MEG had a good sleep.

Wife, children, hot Kang.

What a simple and beautiful vision, McGonagall realized.

Although he sleeps on the floor, it doesn't affect the deep satisfaction of his heart when he looks at the two Keren sleeping quietly on the bed.

After getting up and washing, McGonagall went downstairs and wrote a notice to the door: research new dishes, suspend business for three days now!

The arrival of the country of the moon and others has inserted a sea calming needle into the tense situation.

However, this does not mean that the matter of re sealing the devil is secure. There is not much time left for them. If there is a mistake, they will face a terrible devil.

Although the reinforcement of all ethnic groups is on the way, if Elena smiles and doesn't speak, the man who will make money is certainly good.

"Father, you are all going to save the world. What can Amy do?" Amy chewed the steak and looked at MEG with a bit of distress.

"Amy, just be cute." Meg said with a smile.

"Ouch." Amy nodded her head as if she knew nothing.

"Where does Amy want to play today?"

Amy thought about it and said, "I want to go to Mia's ice cream shop today. All my sisters are there today. I'll go there for a day."

"Well, I'll take you there later." MEG nodded to let Amy and Mia stay with them, and he was relieved.

"Do you want them to leave first?" Irina asked suddenly.

McGonagall's way of nature, the meaning of her words, was silent for a moment, looked into her eyes and said, "I don't think it's necessary now."

"If the worst happens, I'll let violet take them away." MEG continued.

"Well." Irina nodded slightly and did not ask again.

After breakfast, MEG takes Amy to the ice cream shop and turns his bike into the alley. He has changed his equipment.

McGonagall went to the thunderstorm mountains and went underground, but he didn't go into the cave. He just talked with Novak outside.

The good news is that Jonas and others have shown great professionalism. They can parse almost all the runes overnight. Now they have entered the verification stage, and they can finish the parsing work at noon today.

But the trouble is that the complexity of this seal array is even more complex than they originally expected. It is not optimistic whether in terms of time or material to reproduce it completely in two days.

"Good luck." McGonagall turned and left. He didn't know the array, and he couldn't get any useful materials out of his body, so he didn't get involved in these things.

But from what he said, he probably recognized something.

Even if the materials are sufficient, it is difficult for them to rebuild a new seal array before the seal fails.

This means that they have to fight for more time for the mages to prevent the devil from leaving the seal.

Level nine, he was almost entangled to death by the octopus monster.

But now he has got the physical fitness point, so he is going to find a place to have a good electricity, let his strength back to the peak.

To find a piece of geomantic treasure, ready to meet the arrival of the thunder robbery MEG suddenly asked: "by the way, system, this thunder robbery can cause strong damage to the octopus monster?"

According to the experiment, when the lightning intensity reaches a certain voltage, it will cause paralysis effect on the organism, and the specific degree depends on the lightning intensity. Thunder robbery is born from heaven and earth, and is part of the rules of the world.

After the host eats the physical fitness point, it will produce a strong lightning effect, so it will lead to lightning disaster. At this time, all the existence within 10 meters around the host's body will be regarded as an integral existence with the host, and the intensity of the lightning disaster will be determined according to the strength of the target The system sounds.


McGonagall's eyes brightened and he immediately gave up the idea of splitting himself.

Even if he recovers to level 10, holding a sword and the octopus monster, he can only chop off a few tentacles, which will not change the overall situation.

But if he goes to the octopus monster to rob together


It's exciting just to imagine.

"Brother die, have a chance to cross the robbery together!"


"Alas... It's a sad day..."

At the door of the Maimi restaurant, Vanessa and Abraham look at the sign on the door and sigh.

"Well, we didn't open the door anyway. It's time for us to go." Abraham looked back and said bitterly.

"Fortunately, I had two hot pot meals yesterday, and I didn't leave any regrets." Vanessa comforted herself and followed in the footsteps of Abraham.

"I don't think it's necessary for me to go back to Luodu. You see, the city of chaos is still in good order. We don't think it's anything." Said Abraham, looking at Joe sitting opposite him.

Vanessa peeked at Josh and didn't take over.

"Uncle Abraham, this is my father's will. You have been out for some time. It's time to go back and have a look." Joe took a letter out of his arms and handed it to Abraham.

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