The closing of Maimi restaurant has brought inconvenience to many people, including the representatives of all ethnic groups who eat marrow and know how to taste.

"I thought it was the dining hall of the city Lord's mansion. Now it doesn't look like this." Dracula stood at the door of the dining room, frowning and muttering.

"Oh, the city Lord's mansion can't afford the year." Camilla turned her lips, but this is really her canteen. Now it's closed, and we have to think about where to eat today.

"Let's go. Our people and materials should be on the way. We have to watch a little bit." Dracula turned and got into the carriage.

"Go by yourself. I'll go for a walk. Anyway, it's not my turn to play." Camilla waves and turns away.

"That girl." Dracula had a helpless look at Camilla. He had known that this meeting would be in such trouble, so he would not rush to come.

The restaurant is not open, but abemia's ice cream shop is open normally.

Although it's still in the morning, many children can't resist the temptation of ice cream elves. They drag their parents to the ice cream shop to taste the ice cream early in the morning.

Camilla pushed the door in, nodded to Mia and others who were busy, and then sat down by the window in the corner, which was the furthest from the children's playground, remote and quiet.

"Sister Camilla, where's your little heihei?" As soon as Camilla sat down, Amy sat down opposite her with the duckling in her arms and asked with a smile.

The ugly duckling pricked up his ears. Although he was still lazy, he was obviously wary of the black cat.

"I didn't bring it out." Camilla smiles and shakes her head.

"Well, it's so ugly that it's really inconvenient to bring it out." Amy nodded deeply and looked down at the ugly duckling. She said with emotion, "ugly duckling, do you know what kind of courage and determination I need to take you out?"

"Meow ~"

The ugly duckling cried wrongly and rubbed Amy's hand with her hairy head, trying to save some love for herself.

A few children were looking at the ugly duckling in Amy's arms. It was a fluffy ball. It looked so cute.

Mia came over with an ice cream, gave it to Camilla with a smile, and whispered, "don't you have to have a meeting today?"

"Well, I'm a soy sauce maker anyway." Camilla nodded, placed a small noise barrier between her hands, then looked at abemia and said, "these two days, the restaurant is on holiday. Do you want to leave the chaotic city to avoid the wind?"

"Shelter head?" Mia looks at Camilla in a puzzled way.

Camilla looked into Mia's eyes and said, "this time, the situation is a bit complicated. I'm not sure whether they can resist that guy. If they can't, the city of chaos will become very dangerous. So I want to take you out of here for a few days. Anyway, the results will come out in two days."

"This..." she hesitated. Although she didn't know what the adults were talking about yesterday, she could see the seriousness of the matter from their looks.

"Mia, do you believe me?" Asked Camilla.

"Of course." Abemia nodded without hesitation, thought a little and said, "I want to discuss with you. After all, this is not something I can decide by myself."

"Not bad." Camilla nodded and began to eat ice cream.

"Well, if you haven't had breakfast yet, it's like eating some biscuits. It's great to eat them together." Amy somehow turned out a small iron box full of bear biscuits. She put it in front of Camilla. "It's a snack from my father."

Camilla frowned as she looked at the bear biscuit in the little iron box.

As a Vampire

"The biscuit is crispy, fragrant and sweet. It's ten thousand times better than the cookie." Amy picked up a biscuit and bit off a bear's head. She chewed it like a squirrel. It was delicious.

Before breakfast, Camilla immediately felt her stomach began to purr restlessly, and her throat could not help rolling.

"Come on, try one. It's really delicious." Amy grabs a biscuit and hands it to Camilla.

In the face of Amy's invitation, in order not to leave a stereotyped impression on her children, Camilla reaches for the biscuit and emphasizes: "I only eat one."


When the biscuit opened in her mouth, Camilla's eyes suddenly brightened. The biscuit was crisp, sweet and palatable. She could swallow it with a little chewing, without any hard dross.

After one, she couldn't help taking one.

A small bear biscuit and a mouthful of ice cream are delicious.

After the small business peak, Mia put up a sign of suspension outside the door, closed the door, and everyone got together.

Today, Elizabeth, Gina, Sheryl, Anna, Phyllis, Jane and Angela are all in the ice cream shop of abelmia. Rina went to the hot pot shop early in the morning, Hannah is still at the winery, and Barbara has not come back.

Most of the people in the restaurant are here.

"Amy, where's your father?" Camilla looks at Amy and asks, the restaurant is not open today. Amy is here. Where's MEG?

"He went out early in the morning, maybe to the factory." Amy shook her head. She didn't know where her father was.

"MIA said you asked us to leave the city of chaos for two days. What happened?" Elizabeth looked at Camilla and asked, she didn't go to the restaurant yesterday.

Others are also looking at Camilla. Camilla attended the meeting yesterday as a representative of the vampire clan. Maybe she knew something.

After confirming that the sound insulation array had been set up, Camilla looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "there is something difficult to deal with near the city of chaos. Now all ethnic groups are allocating resources and the strong are coming, but even so, they are not 100% sure to seal it again or kill it.

Once the situation gets out of control, chaos city may encounter a terrible attack, so I want to take you out of chaos city in advance, go out to avoid the wind, and wait for two days to see how the situation is.

If the situation is under control, you can come back no later. If the worst happens, there's no need to come back. "

When people heard about it, they all changed their faces. With the help of the whole continent, they had no way to deal with it? How terrible and powerful it should be.

"Why didn't the city of chaos and the ethnic groups give any warning?" Asked Elizabeth.

"Panic may lead to more serious consequences. Now Nolan needs to focus on dealing with that guy." Camilla shook her head slightly. "Moreover, if the most powerful existence of the whole continent can't stop that guy, it doesn't make much sense to escape."

"Then why do we run?" Amy raised the duckling's paw and asked.

"No one wants to be the first to die, does he?" Camilla said calmly.

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