Gloria's tone is firm. She doesn't know what kind of danger the city of chaos will encounter, but her present job is very important to her, even more important than becoming her successor in her heart.

Fighting for the right of inheritance with Cyril may have been to prove himself, to fight for a breath for his father and his family.

But when she watched the girls put on beautiful clothes and show confidence and beautiful smile, she seemed to gradually find the value of her existence.

The introduction of low-cost and high-quality cotton yarn to the market is bound to cause a dramatic repercussion of the silk market, which may change the current situation that cotton is expensive and ordinary people are unable to buy.

It may be difficult for her to reach the height of her grandfather, or create another Molton family, but she found happiness and value in these things.

Jeffrey's face was a little surprised, and soon a smile of indistinguishable meaning appeared, and his voice murmured: "if you lose your life, what are you going to do these things?"

"Grandfather, what happened in the city of chaos? Why is it so sudden? " Asked Gloria, looking directly at Geoffrey.

"There is a devil who has survived in ancient times near the city of chaos, and is about to break the seal and run out. Now all forces in Nolan mainland have sent strong men to support, but the devil is extremely powerful. Once the seal and the defense line of strong men are broken, the city of chaos will bear the brunt." Geoffrey sighed: "it is said that the tribe of Erba was destroyed because of it."

Gloria's eyes widened gradually, and her face showed some fear after all.

"We don't have much time left, so you need to sign this confirmation of succession. I will announce this to all the people in a moment. Leave the chaotic city, and you will be their leader." Said Geoffrey, looking at Gloria.

Gloria took a long time to digest the terrible news and asked hesitantly, "what about grandfather? Won't you leave with us? "

"I'll stay." Jeffrey nodded slightly. "The city of chaos is my hometown. It's what makes me. Even if I die, I have to die here to live in peace."


"Sign it. It's getting late. It's time for the buffet family to leave. It's time for you to go out of town." Geoffrey interrupted Gloria.

Bernard took the confirmation and put it in front of Gloria.

Gloria looks at Geoffrey's old face. The light of the past seems to have faded from him. Now he looks like an ordinary old man.

After scanning the confirmation of inheritance, Gloria picked up her pen and signed her name.

At this moment, she seems to feel a strong responsibility fell on her shoulders, that is the responsibility of the rise and fall of a large family.

"The road is your choice. I hope you won't regret this decision in the future." Jeffrey had a rare smile on his face and looked at Gloria. "Go ahead, your parents should be waiting for you."

Gloria got up, bowed to Geoffrey, and turned away.

Half an hour's sorting time soon arrived, and the children of the clan gathered in the front yard with large and small boxes.

Gloria and lance were in the front row.

"You'll be out of town in a few minutes, and then you'll change to a flying mount and go to the city of chaos." Jeffrey watched as the crowd announced the destination of the trip.

People have different expressions, still don't understand why they suddenly want to go to lodu thousands of miles away.

"Before I leave, I'll make an announcement." Geoffrey interrupted the whispers and looked at Gloria and said, "from today on, Gloria will be the only successor of the Molton family. If I die, she will automatically take over the throne as the patriarch and take charge of the family affairs."

All the people were in a daze when they heard the words, and immediately they were in an uproar.

Gloria competes with Cyril for the right of inheritance. Although Cyril is reprimanded and punished by Geoffrey for offending master ROM, Gloria is still young and has only been in touch with family affairs for a few months. Why did the patriarch suddenly let her become the only heir?

Cyril was struck by thunder, standing on the spot.

Sister Hetty and sister Henie looked at Gloria with wide eyes, with a face of disbelief.

"Master... Master, are you wrong? How... How could Gloria suddenly become the successor? Didn't you promise Cyril to try again? " Old lady Dennis said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, father, you can't do that. I'm your son. She's just a granddaughter to be married. You can't give her all your property." Cyril was also a little flustered, with a look of panic.

"If you don't give it to her, will you give it to you?" Jeffrey looked at Cyril coldly. "How many opportunities have I given you over the years, and when did you take them? If you really have a little brain, you can't do those things! "

"Master..." Dennis tried to persuade.

"Shut up Jeffrey glanced at her. "If you hadn't spoiled and protected him all the time, he wouldn't have become such a fool. Do you have the face to plead with him?"

Geoffrey glanced at Aviva and her two sisters, heti and Heni, who were crying and chirping. They were all silent.

The front yard was quiet, and Geoffrey's dignity was revealed at this moment.

People's eyes couldn't help looking at Gloria, the girl who once wore the veil and had no sense of existence. After removing the veil, her beautiful face and outstanding talent in business gradually revealed her head.

But no one expected that she would become the only successor of the Molton family so soon.

"I have written and signed the notarial certificate. Chaos city and Luodu will recognize its effectiveness. So, don't try to be crooked. You will be expelled directly." Geoffrey glanced coldly at Cyril and Denise.

"Let's go and live well." With a wave of his hand, Jeffrey turned and walked slowly into the yard.

Under the guidance of the servants, they walked towards the backyard, where there were more than ten carriages waiting.

Gloria finally takes a look at Jeffrey's lonely back and leads Mickey to the tribe.


"Let's go to the Maimi restaurant first." As soon as the carriage was out of the back door of Morton manor, Gloria lifted the curtain and said to the coachman.

The driver was embarrassed: "but miss, the master said..."

"If it's faster, it'll be in time." Gloria said firmly.

"Well, please sit down." The coachman nodded, waved the whip, and the carriage sped out.

A few minutes later, the carriage stopped outside the McMillan restaurant.

Gloria jumped out of the carriage and walked quickly to the door. She was a little surprised to see the sign on the door, but she soon began to ring the bell on the door.

"Doesn't Mr. McGonagall seem to be at home?" After knocking on the door for two minutes, Gloria reluctantly gave up. She turned back and agreed to her parents' call. She took out a letter from her arms and put it under the door into the restaurant. Then she turned and ran to the restaurant.

"Should Mr. McGonagall be able to see it?" Gloria raised a corner of the car curtain and looked at the restaurant falling behind. She was worried.

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