MEG went out and did three things.

After a round trip to the factory in the north of the city, the weaving factory is running normally, and the winery has entered the final stage of construction. Hannah is on the construction site every day to ensure that the winery can be built completely according to her idea. She can't wait to see the picture of rum pouring out from the new winemaker.

Then MEG went to the Dailan dress shop, had afternoon tea with Miss Gloria, and talked about her life and ideals for a while.

Seeing that time was up, McGonagall got on his bike and went to pick up Amy for dinner.

"Mr. McGonagall always gives people a sense of leisure and comfort." Gloria stood in front of the window on the second floor, looking at the figure who rode away slowly on her bicycle, with a smile on her mouth and a trace of blush on her face.

"Miss, the sales briefing of chaos city has come back. Do you want to see it now or in the evening?" Mars' voice sounded from behind.

"Give it to me." Gloria's expression immediately returned to cool, turned to take the briefing just delivered, and entered the time of strong woman.

There was not much time left for her. During this period, her grandmother took her aunt and her two sisters to plead and cry in front of her grandfather every day. She had to let Cyril completely lose her chance to become an heir before her grandfather changed his mind.


"Father, do you know that Daphne's grandfather took us to catch rabbits today? We caught a lot of rabbits. They are so cute." Amy was sitting in the back of the bike, carrying a small cage with a gray rabbit in it.

"So, are you going to keep this rabbit?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling with intermittent carsickness pokes his head out of the basket and looks at Amy with some concern.

"Daphne's grandfather said that this rabbit is an adult. He is no longer a little rabbit." Said Amy.


"So... So... You don't have to keep it." Amy thought seriously for a while and said, "you can cook it, cook it and fry it. It must be delicious."

The ugly duckling scratched his head with his paw, thought a little, and suddenly widened his eyes, as if he suddenly realized.

"Wow, you man!"

The ugly duckling lay back in the basket, dizzy with sadness.

"That's a good idea." McGonagall nodded with a smile, roast rabbit, diving rabbit, pepper rabbit, spicy rabbit head... Tut.

At the thought that such a lovely rabbit would be eaten, tears could not help falling from the corner of his mouth.

McGonagall takes Amy back to the restaurant and smoothly passes through the security and enters the restaurant.

The representatives of all ethnic groups, who had been arguing fiercely, looked at the mags and daughters coming in.

Suddenly I feel a little hungry.

What a magic, this chef, even controlled the rhythm of this meeting!

"Little Amy!" Crassus looks at Amy and stands up with a smile.

Julian also had a smile on his face, but he still kept the dignity of the great magician and didn't get up in a hurry.

"Master Krasu, master Julian." When Amy saw the two masters, she jumped over happily, hugged their thighs, looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups, and said with a smile, "I'd like to introduce you. These two are my masters."

The corners of the mouths of the representatives of all ethnic groups twitch. The little girl is young, but she really knows how to hold her thighs.

Now, Norland knows that this little girl can't be provoked.

MEG consciously went back to the kitchen and began to prepare dinner for the representatives of all ethnic groups.

The representatives of all ethnic groups, who were still discussing how to solve the devil problem, turned up their menus one after another and began to think about what to eat in the evening.

"Boss Mai, this is to harm the country and the people." Michael said with a smile in his heart, glancing over the menu and seriously considering whether to have grilled fish or stewed chicken and rice in the evening.

The National Congress of all ethnic groups ended at nine o'clock in the evening.

"What a wonderful restaurant."

"I've forgotten what I'm here for today."

"Are you still here for a meeting tomorrow?"

The representatives of all ethnic groups felt their bulging stomachs, and some left the restaurant.

"It's such a full day." Vanessa followed Joe to repair the carriage. She said with some emotion that she was too satisfied to eat hot pot in the evening.

"Vanessa, you'll be back in LoDo early tomorrow morning with President Richard." Said Joe earnestly, looking at Vanessa.

"Ah?" Vanessa was slightly stunned and immediately shook her head, "no, I can't get back to the city of chaos. How can I have a one-day tour?"

"It's not a joke. The devil is not far from the city of chaos. It's not sure whether the mages of the kingdom of the moon can seal it again. The city of chaos is the most dangerous place now. You have to go back to lodu. I'll let uncle Abraham go back with you tomorrow." Joe was serious, and his voice was a little heavier.

It was the first time that Vanessa saw Joe talking to her like this. Her momentum suddenly weakened and she hesitated: "but... Don't all ethnic groups send strong men? Can't you still beat that devil to death? "

"It's powerful, you can't imagine." Joe Xiu shook his head, his face suddenly turned pale, and subconsciously held down the car.

"Brother Joe, what's the matter with you?" Vanessa looked at Joe nervously.

"I'm fine, just a little bit hurt." Joe shakes his head and stares at Vanessa. "But you have to go back tomorrow, or if you have any problems, I can't tell my father."

Vanessa hesitated for a moment, nodded and whispered, "OK, then I'll go home."

"Good boy." Joe grinned and rubbed her head. "When this is over, I'll bring you to the McMillan's to eat enough."

As soon as Vanessa's eyes brightened, she looked into Joe's eyes and said, "don't lie to me about what you said!"

"It's a dog." Joe nodded with a smile, and looked at Vanessa with doting eyes.

The carriage stopped outside the city master's mansion. Qiao Xiu got out of the carriage and went back to his room.

When he entered the door, the anti spying array he was carrying had just started. Joe could not help spitting out a mouthful of dark black blood. His pale face was as white as white paper. He staggered forward two steps, reluctantly sat down on the table, and then gasped for breath.

He took a small bottle out of his arms, pulled out the plug, poured out a handful of small blue pills, and then fed them to his mouth with shaking hands. He grabbed the kettle on the table and poured some saliva directly into his mouth before he swallowed them reluctantly.

After all this, Joe Xiu lay on the table and gasped for breath. It took him a long time to breathe.

Joe Xiu lay on the table for a long time, and the effect of the medicine gradually came into play. Finally, a trace of blood rose on his face. Then he slowly stood up, took out a black box from the bottom of the bed, opened the lid, looked at the black sculpture inside, and said coldly, "you almost killed me."

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