Irina returned to the restaurant and received two letters.

MEG left one for her, telling her that he had taken Amy and the restaurant staff north to the blue grassland to take shelter, and would rush back to the chaotic city every morning.

The other one was picked up by her at the door. It seemed that it had been put in through the crack of the door. The envelope was light green with a faint fragrance. It was written in graceful handwriting: "Mr. McGonagall"

"This unusual color?" Irina looked at the envelope in her hand and narrowed her eyes slightly. The woman seemed to know what the array mages were doing. The octopus monster would try to attack the seal array almost every once in a while. The already precarious array barrier was accelerated in the collision time after time, as if it would break at any time, causing great pressure on the array mages who were depicting the array, The error rate has also increased a lot.

However, novan had already asked the local magician to build a wall hundreds of meters high outside the array to surround the octopus monster.

I don't expect that the thin wall can block the impact of Octopus monster, but the barrier of sight can reduce a lot of fear.

Jonas looked anxiously at the direction of the seal and turned to Barbara, who was doing some auxiliary work.

"Your Majesty, you should leave here now." Jonas came to Barbara's side and laid a small sound insulation array.

"Leave? Master, the array has not been built yet. " Barbara looked puzzled.

"It's too dangerous here. We can't guarantee that we can arrange a new array before it breaks down, and we don't know what terrible power the devil has after he breaks the seal." Jonas said, "so, you and your Majesty must return to the land of the moon immediately, and cut off the teleportation between the land of the moon and the continent of Nolan, so as to prevent the devil from entering the land of the moon through the teleportation."


"The three of them and I will stay and help them continue to build a new seal array, but we must ensure the safety of you and your majesty."

Barbara looked at Jonas's worried and sincere face, hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "OK, master, you must take care."

"Don't worry, your majesty. We'll be fine." There was a smile on Jonas's face.


Half an hour later, the fastest golden Falcon took off from the city of chaos and flew to all races.

Before long, the flying mounts of all ethnic groups supporting the chaotic city took off one after another, carrying the most powerful people of all ethnic groups to rescue the chaotic city.

The city of chaos then entered a state of emergency.

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