A sumptuous and delicious lunch gave the country of the moon a good first impression of Nolan. To be able to entertain them with such delicious food shows their heart and sincerity.

Having enough to eat and drink, Kenneth didn't waste his time. He took Jonas and the two mages, followed Novak and Barbara to the devil's seal.

After a long time, Kenneth, Jonas and others stood outside the seal array, looking at the terrible Octopus monster nearly 1000 meters high in the array, shocked and speechless.

"Such an evil and terrible atmosphere, I didn't expect that there was a devil in the world." Kenneth's face was shocked, and all the previous doubts were dispelled at this moment.

Barbara's description is no exaggeration. The devil is really powerful and terrifying. Even as a top ten, she still feels small and powerless in front of her.

When they just arrived, the devil also stormed the seal in anger. The fragile array made people a little afraid that it would disperse.

"This seal array is indeed handed down from ancient times. It should be of the same period as that transmission array." Jonas walked around the seal array, looking at the octopus monster in the array solemnly: "so, this guy has survived from ancient times to now, and still maintains the strength of terror."

Kenneth and others have a slightly changed face, a terrible devil that has existed since ancient times.

"We don't have any way to deal with it at present, except to repair and strengthen the array." Novartis said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, I think we should help them repair the array. If the devil breaks the seal, it will bring destruction to countless innocent creatures. With its strength, we can't guarantee that it won't come to the land of the moon." Jonas said, looking at Kenneth.

Kenneth was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "I allow you to cooperate with them to repair this seal and seal the devil again."

There were smiles on the faces of Novartis and Barbara.

"Master, we have finished the analysis of most of the array runes. Let's start with these sixty characters." Barbara came forward with a smile.

"No, let's start from scratch." Jonas shook his head, looked at Barbara, and said with a smile, "the complexity of this array is better than that of the teleportation array. We only have three days, and we can't tolerate any mistakes, so we have to re analyze the array from the beginning to ensure that every rune is correct."

"Well... Some of my runes are really half guessing and half deceiving." Barbara nodded and followed them with her little notebook, ready to be a little assistant.

Jonas observed the array for a long time, looked at novan and said: "in addition to analyzing the array, we need as many array materials as possible. According to my observation, the original seal array is close to collapse, so we can't reinforce and repair it directly. We can only rebuild a seal array."

"Well, I'll arrange it with the Lord." Novartis nodded. He didn't know about it, but he couldn't even analyze the array before, let alone build a new seal array. Now with Jonas and the other three joining in, he suddenly opened up the dilemma.

"We only have one day to analyze this array, so we need to ensure the correctness and speed. Based on the princess's analysis draft, let's start now." Jonas and the three array mages immediately put themselves into the work of analyzing the array.

Novan went back to the restaurant and told the representatives of all ethnic groups that the kingdom of the moon was willing to help rebuild the seal array in Nolan, but all ethnic groups needed to supply as many materials as possible to build the array.

"This is a list of materials. The materials used for the ancient seal array are precious and varied, which can not be provided by one or two races. Therefore, I hope that representatives of all races can collect these materials as much as possible and send them to the city of chaos by noon tomorrow." Novan looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups present, "this is a race against time. We are running out of time. We need to rebuild a seal array to seal the devil again."

"Great. If we can seal it again, we don't have to worry about it." Said Elliot with a smile, a little excited.

"This is the most optimistic result." Novartis looked at Eliot, "but maybe we haven't had time to build a good array, and the devil has come out of the trap, so I hope you still let the strong in the race be ready to reinforce the chaotic city at any time. This will be a matter concerning all races in Nolan, and no one will be spared."

The representatives of all ethnic groups nodded and agreed. They knew that what he said was true.

"Seal it is just the beginning. We don't know how many seal arrays have been handed down from ancient times, and whether they can continue to seal the devil now. But we can be sure that the devil's lower body should still be sealed somewhere in Nolan land." Louis got up and said solemnly.

When the representatives of all ethnic groups heard the speech, their expressions gradually became heavy.

"If the devil who is sealed somewhere runs out of our unknown situation..." Connie whispered.

"Then we can't avoid it, we can only fight one." Rex said quietly.

The representatives of all ethnic groups are silent, but this seems to be the only choice.

"Now, this old man Edward should have a headache, right?" McGonagall looks at Joe with a dignified expression. With his mouth slightly tilted, McGonagall takes off his apron and is ready to go out for a walk. He picks up Amy by the way.

McGonagall has no interest in listening to what the representatives of all ethnic groups talk about in the afternoon. It's just how to coordinate the fighting capacity of all ethnic groups and deal with the worst possible situation.

As for the territory issue, which was hotly contested in the morning, this meeting has been put aside.

Although most of the reasons are due to sudden demonic events, there are also some reasons for the sudden emergence of randist and the state of the moon, two forces with a large number of high-end combat power. If they also join in the fight for territory, there may be some uncontrollable situations.

McGonagall knew the attitude of landist. In fact, they didn't have much desire to compete with all kinds of races for land territory. As the only amphibious race in Nolan, their territory was endless sea. There was rich food and livable environment, so they didn't have to go to land to compete for territory.

As for the land of the moon, they did not have the ability to import a large number of military forces and join in the scramble for territory with major ethnic groups before a new large-scale channel was established.

In his restaurant, McGonagall even began to think about whether to build a ticket station for the moon landing in the restaurant in the future to sell two-way tickets. Those who come from the country of the moon need to buy tickets, and those who want to go to the country of the moon also need to buy tickets.

"It's a good deal."

Even McGonagall could not help but admire his wisdom.

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