"Mother, is this comfortable?"

Amy stands on the bed and knocks Elena on the back.

The ugly duckling lay at her feet and hammered her calf with the same hospitality.

"Well, comfortable." Irina closed her eyes and couldn't hide her smile.

"Tut tut..." MEG stood on one side, a little sour. Her daughter didn't hammer his back many times.

"I've walked a little too much today, and my legs are a little sore." Elena raised her long legs, laid them gently on the bench beside the bed, and looked up at MEG.

Amy also immediately looked at MEG and winked at him.

McGonagall's eyebrows were slightly raised. How could he be a seven foot man

"I'll pinch it for you." MEG naturally sat down on the stool and put Elena's foot on her lap.

Her legs are long and white, but not skinny. She has beautiful muscle curves. Her ankles are not as good as Yingying's. her feet are small and delicate. Her round toes are like full pearls. When she is touched by MEG, her instep is a little nervous.

Although McGonagall is not a foot controller, he still praises the exquisite feet like art.

Of course, when the foot is held in his hand, the pride of the man is a bit on top.

Yes, to introduce. This is my daughter-in-law's foot.

"Do you want to do that?" Irina looked at MEG, who was a little distracted with his feet. A little blush rose on her face, a little coy.

"I'm looking where I'm going to take my mouth... My hand!" MEG coughed awkwardly, put her hand on Elena's foot and began to massage her seriously.

Her skin is very delicate and smooth, and her muscles are elastic. She is a top-grade food

McGonagall tried to put away his thoughts, recalling the pressing techniques and acupoints used by those lovely ladies when they went to cultivate themselves, and began to press Elena's legs and feet.

Looking at Elena sitting there, and Amy knocking her back behind her, sometimes saying a few witty words, MEG felt warm in his heart. Such happiness is not easy to come by. I hope it will always be so.

Irina's face is slightly red, but in addition to some tension at the beginning, with McGonagall's skillful pressing technique, the comfortable feeling from the sole and calf makes her gradually relax.

It was McGonagall's technique that made her wonder. She was a man who could only play with a big sword and a kitchen knife. When she learned this massage technique, it made her feel more comfortable than soaking in a hot spring.


Luodu, the palace hall is still brightly lit.

Today's letter from the city of chaos shocked lodu.

His majesty summoned the ministers of the central court to discuss the matter. It was not over until night. There were more than a dozen Ministers sitting in the hall.

"Your Majesty, according to your request, we have prepared 18 kinds of array materials. Will we leave overnight and send them to the city of chaos?" A minister walked quickly into the meeting hall and said respectfully after saluting.

Andre, sitting in a high position, said calmly, "don't worry. We'll start after dawn tomorrow."

"Yes." The minister took the order, turned and left quickly.

"Your Majesty, this time everything of the devil suddenly happened, and the two forces of the kingdom of the moon and landist suddenly appeared, and the changes were huge. I don't know how we should express our position at the peace conference?" One minister said with great worry.

Ministers also look worried.

Originally, according to the national strength of the Los Empire, we all thought that it was necessary to propose the re division of territory at the peace conference. The best situation is to surrender the soldiers without fighting, and let all ethnic groups voluntarily cede part of their territory to the Los empire.

But now the appearance of the devil makes the peace conference less important.

However, the emergence of lantiste and the kingdom of the moon, which have many ten strong men, has become a major change in the division of territory.

"Let's not talk about the peace conference for the time being. Let's solve the problem that suddenly appeared." Andre got up, "let them prepare. If the seal reconstruction fails, we will send 20 level 10 magicians and 20 level 10 knights to support the chaotic city."

"Forty top ten!"

All the ministers in the palace are slightly changed, which is almost 90% of the top fighting power of the chaotic city. Your majesty sent them all.

"It's time to let them know how powerful the Los empire is." Andre smiles and leaves surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

"Your Majesty is wise."

The ministers were thoughtful.


"Let the military regions enter the first level of combat readiness." Andre went out of the hall and said to the next of kin.

"Yes." The courtier replied softly, then walked away quickly.

"The devil... It's a good time to come. I'd like to see how powerful you are..." Andre grinned.


"The devil."

In the cavern of the starry sky, Helena looks at the bright and dark stars in the crystal ball with solemn expression. A dark cloud spreads among the stars, just like a black hole, which seems to devour all the stars.

"High priest, Princess Sally is too reckless. She not only didn't keep pace with the Empire of Los, but also made such a promise to the elves. Do we need to negotiate with the city of chaos to send the strong..." one elder elves said.

"Fool, do you think the Empire of Los is really kind to us?" Helena glanced at the elf coldly and said sarcastically, "if the Empire of Los really swept the continent of Nolan, Andre, the old man, would not let us elves exist alone."

"But..." what else did the spirit want to say.

"The elves are no longer the original elves. We can't even guarantee to win the goblins now. How can we negotiate with the Los Empire? That frail and pitiful friendship? " Helena sneered.

"Sally made the right choice at the right time. This time, we have to stand on the opposite side of the Los Empire to survive the storm." Helena drew back her eyes, looked up at the starry sky above her head, and said: "a huge crisis has been shrouded in the forest of wind."


The news of the existence of terror demons has been spread most rapidly and widely with the letters sent by the representatives of all ethnic groups.

On that night, the group of people standing in the ruling class in Nolan had no sleep.

Countless resources have been removed from the dusty treasure house and placed on the flying mount to support the chaotic city.

The top array mages of all ethnic groups have been mobilized and will go with the array materials.

This is a war, a war concerning the survival of all races in Nolan.

This time, everyone is a community of destiny!

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