pieces.

He reached out and picked up a chicken leg. The crispy skin was gently bitten open, and the crispy, fat and tender chicken melted in his mouth.

The fat, tender and delicious chicken blooms instantly, and the taste buds on the tip of the tongue are relieved immediately. There is no time to chew more, and it has not yet established itself on the tip of the tongue, just like a naughty chicken, slipping into its throat.

Tender and no residue, unique flavor, which can not be prevented from touching the delicious, so calm as Dexter can not help but give out a hum.

"It's so delicious that it really exists! Mr. McGonagall's culinary skills are so beautiful that he deserves to be the man chosen by God Dexter's face exclaimed, words can not describe his move, can only take a few more to express what he thought.

The delegation of yuezhiguo and randist, who were the latest to arrive at the scene, rolled strings and ate roast chicken. The greedy representatives of all ethnic groups couldn't help themselves, and their eyes to the kitchen unconsciously became frequent.

This gathering of the top forces turned out to be McGonagall, the chef, which makes people feel magical.

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